[003] psycho

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[003] psycho

                               "I look like such an idiot," was the first thing Suki said upon seeing herself in the mirror.

                               "You look hot. Besides, you're wearing one of my outfits. Of course you're going to look hot," Courtney reasoned, resting her hands on her hips.

                               Suki frowns, turning around to look at herself in the mirror. Sure enough, she definitely looked way different than she thought she would. "But I've never worn anything like this before. I mean, can you even imagine me in a dress?"

                              "I have, and guess what? I think you're super hot in them. You should be wearing more skirts and dresses by the way. You have the perfect body for them," Courtney replied, approaching Suki from behind and placing her hands on Suki's exposed shoulders.

                              "You think so?" Suki asks, feeling her cheeks begin to burn from the embarrassment. Courtney's touch also sent shivers down Suki's spine but she does her best to keep that hidden. "You're better looking in them."

                              "Oh, I know that. But you should give yourself more credit. You're gorgeous, Suki. And guess what? I bet you're going to be having lots of boys asking you out tonight," Courtney winks at her.

                              Suki gags at the thought.

                              "Come on. It's not so bad. When you think about it, boys are easy to play around with. Just flash them a pretty smile, give them some half assed compliment, and they'll be wrapped all around your finger," Courtney replied.

                               "You should write a manual on this stuff," Suki shook her head.

                               "Can you promise me something?" Courtney asked, turning Suki around so she could face her.

                               "What, Court?" Suki inquired, meeting Courtney's gaze.

                               "Promise me that you'll have some fun. We're about to go to fucking nationals, Suki. We deserve to have some fun," Courtney replies with a small smile, brushing a dark strand of Suki's hair out of her ear.

                               Suki smiles. "Okay. I'll try to have some fun."

                               As you could probably guess, Suki ended up having the worst time the moment she and Courtney arrived at the party. David immediately stole Courtney away, demanding she spend time with him and his buddies. Thomas Reynolds tried to talk to Suki, flirting with her in the most obnoxious way possible. Apparently, he liked to look with his hands and after he kept trying to touch Suki, she took that as her cue to run.

                                Suki couldn't get very far without seeing Courtney and David together. The two of them were laughing as David twirled her around. He then pulled Courtney closer, her body pressed against his. Suki's heart sinks as she watches them kiss each other. She wanted to go over there and break them up. But her feet seemed to be rooted to the floor and all she could do was watch.

                                   Courtney opened her eyes once she felt someone watching her, meeting Suki's gaze as she kissed David. Seeing them kiss was like a stab to the chest but to have Courtney look at her like that, it was as though Courtney was now twisting the knife. That, of course, was the last straw for Suki.

                               Suki stormed off, feeling tears well up in her eyes for some reason. Her entire body was filled with jealousy and anger. She was angry that Courtney was dating David. She was jealous that he could hold hands with her and kiss her and date her without anyone batting an eye. In many ways, Suki wished that she was a lot more like David. Maybe then, the complicated feelings she had towards Courtney wouldn't be seen as wrong and she could be with Courtney instead. Suki knew she'd treat her better than all of the other losers Courtney dated.

                                 But life wasn't that fair.

                                When Suki saw that she was away from the party and on her own in a darker and more secluded part of the woods, she walked around for a moment before finding a large stick on the ground. Suki huffs, bending down to pick it up. Before Suki even realized what she was doing, she began drawing something in the dirt. Suki wasn't even in control of her own actions anymore. It was as though something else was making her do it. The background noise from the party turned into silence and all Suki could do was focus on the intricate drawing before.

                                 Suki was more confused than ever when she did finish it, realizing that she had drawn some sort of strange symbol. It was a triangle, one with a circle at the tip, two straight lines on one side and then one straight line on the other with the second one going straight through the bottom half of the triangle. And at the bottom of it appeared to be some sort of hook.

                                "What the fuck?" Suki gasps.

                                Suki couldn't help but feel worried now. First, she was getting weird dreams and now she was drawing weird shit on the ground. Tossing the stick back onto the ground, Suki wondered if everyone was right about her. Maybe she was slowly losing her mind, just like her mom had. Was she going to end up killing herself too?

                                "Suki?" she hears someone ask from behind, feeling a hand on her shoulder seconds later. Obviously, Suki jumped out of fear and turned around to see who it was. It was none other than Nat and instantly, Suki's fear turned into annoyance.

                                "Jesus!" Suki huffed.

                                Nat couldn't help but laugh. "Fuck, are you okay?"

                                "I'm fine. You just scared the shit out of me," Suki admits, frowning.

