Sunshine Hurricane

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Megara Eleni
Jealous One | Sun Ray

[spouse only]

Queen of Iridessia
Her Majesty



Prefers women

Eleni Filini

Unwa Doo'n Placement
Inside left wrist

INTP-T | The Logician
Introverted • Intuitive • Thinking • ProspectingTurbulent
These flexible thinkers enjoy taking an unconventional approach to many aspects of life. They often seek out unlikely paths, mixing willingness to experiment with personal creativity.
At her best, she is a beam of sunlight and a fresh breath of air. At her worst, she is a whirlwind of aimless thought and a tsunami of destruction.
Analytical, original, open-minded, curious, and objective, Meg combines the best of creativity and logic. She approaches every unfamiliar situation with the mindset of fact-based logic, but before long, she turns to the experimental haziness of creativity to solve it. Or rather, as Meg would put it, to "spice things up a bit."
Life can be incredibly boring, after all, and humans were made to shine.
Unfortunately, not everything in her world is butterflies and rainbows. Disconnected from reality, insensitive to emotion, dissatisfied and impatient with others, and perfectionistic in all of her tasks, Meg can be a bit much for some to handle. When inspiration strikes, she runs after it, often single-mindedly and without a care for anything—and anyone—else around her. With her creative mind, it is not uncommon to see her jumping from idea to idea as they strike her. The creativeness also leads her to see the flaws in nearly every aspect of life before picking it apart, analyzing it, and attempting to improve it.
Despite her many difficulties, Meg truly is a fiercely loyal companion. Hard though it may be to earn her trust, she will stand with the one who has earned it through everything. Unless that person betrays her. After all, one cannot hate a person more than the one who has once loved.

Short History
Born as the second child of three to a high-class mother and father in Iridessia, Meg found herself comfortable, privileged, and wanting for nothing. A tragic meeting between her father and a court duchess culminating in the duchess's pregnancy and her parents' subsequent split—despite her father's best efforts to keep the family together—destroyed her idyllic existence. Her mother, Maia, retreated in shame while her father, Orion, disappeared to a far-off country, leaving both of his families to fend for themselves.
Meg's older sister, Cassandra, soon departed home for another kingdom in search of a foreign fortune while Maia took what little work she could find at home. Washing, mending, and cooking for other families, often the families of those whom Meg used to consider friends, constituted a typical workload. They were menial duties, beneath her stature in life, and she never failed to bemoan that fact to her younger two children.
In turn, Meg took up the caretaking mantle of the eldest. Shopping in the market, caretaking her younger brother Leander, and facilitating odd jobs of her own kept Meg busy. Every morning, she rose with the dawn, and every evening, she slept with the moon. Managing their meager savings required endless creativity, creativity that, had she traveled another path in life, might have served her well as an itinerant.
No matter how tired she might be, however, she always remembered to save a few minutes—and a few figments of imagination—before Leander's bedtime for stories. Old Greek myths and tales from the marketplace populated their little hut. Night after night, Meg spun canards of gold, and it was all Leander could do to listen in rapt attention. As she grew older, her tales grew more beautiful, and she learned to use her talent to their family's good.
She took her skill to the marketplace corner where she could stand and weave her magic. A young man caught her eye on day, and he in turn found himself entranced by the storyteller in the heart of the market. Ajax, his name was, and a charmer was what he was. She began to believe that something could be greater. That they could have a life. But it was Leander who followed Ajax one night only to deliver the heartbreaking news to his older sister that Ajax was engaged to a noblewoman at court.
It was then that Meg swore never to love again. She moved spots from the heart of the market to the outskirts. Yet it was only inevitable that she should one day gain the attention of someone. Someone great.
A chance encounter, really. The princess of Iridessia, running from her destiny, stepped foot into the market. As Meg took a break, she struck up a conversation with the mysterious stranger. All too soon, the break ended, and Meg returned home with Leander, only to find herself continually wishing to see the stranger once more. The next morning, the girl returned. And again. And again.
It was Meg who realized the stranger for who she was, and it was Meg who said she could care less about the girl's rank of royalty. They became the unlikeliest of friends. As it will, friendship slowly turned into something else.
Neither set of parents was particularly pleased about their daughter's choice—the princess's for tradition and Meg's for familial reputation—but when they threatened to desert the kingdom, the princess's parents capitulated, and the two were married in a grand celebration.
A rags-to-riches story, perhaps, a fairytale, one might call it, but Meg promised never to forget her origins. Where she came from was not the palace or one of its noble houses. No. It was the streets. The streets were her mother and her father, her first best friend and confidante. She would not forget.


Not as innocent as it sounds, her brand of stories truly weaves itself into existence. Bending beams of light, slicing the air, and distorting perception is all a part of her magic. When she tells a story, she does not simply tell it. Nor does she simply perform it. She becomes it, taking it upon herself, and it will not leave her until it is told.
•elemental manipulation
This particular talent only comes about as long as the story calls for it. If she requires a certain aspect to truly create the story's atmosphere, this allows her to slip it into existence.

Her voice enchants even the wariest of those who hear it, a form of charmspeaking and Sirenlike witchcraft beyond most people's comprehension. She can control it, but when she finds herself overtaken by strong emotion, it can slip from her unintentionally.

You never know when a skilled seamstress might be needed. Besides, the needles make for great weaponry.
Self-explanatory, I should think.
I have been speaking in front of crowds since I was eight. It really is not anything drastic.
Yes, I sing. Surprised? You'll find that I'm full of them.

Theme Songs
•Princesses Don't Cry by Carys
Girls, so pretty and poised, and soft to the touch, but God made me rough
•Meet Me on the Battlefield by SVRCINA
I will be your sword and shield, your camouflage, and you will be mine
•Hey Brother by Avicii
For you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
•Why Did It Have to Be Me by ABBA
It's better to forget me
•Ronan by Taylor Swift
Come on, baby, with me, we're gonna fly away from here
•Perfect Storm by Brad Paisley
She's sunshine mixed with a little hurricane


•Let me break this down for you, sweetie. I don't care what tradition says. Give me originality. Surprise me.
•No, no, and no.
•I have this crazy idea...
•Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
•I'll make it worth your while.
•Why don't we try something new?
•The truth may be hard, but at least it's the truth.

•inspired by Megara from Disney's Hercules and Jen Calonita's Go the Distance
•Born September 24
•Libra zodiac, much to her dismay: equilibrium is the last thing she wishes to achieve.

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