[020] purpose

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[020] purpose

                                       Courtney holds onto Suki closely as she sleeps, weaving her fingers through her girlfriend's soft dark hair in the meanwhile. Suki looked so peaceful for the first time in a long time, some color beginning to return to her cheeks. Courtney felt happy to have Suki back, even though she had nearly lost her in the very process. Courtney was still confused as to how Suki managed to figure it all out and even though she was suspicious about it, all she could do was focus on trying to keep Suki all to herself again.

                                       But as Courtney continued to watch her, that was when she saw Suki's eyes beginning to move back and forth behind her eyelids. Suki's lips part open and a shaky breath releases shortly after, making Courtney realize that Suki was probably having another nightmare. Courtney could only watch, waiting for it to pass. As she did so, however, she could hear Suki whisper out something chilling.

                                       "Laura Lee's next," Suki says, soft enough for only Courtney to hear.

                                       "Hey. Hey, Suki. Suki, wake up," Courtney ordered, shaking Suki awake a little harsher than intended.

                                       Suki manages to wake up, looking at Courtney with fear. But she wasn't afraid of her. She was still shaken up by what she had seen in her dream. But before she could even begin to say anything, Laura Lee made her way to where the others were sleeping. Courtney sat up first, followed by Suki who still looked at the girl in shock.

                                      "I have an announcement," Laura Lee began.

                                      But besides Courtney and Suki, no one budged much. Growing desperate, Laura Lee had grabbed the nearby axe and started banging it up against the kitchen chair. "Hello? Hi! Excuse me!"

                                     That did the trick, making the others immediately get up. Although they were groggy (and grumpy that their sleep had been interrupted), they were awake and for Laura Lee, that was all that mattered.

                                     "Thank you. In light of the expedition ending as it did, I have decided that I'm going to take the dead guy's plane and fly south. I'm going to find us help, and I'm going to get us out of here," Laura Lee announced.

                                      "You're gonna fly?" Lottie Lee asked, looking at Laura Lee like she had grown a second head.

                                      "I've been studying the flight manual for weeks and I checked the gas tank, it's full. I used to watch my grandpa fly, he even let me steer a few times. I know I can do this," Laura Lee reasoned, glancing around at the others in the hopes that they'd agree with her. "You can't deny that Van needs serious medical attention, as does Suki. She needs to be treated for her illness."

                                       Natalie scoffs, glaring right at Courtney.

                                       "They're not the only ones," Jackie announced, causing everyone to look at her, "Tell them, Shauna."

                                        Shauna falters as she folds her arms across her chest, looking both shocked and betrayed almost. "I - I really don't -."

                                       "Tell them," Jackie pleaded.

                                       "Yeah, tell us what?" a couple of the others began to ask.

                                       Courtney glances between them, a smirk growing on her lips as she remembered how upset Jackie had been the other day. It could've only meant one thing. "You're pregnant, aren't you?"

                                      "Yes, I'm... I'm pregnant," Shauna murmured.

                                      Misty was the only one to get over and walk over to Shauna while the other girls were completely in shock. Even Courtney was a little surprised that she had been right but nonetheless, it definitely explained why Jackie had been acting so weird.

                                      "You were having sex?" Akilah asked, shocked.

                                      "How far along are you?" Misty asked, reaching out to touch Shauna.

                                      Mari scrunched up her face in disgust. "Wait, did you get knocked up here?"

                                     "No, I -," Shauna began to argue.

                                     "It doesn't matter when it happened. It just matters that we get them all help," Jackie declared, seemingly ending all of the commotion.

                                      Coach Scott stood up, leaning on his crutch to do so. Although he was overwhelmed by everything that was happening and the news that had been brought out, he wanted to remain one of the few sensible people there. "Alright, can we just...? Laura Lee, you can't do this. It's not even close to safe."

                                      "There is no safe anymore, Coach. It's going to be winter soon. If I don't do this, we're... we're all gonna fucking starve," Laura Lee declared, causing everyone to go silent. Between the fact that Laura Lee cursed and the reminder that winter was approaching, everyone realized just how serious the situation was.

                                       Suki shook her head, knowing that something was bound to go wrong. It couldn't be that easy. It wouldn't be.

