[Revising] OT, PT, ST

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This is my Star Wars Roleplay.

Name: Aurora Amidala
Gender: Female
Type: Human
Crush/Boyfriend/Spouse: Obi-Wan Kenobi
(level of relationship depends on timeframe of roleplay)
Mother: Jobal Naberrie
Father: Quinlan Vos
Children: Amara Kenobi Calrissian
Sibling(s): Padmé Amidala (half-sister by Mother)
Physical Description: jet black hair with eyes to match; prefers her Jedi robes to anything else, unless she's off; when not at the Temple, wears shorts and a T-shirt
Personality: outgoing, friendly, but cautious
Primary Power: Jedi mind trick
Primary Weapon: Lightsaber
Backstory: She was born on Naboo to a single parent. Her master, Trenton Rewa, a close friend of her mother's, explained to her that her father's best friend destroyed her father. Her mother gave her away when she was younger, and Rewa promised to train Aurora. Aurora met Obi-Wan in Youngling Training with Master Yoda. They became close friends, which grew to be more later in life. Rewa found out, but never told. While battling Darth Maul on Naboo (helping Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan), Maul revealed that Aurora was his daughter. Later, Rewa confirmed it, as well as her mother, whom she met on a later visit to Naboo. The full truth came out then. Aurora felt betrayed, ran away, and was captured by a resurrected Maul. Obi-Wan rescues her. She realizes she was wrong about running, and they become more than friends. Her committment to the Jedi Order only grows stronger because of this.
Other: Her downfall will be her personal loyalty to her friends and family.

Name ~ Adelina Expynos
Gender ~ Female
Type ~ Human
Resistance Rank ~ Major (official); Jedi Spy (unofficial)
Crush ~ Poe Dameron; Oronu Ren* (otherwise known as Orion Jaefelé)
Mother ~ Amara Kenobi
Father ~ Lando Calrissian (is unaware of)
Grandfather ~ Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi
Grandmother ~ Aurora Amidala Kenobi
Other Relations ~
•Anakin Skywalker
•Padmé Naberrie Amidala Skywalker (sister of grandmother, main reason Adelina is related to any of these people)
•Luke Skywalker
•Leia Organa Skywalker Solo
•Han Solo
•Ben "Kylo Ren" Solo
Children: None
Physical Description/Faceclaim: Kaya Scodelario

Personality ~ wary because of the war but willing to take a chance on people; tries to see the best in anyone; loves to read; natural leader
Primary Power ~ Jedi Mind Trick (passed down in the Kenobi line)
Primary Weapon ~ switches between the occasional blaster, the Force, and her grandmother's violet lightsaber
Backstory ~ (will add later, have one in mind)
Other ~ N/A

Name: Amara Jana
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Personality: quiet, more of a private person; she doesn't often trust people and tends to see the worst in them; seems cold-hearted, but if you really get to know her (and she trusts you), she is extremely loyal and protective; bars herself from emotion because of her past
Jedi or No: No, Force Sensitive
(If no) Occupation: Assassin/Bounty Hunter (depends on your point of view, she prefers Bounty Hunter but the Jedi and everyone "good" consider her to be an assassin)
Weapons: blaster; the Force
Background: Amara was born in the undercurrents of Coruscant - meaning the bad parts that everyone stays out of, the shady side of the capital planet. Her father, a defective Jedi (thus her Force sensitivity), is a bounty hunter, known only as the Beekeeper. Her mother is long deceased, having passed away when Amara was thirteen. At the age of five, her younger sister (by three years), Liliana, was severely injured by a stray blaster bolt (it's a rough neighborhood) and is now crippled for life.
Due to the neighborhood she grew up in - the assassin hangout - she grows up with the children of other assassins. Meter and Daniel are her best friends, although her father tells her to see them as resources, nothing more.
As children of assassins, who do dangerous things, they dared each other to do dangerous things. When they are twelve - Amara having developed a severe crush on Daniel - Meter dared Daniel to shoot the Chancellor. Not fatally, just enough to injure him. She didn't want Daniel to do it - telling him so when Meter wasn't there. She didn't want him hurt. He decided to do it anyways. Someone else knew, though, and was waiting for him. The person waiting for Daniel snuck up behind him and knifed him. Daniel never had a chance.
The someone was her father. She had gone to him in a last desperate attempt. The Beekeeper dealt with it the way he would have dealt with any other threat. He then told Amara that she needed to focus on her training, and she knew that he believed love had no place in the world.
Amara's father had begun training her to become a bounty hunter, like him, when she was six. Her mother didn't like it, but her father insisted due to the galaxy being a dangerous place. After Liliana is injured and nearly dies, their father began leaving home more and more often, rarely taking Amara with him. When he does, it's short and usually to teach her another vital skill, which she must master by the end of the mission. He teaches her to have zero sympathy and compassion for other beings, human or not. He shows her how to detach herself completely from her targets - to make killing easier. He also shows her how to hone the Force as a valuable weapon, along with how to use a blaster.
Eventually, her father leaves for good, claiming Amara's training is complete. Her mother dies of loneliness and longing.
Amara swears to herself once more that she will never fall in love (due to the incident with Daniel), never bring children into this world to suffer as she and her sister have. She takes up the bounty hunter trade, occasionally running into the Beekeeper, but not often. Any time they meet, they argue about the cause of her mother's death: she claims heartbreak; he claims some unknown illness.
She leaves Liliana safely hidden on Coruscant any time she acquires a new target. No one knows how to find Liliana except her.
She becomes feared and revered, much like her father. She grows more into her skills, and she learns to use her reputation to her advantage.

*Orion is created and owned by Xxrogue_onexX . Please message me if you'd like to know the origin story.

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