Loyal, Brave, and True

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full name
David Fu Zhang
Zhang Da Fu

name meaning
Beloved | Affluent | Archer
Archer | Intelligent | Affluent








Xiong Ziqi

ESTJ-A | The Executive
Extraverted • Observant • Thinking • Judging • Assertive
They possess great fortitude, emphatically following their own sensible judgment. They often serve as a stabilizing force among others, able to offer solid direction amid adversity.
Enneagram 6 | The Loyalist
Committed • Security-Oriented • Engaging • Responsible • Anxious • Suspicious
Sixes are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Excellent "troubleshooters," they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious—running on stress while complaining about it. They can be cautious and indecisive, but also reactive, defiant and rebellious. They typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion
Enneagram 6w5 | The Defender
In Growth E9 • In Stress E3
David finds himself to be the peacekeeper more often than he'd like to. Strong-minded with a heart of gold, he just can't help himself when he sees a disagreement. Some might call him the master of compromise, for that's what he does almost all the time. He will do anything to keep the peace between two parties, even if it means going against his own morals. It makes for a constant battle within himself, resulting in a mouth that runs ahead of his mind and, upon occasion, allows him to dig himself out of the compromising holes that he's dug himself into.

Born as Zhang Da Fu, the eldest son of peasant rice farmers in New Asia, he learned hard work and sacrifice from a young age. It was expected that he prepare to take up his father's mantle as the next head of house. It was also expected that he take a wife as soon as humanly possible to secure the family line, a pressure that was, understandably, not on his younger brother. Likewise, he was expected to treat his two younger sisters with disdain for their genders. They were there to serve, to care, and to mother. He was, however, expected to respect his younger brother, treating him as an equal despite his young age.
Da Fu wanted none of it, rebelling, albeit with his silence rather than his words, against the system until the day that the New Asian authorities came to draft his father. The military was facing threats in the north, they said, and reinforcements were needed. He was ten when they took his father. Left with a single mother and two younger sisters who attained no respect in the eyes of the public as well as a younger brother who had very little workable skills, Da Fu had little choice but to step up as the man of the family. The role never suited him entirely, but he chose to keep peace among his family instead. He played the role written for him.
When he turned fifteen, he met the woman who was meant to be his wife. It had been arranged, his mother told him. The bride price was exorbitant and would feed the Zhang family for years. He would take Bao Mey to wife within the year. She was shy, beautiful, submissive. Everything a man could want in a perfect wife. He was strong, handsome, commanding. Everything a woman could want in a perfect husband. It was not a life either of them wanted. The week before the wedding, Da Fu fled the country, taking Bao Mey with him.
Their families may have suffered in silence in the wake of their departure, but for Da Fu and Bao Mey, the struggle had just begun. As immigrants to Illéa only a decade or so removed from its great war with New Asia, they were not welcomed in the least. They took new names—he, David, and she, May—which helped slightly, but they could not mask their appearances. She masqueraded as his sister as they traversed the country in search of work. They found it in the north of Angeles as servants in a hostel, one of the only Asian communities left in Illéa. It was unforgiving work, but they were not strangers to a life of hardship. For Bao Mey as a female, life was worse, thanks to the crass nature of many of the hostel's clientele. Da Fu did what he could, but he knew it was not enough. It would never be enough.
It was so that the Selection came about, and he saw precious few other options. They both entered it. When Da Fu's name was drawn, he told Bao Mey that he would not go, but she pushed him to. "Reinvent yourself. Leave this life behind." So he did.
He never forgot his roots, his family, and he never stopped feeling guilty for leaving them behind, though he has not reached out since his departure four years ago. Perhaps it is for this reason that he chose to care for Bao Mey. She is all he has left.

medical issues
David suffers from clinical depression that can leave him spiraling for days at a time. However, due largely in part to the life he lived in New Asia, he learned to hide it, ignoring his own needs in favor of others' wellbeing, which means that he does not recognize the signs, and he does not know how to deal with it when it happens. He only knows that there are some days when he feels as if all he wants to do is withdraw and sleep, some days when he feels as though death might be preferable to life, some days when he feels as though he cannot stay afloat any longer.

Anything worth doing deserves equal time.
•strong will
I am like rock, unyielding and unbreakable.
Relationships are built on trust.
The best of the three cardinal rules in my family: loyal, brave, true.

I don't think it's a weakness to like predictability.
If it's not broken, don't fix it.
I have opinions.
Maybe you're overly sensitive.

•blending in with the crowd
Why stick out when you could work behind the scenes?
•quality time with family
Time is our most precious commodity.
•order and balance
A place for everything and everything in its place.
It's so much easier to listen to others... As long as I trust their judgment, I see no issue with it.

•control freaks
They break everything conventional about order.
•the dark
Darkness brings out the worst in people.
Life only means something when you have someone to share it with.
Just ask me. I'll probably say yes.

Two parents, married | Two younger sisters, single | One younger brother, single
While Da Fu was once very close with his family, viewing them as a shell of protection, he is now quite estranged from them. He does not know if his father ever returned from war, if his mother has enough to keep the farm, if his siblings have enough to eat. They never had much, but he always ensured that they had enough, going so far as to give up his own portions to feed them.
Names and Meanings
•Father, age 39: Zhang Jian He
Indefatigable | Harmonious
•Mother, age 35: Zhang Chu Cong
Pearl | Intelligent
•Younger Sister, age 17: Zhang Quing Yuan
Clear Spring | Deep Water
•Younger Sister, age 15: Zhang Mey Fu
Stunning | Lotus
•Younger Brother, age 13: Zhang Shi Tao
Mankind | Long Life

opinions on the royal family
Due to his status as an immigrant, David knows very little about the royal family. He has heard of the sudden change in power six years ago, prior to their arrival, and he heard how it shook the country to its core, especially when the heir only assumed the throne in a ceremonial manner. However, he cannot blame the man: it is difficult to take a position for which one is unprepared, as his own family expected of him. For that, part of him wants to grant them sympathy, but part of him refrains from it, choosing instead to view them with practicality. They have a duty to their country. They failed. Therefore, they should not be held in high esteem.

opinions on the selection
David thinks the concept, while intriguing, only seems like a recipe for direct disaster. After all, inviting several men and women to one place, simply to compete for the four Schreaves' hands, will foster competition and ill will. He prefers to avoid conflict whenever possible. Still, it might be an opportunity to learn something new, or rather, be someone new. Even if the princess chooses someone other than him, at least he will learn.

•I cannot help you if you are disorganized. That would not be the best use of our time, and I want to help.
•Time is the only way to heal.
•Family is everything.

theme songs
•Loyal Brave True by Christina Aguilera
Standing in my father's shoes
•Secrets by OneRepublic
Don't need another perfect lie
•Unsteady by X Ambassadors
If you love me, don't let go
•Don't Stop Believin' by Journey
Some will win, some will lose

skills and hobbies
I had little choice, so I learned to read the land.
It's the best use of time and space that will profit.
There wasn't much to do in New Asia other than stare at the stars and wish, but wishes are fruitless, so all we did was stare.


other interesting facts
October 10
Chinese Zodiac

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