Episode 10-JessEmolga

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"Good Eeveening, welcome to the Eeveelution Talk Show.  I'm your host JohnnnnnnnnTAD!"

The live  audience claps loudly.

"Today we have a special guest, JessEmolga.  Welcome to the show."

"Glad to be here John."

"Today's interview will be conducted by Demeter, Hera, and Ares.  Do you have any questions for Jesse?"

"Yes, what drives you to write?" Demeter inquired.

"That's a good question.  I'd say that I love reading other's books, and it drives me to be as good as them."

"Good answer, how did you meet Pokemon for the first time?"  Hera asked.

"I first met Pokemon when my older brother got Platinum.  I watched him play and immediatly fell in love with the amazing game."

"Isn't John your older brother?" Ares questioned.

"Yes, I am his brother," John quickly replied.

"Well, what was your first Pokemon?" Ares further questioned.

"My first Pokemon was the spectacular Bubbles, my Piplup, in Pokemon Platinum."

"A Pokemon with a personality to match yours," John commented.

"Indeed it is."

"What is your favorite of the Eeveelutions?" Hera inquired.

"Flareon by far, it is so underated,  and so fluffy!"

"Hades is definitely fluffy," Demeter commented, "What is your greatest fear?"

"Clowns.  Why are they so creepy?"

"I agree, clowns are creepy," Hera responded.

"I love clowns at the circus!" Ares replied.

"Clowns?  Creepy?  What is this world coming too?"  Demeter sarcastically commented.

"What are your main interests in the Pokemon fandom?"  Ares inquired.

"I love the story.  I'm interested in how creative and in-depth all the games are story-wise.  I also love how attached you get to certain characters, and how hilarious Pokemon logic is."

"I like that answer.  What are your non-Pokemon interests?"  Hera questioned.

"I like The Lion King, Marvel, Star Wars, and Harry Potter."

"What is your favorite generation of Pokemon games?" Demetre asked.

"Generation IV is my life.  Although, being as my first game was Gen IV does make that desicion a little biased."

"True, well that is all the time we have today, one last question, what do you want to ask our viewers?"  John questioned.

"I want to know what you guys think of the new Pokemon movie trailer."

"Alright then, thanks for being here."

"Thanks for having me."

The audience claps loudly as Jesse walks off stage.

"That was JessEmolga, a good friend of mine, and another author.  Be sure to check him out!  Last week, I asked you guys about bullies you know of, but most of you continued to blow up about Flygon2.  Even I didn't realize he was that infamous!  I've been your host JohnnnnnnnnTAD!  And this has been the Eeveelution Talk Show!  I'll see you all next week.

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