                                      "Alright, well... I'm still the only adult here so... no. I'm not gonna let you do it," Coach Scott argued, having no other reason other than his age and authority.

                                      Laura Lee stared at him for a moment before she approached him, not backing down for even a second. "What are you gonna do to stop me, Coach?"

                                      Everyone looked at Coach Scott, waiting for him to argue against her some more. But he couldn't. He was physically incapable of stopping her and his words obviously weren't doing anything. With Coach Scott backing down, Suki had no choice but to try and stop her. She rushes up to her feet, now approaching Laura Lee.

                                       "You can't go," Suki shakes her head.

                                       "Why not?" Laura Lee raised a brow.

                                       "If you go on that plane and try to leave, you will die!" Suki declared.

                                       "Hey, that's enough!" Jackie shouts while the others were equally stunned by Suki's outburst.

                                        Suki grabs onto Laura Lee, her eyes wide and desperate as she looked up at her. "Don't you get it? Why do you think the expedition yesterday went nowhere? Why do you think Van was attacked? It won't let us go. It won't let us leave! Van was a warning. Heed the warning, Laura Lee!"

                                         "Suki, stop it now! You sound -," Taissa began.

                                         "What? Crazy? I don't fucking care! You can call me crazy all you want but you can't go. It'll take you too," Suki argued.

                                         "I'm sorry, I have to do this," Laura Lee persisted, moving away from Suki's grasp.

                                         Laura Lee walked off, preparing to go. And Suki stood there, shaking her head as she whispered to herself. She did look absolutely as she suddenly went off, leaving the cabin in a hurry.

                                        "What the fuck was that?" Mari questioned.

                                        Courtney shakes her head. "I... don't know."


                                        While the others went to go and help clear the path so Laura Lee could go and prepare to fly, Suki had run off into the wilderness. If Laura Lee wouldn't listen to her, Suki would try to do all she could to make sure that she had a safe flight. Maybe if she pleaded long enough, she'd be able to save Laura Lee.

                                        To be perfectly honest, Suki wasn't sure if this would work. But she knew that she had to try something and It did require blood. So Suki drags the blade across her hand, watching as a large cut began to form and blood seeped up to the surface. Suki hissed in pain but she still turned her hand to the side anyway, it shaking slightly from the pain. Suki hoped that the pain would be worth it in the end.

                                        "I know you can hear me," Suki declared, watching as the blood dripped down her hand and fell down onto the dirt, "I know that you know what's about to happen, and only you can save Laura Lee. So I'm begging you, save Laura Lee."

                                       "Do you think you alone can change what's about to happen?" 

                                       Suki looked up and saw the Antler Queen staring down at her once again. Although Suki still couldn't see her face, she saw her dark eyes even through the mesh. Suki immediately looks down out of respect.

                                       "A life for a life. You know this. Are you willing to trade in another life to take her place?" It questioned.

                                       "Another life? Who?" Suki shakes her head, reluctantly glancing up at It afterwards.

                                       The antler queen simply looks at her and the realization suddenly hits her.

                                       "No. No, I can't. I can't do it," Suki denied, feeling the tears already springing forth in her eyes. 

                                       She knew that It was asking for Courtney's life in return for Laura Lee's. The only one Suki cared about was Courtney and so, it'd be the only sacrifice that mattered. The true way to prove to It that Suki was willing to do whatever it asked. If Suki could give up Courtney, she'd truly be a loyal follower.

                                      "Can't it be someone else?" Suki questioned.

                                       "It wouldn't be much of a sacrifice if it was anyone else, now would it? Are you prepared to make the sacrifice?" It inquired, head tilted to the side.

                                        Suki feels herself panicking, wondering if she was willing to. It would potentially save Laura Lee but it'd mean that she had to lose Courtney. Death would happen either way and Suki wasn't strong enough to lose Courtney.

                                        "I can't do it! I can't!" Suki denied, instantly feeling guilty for it. She knew what would happen but she was too selfish to save her.

                                        "Then don't try to interfere again. This is her purpose; this is what must be done. The wilderness demands sacrifice, you know this better than anyone. If Laura Lee tries to leave, we must take her. It's what has to be done," It persisted.