                                "Yeah, I noticed. What are you doing out here? I thought you'd be hanging out with your best friend,"' Nat replied. The mere mention of Courtney is enough to make Suki's stomach feel weird.

                                "She's hanging out with David," is all Suki can say.

                                "They're a match made in heaven, that's for sure. They're both stuck up and -," Nat began to say.

                                "I know you hate Courtney. But don't expect me to let you talk shit about her while I'm around," Suki quickly cut her off.

                                "Whatever," Nat shook her head.

                                "Why were you looking for me?" Suki then asks.

                                   She and Nat weren't particularly close. They were cordial towards one another but Nat had her own crowd of weird, rock loving junkie friends. Suki didn't think that Nat even noticed her outside of the team.

                                "I was worried, that's all. Can I be honest here? You're way cooler than Courtney. I mean that. You're easier to talk to, that's for sure," Nat admitted.

                                "Courtney's really nice once you get to know her," Suki argued, rising up to Courtney's defense.

                                "You're the only one who really does. She really likes you. You're Courtney's girl, Suki. No one else can have you as long as she's around. She's so possessive of you," Courtney replied.

                                "That's not true," Suki shakes her head.

                                "You and I both know it is," Nat scoffed.

                                "It isn't. I'm more than capable of making my own decisions," Suki replied, determined to prove Nat wrong.

                                "Prove it then. Drink with me and I'll see just how free you can be without Courtney around," Nat challenged.

                                Suki glances down at the beer can before she takes it from Nat, taking a large sip from it. She grimaces at the taste which causes Nat to laugh. Seconds later, Suki ended up joining her in laughter before she tries again. It isn't any better the second time around but Suki supposed she could warm up to it. If Nat could drink it like it was water, maybe there was some sort of magical appeal that Suki was missing out on.

                                  Courtney, in the meanwhile, was close by. David had decided to pull Courtney over to the side so they could make out. And maybe do a little more than that. But Courtney wasn't in the mood. Normally, all she had to do was imagine Suki and that was enough to satisfy Courtney. But she just wasn't into it tonight. Courtney wanted to be with Suki. She didn't want to leave Suki alone, just in case someone else might try and steal her away.

                                    Courtney didn't fear a lot of things but that was something she was definitely afraid of.

                                   "David," Courtney replied while David kissed her neck. When he didn't answer, she rolled her eyes before placing her hands on his chest. "David."

                                   "Yeah?" David responded.

                                   "I'm not in the mood for this anymore," Courtney shook her head.

                                   He looks down at her, frowning. "What's up with you? You didn't seem to have a problem when you were kissing me earlier. And now you're suddenly acting like a bitch."

                                   "Have you ever considered the possibility that I'm a gigantic bitch and you're too fucking dumb to see that?" Courtney retorted.

                                   "I don't need your shit right now," David scoffed.

                                   "What are you going to do? Leave me? Go ahead, I don't give a shit. I can name ten boys who'd be willing to love me right now," Courtney replied, eyes narrowed.

                                   "Is that a threat?" David asked.

                                   "No, it's simply a fact. You're not good enough for me, David, and it's time I realize that. So... this is me officially dumping your ass," Courtney responded.

                                   "What? B-but...," David trailed off, shocked over how quickly Courtney cut him off. He sincerely thought he had the best chance with Courtney. But she had thrown him away just as easily as she had done the others.

                                   "B-but what? You had to realize that this was going to happen eventually. What? Were you actually in love with me or something?" Courtney scoffed.

                                   "I mean, yeah. You're the most beautiful girl in school and I'm the most popular guy in school. We're meant to be together," David argued.

                                   "Then you're more delusional than I thought," Courtney rolls her eyes. "We are over, David. Find some other girl to suck in bed with."

                                   Courtney stormed away, ignoring David calling after her. She decided to go towards the party in the hopes of finding Suki. She does end up finding Suki but it wouldn't be at the party. She'd find Suki talking to Nat, the two girls laughing and sharing beer together. Seeing Suki brighten up and smile with Nat in the same way she did with her, it made Courtney feel upset. So upset that she'd dig her fingernails into the palm of her hand, leaving deep marks. She barely felt the pain, focused more on the pain from heartbreak.

                                   No, upset didn't even begin to describe how Courtney felt. She was fucking furious. Suki was all hers. That's how it was always supposed to be.

                                   Courtney hid behind a tree and watched as the two of them talked like they were best pals, right before they ended up walking towards the party again. Of course, Courtney followed after them. She was going to figure out what the fuck was going on and then she was going to make sure that the two of them didn't have a chance to be close ever again.

