Chapter 9 The start of a Team

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***Piper's POV***
I spent most of the night doing homework and thinking about that stupid prophecy. I still don't get it. What do I have to do with legendary Pokemon, I'm just an Eevee. I woke up on time today, I guess I still have to go to school.

On my way out the door my mom stops me "I'm sorry about yesterday". Wow that's the first time I heard her say that "sorry about what". She looks down I don't thank she was planning on explaining herself.

I run to the bus stop and wait. The bus finally pulls up after, about ten minutes. I get on and take my seat next to Jake. This time he wasn't looking out the window, first time ever.

"Hey Piper" he looks up at me smiling. "Hey Jake" should I tell him about the prophecy? I think about if I should tell him or not then he speaks up "you seem like your worried about something". Can he read minds or something? Will I guess I can tell him about it.

I start telling him everything that happened yesterday when I got off the bus.

***Jake's POV***
I can't believe this! I finally get a friend and she has to go on a journey just because of a stupid prophecy. Well I'm not going to lost the only friend I have "Piper can I come with you you might need my help"

She looks at me and breaks into a grin "I've only known you for a day and your willing to go with me". She hugs me, I can feel my face burning up. She finally realizes what she's doing and let's me go. I wish she would have hugged me longer .

"I'm really sorry I got excited and I'm a hugging person I guess I get it from my dad". I start laughing "the way you said that your voice was so high". Then she starts laughing.

We talk about the adventure ahead of us. We're going to set out tomorrow morning she told me to met her at her house. She said she has another friend she wants to come with us. I kind of want it to be just the two of us but having a new friend could be good I guess. What am I thinking, Piper is just a friend nothing more nothing less.

The bus gets to the school and we go our separate ways.

***Piper's POV***
I run into Mrs.Gold's classroom and jump into my chair next to Cooper. "Umm hi Piper what are you so excited about". I explain everything that happened yesterday when I got home. I'm really tired of explaining this.

He looks really shocked, even more than when I used thunderbolt. "Well if you want you can come with me and Jake". He smiles "of course I will but do you think your friend will like me". He doing the shy thing again. "I know he will, we'll be like the 3 Musketeers".

***Cooper's POV***
Well this is great, I have to go on an adventure with some guy I don't know. But if its for Piper then its worth it. I bet she could make squidward from spongebob smile.
The rest of the day goes by like a years.

Piper pranked 3 teachers, beat our battle instructor, tricked the lunch lady into giving her free chips, and got ask out like ten times. I thought i was going to be the one to slap them when they asked her out, but Piper beat me to it.

Its now time to go home I really wish I was a bus rider. "I guess I'll see you in the morning" I back away awkwardly and leave.

***Piper's POV***
I get onto the bus after saying goodbye to Cooper. This day has been so long I can wait to get home.

Jake is sitting in the back waiting for me. I walk to the back and sit down. "Hey Piper, how did it go?". What's he talking about "how did what go?". He slaps himself in the face "did your friend say he wants to come with us or not". I blink a few times "oh yeah he said he'll go with us".

Jake smiles but his eyes look sad. I think I'm just imaging things. We go over what time were going to meet up tomorrow and stuff like that. The bus comes to my stop and I get off.

When I get inside my mom and dad are waiting for me. " Hey piper" dad, says it in a sad voice. I don't thank mom is going to say anything. I walk to my room and plan for tomorrow.

When I'm packing my dad yells "Piper come down stairs I made dinner!". No he cooked again! I walk down stairs and sit next to mom. Dad comes up to us holding some blueish green colored blob on a plate.

I'm so not eating that, "hey dad I thank I'm to nervous about tomorrow to eat". He sets the plate in front of me "then what do you want me to do with your spaghetti?". That's supposed to be spaghetti ?! I yell "give it to mom!" as I run up the stairs. When I get to my room I pop a candy bar in my mouth and go to sleep.
Hi everyone, this is the longest chapter in this story I've ever made. I'm really happy about it. I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as possible.

I don't own Pokemon or the picture at top, but I do own the story.

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