Chapter 25 the prophecy makes since

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***Cooper's POV***
Where is she? I'm starting to freak out. Its been way over fifteen minutes. When me and Jake came running in the cave Piper wasn't there. There's some kind of staircase but I can't even go near it. If I even try to I start to catch on fire. My right paw is so burnt I can't even put pressure on it. And it doesn't help that Jakes running around like crazy. I know he doesn't like fire but this is just stupid.

Where is she?

***Piper's POV***
I rolled my eyes at Entei "So I'm what am I supposed to do now?". Entei looked at me in shock. "What do you mean what are you supposed to do? Shouldn't you know that!" He yelled. I shook my head. I don't have a clue as to what's going on. The only reason I came here was because I felt it was the best place to start.

Entei let out a sigh. "Your just like Tyra always in the present never thinking about the future. So you don't have a clue what's happened?" Entei asked. I shook my head. "Not at all but who's Tyra?". Entei took me by surprise his voice wasn't like his normal yelling it was calm yet sad. "I'm sorry I let the name slip out but anyways back to the task at hand" Entei said.

He cleared his throat and continued "Well you've probably noticed this but the water in lakes and ponds is getting dirtier by the minute, and the reasoning for this is because Suicune has disappeared. I don't know the details but I know your supposed to find him." Entei explained.

What he's saying does add up. I remember the town with the really dirty water from before. Actually everything adds up. One of the lines from the prophecy said 'To the legendarys without their brother. She shall fix a mistake of the water'. Well at least everything is starting to make sense.

"Entei sorry to ask but are you, Raikou, and Suicune brothers?" I asked. Entei looked surprised. "How'd you know?" He asked. "Lucky guess but anyways I think I should go to where Suicune was last seen so where is that?" I said.

Entei looked up at the ceiling. "I don't know I haven't seen either of my brothers in years that's for you to find out. I've helped you out the best I can now go back to your friends they have been calling your name for almost twenty minutes now.".

Oh shoot I completely forgot I was supposed to be back in fifteen minutes. Cooper and Jake are probably worried sick. I turn to Entei "Thank you for all of your help but I have one more question for you. What's your name?". Entei turned his head "that's none of your business now leave Tyr-- Eevee before I tear you to shreds!" He yelled. I smiled at him before I took off down the stairs. I fell really bad for him always being so alone.

When I got to the bottom of the staircase Cooper and Jake were there waiting for me. I still can't get over the fact that Cooper evolved. Its going to take some getting used to.

***Cooper's POV***
Thank Arceus she's safe. Piper doesn't seem harmed in anyway if anything she seems stronger now. She seems to be a feeling better. Ever since she had that dream Piper's been so sad looking but she looks so brave and happy now. I watch her bow down "I'm so, so, so, so, so, so, sorry you guys. I completely forgot about being back in fifteen minutes but I did learn a lot about the prophecy. I know I lot of things about my self now too so will you two forgive me?." Piper asked.

How could I not? She's so adorable. I nod my head. I think I've been trying to hard lately I might scare her away. Her going missing like this not once but twice made me realize that I might loss her. I can't let that happen.

Jake speaks up "Piper do you have any idea how much you scared us. We were so scared. Expecially Cooper, he kept on yelling out your name over and over again, and not to mention he burnt his paw trying to get up those stairs. Your going right to bed after we get back to camp and your going to bandage up Cooper's paw."

"Jake I think that was a little to harsh". I said glaring at him. I looked at Piper her new brave expression had faded, and a new one full of worry took over. So much for that. She stood up and walk over to me. "What are you doin--ahh!" She slipped her back under my burnt paw. "You shouldn't put pressure on it. I'll bandage it when we get back to camp. I'm so sorry Cooper."

Hi everyone!! I'm so sorry for not updating for this long. I've been super lazy and my homework keeps piling up. I still have two more work sheets I got to do and it's 9:22 at night :(. I was going to post this on Sunday but wattpad was being really glitchy so I decided to post it Monday. Then when I tried to I said "there is a updated version of this" every time I tried to post it. So I clicked on it then it took away every thing I wrote except for the first paragraph. It made me really mad but anyways I'm really excited. This book just hit 1000 views!!! Think you guys soooooooooooo much I never thought this book would get so popular. I'll try to update more often so byeeeeeee

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