                                   As Suki and Nat approached the beer keg to get more beer, they could hear arguing up ahead. The two share a look before joining the growing crowd of team members. Shauna and Taissa were at the center, the former looking drunk while the latter just looked pissed.

                                   "No! Listen, you guys, we don't have to worry about the Allie problem anymore because Taissa fixed it for us," Shauna shouts, looking around at everyone else before she focused her attention back on a guilty and angry looking Taissa.

                                   Laura Lee frowned. "What? What's she talking about?"

                                   "She's talking about Taissa's little plan," Nat explained from beside Suki.

                                   Taissa turns around to glare over at Nat. "Oh, please. Since when do you give a shit anyway? Don't you have a bong to hit or a dick to suck?"

                                   "Don't talk to her that way!" Shauna argued in an effort to defend Nat.

                                   "Why? It's the truth. Those are the only two things she's good for," Courtney retorted.

                                   "Court!" Suki glared at her best friend, causing Courtney to glare back at her. Since when the fuck did Suki take Nat's side over hers?

                                   "Oh, fuck off, Shauna. I don't need you to defend me. Last time I checked, you were fine with the whole freeze her out strategy," Natalie argued.

                                   "Okay, seriously, what are you talking about?" Laura Lee asked again.

                                   "Shut the fuck up, Laura Lee!" they all shouted, instantly shutting the girl up.

                                   "No, no, no, stop it," Van shook her head, trying to deescalate the situation. And failing.

                                   "Somebody needs to take her wasted ass home," Taissa insulted Shauna again and the taunt seemed to be the final straw for Shauna who snapped.

                                   "Say that again, bitch. Say that again," Shauna replied, her voice raised, as she tried to charge after Taissa again.

                                   "I will say it again!" Taissa shouted back.

                                   Everyone started fighting after that and it just got completely out of control. Courtney immediately got in Nat's face and the two blondes were arguing. Suki tried to end things along with Van and Lottie but no one could hardly hear them with the other girls shouting.

                                   "Cat fight! Cat fight!"

                                   A crowd was now beginning to form, all of them chanting the same thing. For most of the party, the fight was pretty entertaining. But for Jackie, it was far from it.

                                   Jackie finally appeared and for once, Suki was happy to see the otherwise useless team captain. "That's it! Enough! Yellowjackets, with me!"

                                   Nat began to walk with the others, only for Courtney to trip the bleach blonde with her foot. Nat fell onto her knees, glaring up at Courtney who offered her an innocent smile.

                                   "You should really watch where you're going," Courtney replied, offering out her hand for Nat to take.

                                   Nat instantly smacked her hand away, getting up on her own instead. "Bitch."

                                   "Nat! Courtney! Let's go!" Jackie called for them.

                                   Nat walked ahead, purposely bumping into Courtney's shoulder. Courtney just smirks before joining the other girls who'd be far away from the party. She instantly stands next to an annoyed Suki who was angry at Courtney for numerous reasons. The two main ones were being mean to Nat and for flaunting her relationship with David in front of her face.

                                   "I don't know what the fuck that was, but I do know that it's over. We're about to go to nationals. And based on what I'm looking at right now, we might as well not bother getting on that plane," Jackie began, sounding as disappointed as she looked.

                                   "Alright, everybody line up," Jackie stated before clapping her hands together. "No, I'm fucking serious. Line up!"

                                   They all got into a line, Suki now standing in between Nat and Courtney. It was truly awkward.

                                   "Here's what we're gonna do. I want each of you to go down this line and say one nice, true thing about every other girl on this team," Jackie suggested.

                                   Courtney rolled her eyes.

                                   "What is this, fucking Girl Scout camp?" Taissa scoffed. She had stolen the words right from Courtney's mouth.

                                   "Who wants to go first?" Jackie asks, ignoring Taissa and her teasing.

                                   "I'll go, Jackie," Laura Lee immediately volunteered before walking towards Taissa with a smile. "Taissa, you are beautiful in the eyes of our Lord."

                                   "Jesus Christ," Courtney groaned.

                                   "Van, you are beautiful -," Laura Lee spoke before she'd be cut off by the other girls groaning and complaining.

                                   "At least come up with some new material," Courtney rolled her eyes.

                                   "She's just trying to be positive, Court," Suki argued.

                                   Courtney scoffs. "What is your problem?"

                                   "Right now?" Suki raised a brow. "You."

                                   The words feel a lot like a slap to the face.