                                        "What is mine? What is my purpose?" Suki questioned, sniffling.

                                        "To spread our messages. You may not be able to save her, but you can save the others. Carry out the message or else," It answered.

                                         Suki was afraid to ask what else meant. She just nods, bowing her head as she began to worship. "I'll do as you say. I'll do it all."

                                         If she was going to keep herself and Courtney safe, she would have to.

                                         In the meantime, Courtney had finished clearing the path with the others and now Laura Lee was preparing to climb into the plane so she could leave. She wasn't sure how to feel about all of this, knowing that it could either be a death wish or a guaranteed ticket to freedom. Courtney wasn't so sure she was ready to leave the wilderness. But she couldn't stop Laura Lee, especially not after Suki's wild outburst. She still wasn't sure where it had come from.

                                         But the longer Suki was out here, the more unhinged she had become. Not that Courtney could talk.

                                        Laura Lee had started going around, saying her goodbyes to everyone. Eventually, she'd reach Courtney and even pull her in for a hug which shocked Courtney a lot. She just awkwardly pats her back before she pulls away from her, briefly resting her hands on her shoulders.

                                        "I never really liked you and I found you kind of annoying with all of your Bible talk. But if you actually manage to succeed in doing this, you might just be the coolest person ever," Courtney declared.

                                        "Thanks?" Laura Lee blinked. "Do you think Suki will be fine?"

                                        "She'll be fine. She just had a bad nightmare, that's all. I wouldn't worry about it," Courtney insisted.

                                        Laura Lee nods, sending Courtney a small smile before she went on to the others. When Laura Lee finished with the others, she made it to the door of the plane. But before she could climb inside, Lottie grabbed her and pulled her in for a tight hug. Reluctantly, Lottie let her go after that so she could fly the plane.

                                        But Coach Scott was desperate to try to reason with Laura Lee one last time. He held open the door before Laura Lee could close it, saying, "For God's sake, Laura Lee, please. Don't do this."

                                        "Thanks for worrying about me, Coach. But this is my purpose," she insisted, looking at the others who were watching from the sidelines.

                                        Coach Scott finally backed away from Laura Lee and the plane as she closed the door, preparing to leave. He joined the others, watching as she started the plane. The propellors spun, creaking loudly at first before it finally managed to spin properly. It then moved forward and caught some speed, making Courtney's heart skip a beat in excitement. The plane moved right past them and the other girls started to cheer, excited that Laura Lee was actually beginning to fly the plane.

                                       "Oh my God, she's doing it!" Jackie cheered.

                                       They all began running after her, even Coach Scott who couldn't go too far, given that he had to rely on his crutches. But he hobbled behind them anyway. Courtney held her breath as she watched Laura Lee fly up higher and higher into the sky. She couldn't believe that Laura Lee had actually managed to do it. As it flew above the lake, Courtney couldn't help but suddenly notice that there was grey smoke coming from the bottom. And while Courtney wasn't exactly an expert on planes, she knew that couldn't be right.

                                         "Is that smoke?" Jackie asked, her smile slowly disappearing.

                                          The question made the girls stop cheering, watching as the smoke increased. Courtney could see flames coming from inside the plane and the realization suddenly kicked in. But before she could say anything more, the plane exploded in a ball of orange flame. Laura Lee was dead and Courtney fell to her knees in shock. She couldn't believe that the same girl she had teased just moments before was now gone, never to be seen again. Other than the shock, however, Courtney didn't feel much of anything else. She had grown so desensitized that seeing death had become almost... normal for her.

                                           The other girls fell to their knees or cried. Lottie was the only one to walk into the lake, screaming as she too fell to her knees. Not only was Laura Lee gone but so was their hope of ever escaping the wilderness.

                                              Suki could hear Lottie screaming in the distance and she too starts to cry, realizing that Laura Lee was gone. It had been done.


word count: 2427
notes: well... laura lee's dead and i feel depressed all over again. i hate seeing her die since she absolutely deserved better. and if you think suki's unhinged now, it's only going to get worse. also this chapter's constant theme being about purpose... my brain may have done something there

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