                                   "Okay, Laura Lee, fall back," Jackie sighed in defeat. "Okay, I'll go first."

                                   "Taissa Turner, you have more fight in you than anyone I've ever known."

                                   "Vanessa Palmer, your smile makes me feel happy every time I see it."

                                   "Laura Lee, I truly admire your faith."

                                   "Courtney Morrison, you aren't afraid of anything or anyone. You're the toughest girl I know and so unafraid to say exactly what's on your mind."

                                   Lottie snorts. "Whether we want to hear it or not."

                                   That earns a couple laughs and an annoyed look on Courtney's face.

                                   "Suki Blair, you're observant and smart and a better person than people give you credit for."

                                   Suki smiles at that. Seeing as the entire town was convinced she'd end up just like her mom, it was nice to hear someone else see her for more than just her tragedies.

                                   "Nat, I love that you don't care what anybody thinks. And you're so completely yourself."

                                   "She's also deadly at beer pong," Van was quick to joke which made the other girls laugh.

                                   "So, go on. Tell her," Jackie smiled as she backed away, motioning for the other girls to start complimenting each other.

                                   Courtney wanted to talk to Suki but she was already talking to Van. That left Nat and Courtney alone. Nat wasn't in the mood to hang around Courtney longer than necessary but Courtney wouldn't let her leave without having something to say.

                                   "Look, I don't know -," Nat began.

                                   "Stay away from Suki," Courtney replied, cutting her off.

                                   "What?"" Nat furrowed her brows.

                                   "You heard me. Stay the fuck away from Suki. I don't need you around and making things worse between the both of us," Courtney explained.

                                   "Suki's capable of making her own decisions, Court. I'm tired of you controlling her. We all are," Nat shook her head.

                                   Courtney took a step towards Nat, glaring at her. "So what if I am? What the fuck are you going to do about it?"

                                   "I'm going to take her away from you. She'll see you for the psycho you really are," Nat warned.

                                   "I'd love to see you try. Just know that if you try, I'll fucking destroy you. You think having a dead, degenerate dad is the worst thing to happen to you? Fuck with me and your life will become ten times worse," Courtney threatened.

                                   At the mention of her dad, Nat turns pale. It was obviously a very sore subject for her. Satisfied, Courtney smiles before she walks away to join Suki. Wrapping her arm around Suki's, Courtney led her away so the two of them could talk privately.

                                   Suki pulled her arm away, still upset at Courtney. Courtney frowns. She wasn't used to this kind of rejection from Suki before. The paranoid thoughts in Courtney's mind convinced her that Nat was to blame.

                                   "Can you please tell me what's going on? We came to this party as best friends and now you're giving me the cold shoulder. Did I do something wrong?" Courtney asked.

                                   Suki hated it when Courtney played innocent. "Besides being a total bitch? No, you did nothing wrong."

                                   Courtney sighs. "I'm sorry, okay? Whatever I did, I'm sorry. I need you, Suki. I just broke up with David and I'm feeling really alone right now. I can lose him but I can't lose you."

                                   "You broke up with David?" Suki perked up. She felt five times better over hearing that David and Courtney were no longer going to be a thing.

                                   Courtney was all hers again.

                                   "I told you I'd do it. He was such a fucking crybaby too," Courtney rolled her eyes.

                                   Suki chuckles, a smile now replacing the frown that had once been there. "I can only imagine."

                                   "Hey, there's that smile. Does this mean you forgive me now?" Courtney asked with a hopeful expression.

                                   "I guess I can forgive you. But promise me you won't be such a bitch to Nat. She's awesome and she doesn't deserve any of it," Suki shook her head.

                                   "Awesome enough to try and get you drunk?" Courtney scoffed.

                                   "How'd you know about that?" Suki asked. She didn't remember seeing Courtney around while she and Nat were talking.

                                   "I can smell the beer on your breath," Courtney replies. It's not a total lie but she couldn't let Suki know that she had been spying on her too.

                                   "It tastes awful. I want more of it," Suki giggles.

                                   Courtney chuckles with her. "I think you and I both need it right now. Come on, let's go get drunk."

                                   Ignoring the dirty looks from David, the two best friends decided to drink together in celebration. Both for nationals and the fact that Courtney had dumped David. Suki drank until she couldn't feel anything anymore, happy with her ride or die right by her side.

                                   But that happiness wouldn't last forever.

( 🌲🔪🦌 )

word count: 3462
notes: here is chapter three! hope you enjoyed suki gaining a little independence and courtney being a stalker! let me know what you all thought!

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