Chapter One

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Early one Sunday morning, Lance and Leafblade were in the kitchen. It was around 7:40 and most of the Eeveelutions were still asleep. Leafblade was reading the newspaper that the Paperboy had dropped off about an hour ago.

She was flipping through the pages when she got a worried expression on her face.

"Um, Lance..." She stuttered.

"What, Leafblade?"

"You're not going to like this,"

"Well, what is it?"

"Lemon's back in town."


Lance hated Lemon! Lemon was his old rival back in Kanto, (who was a Shiny Jolteon) back when he was Commander Thunderstar, who hated him all his life. Lemon, who was dubbed, 'The Green Lightning', because Shiny Jolteons are green, so anyway, they never worked things out and Lance hadn't seen him since he moved from Kanto to Unova all those moons ago.

But all that was about to change.

The next day, Lance was walking in Town Square with Pyro.

"What are we here for again?" Pyro asked.

"I'm spying on Lemon." Lance answered.

"You mean that snobby Shiny Jolteon who you were rivals with?" Pyro asked.

"Yeah, that guy." Lance answered.

"Why are we spying on him?"

"To make sure he doesn't get any funny ideas in my town."

"Your town?"

"Pyro, shut up."

Pyro was quiet past that point.

Lance saw Lemon quicker than he thought. To his demise, Lemon was walking with two beautiful female Jolteons at either side of him.

"You actually defeated a Mega Charizard X?" One gushed.

"Yes, I did, ladies." Lemon said proudly.

"Was it hard?" One asked and she blinked her blue eyes real fast multiple times.

"No, not really," Lemon told them. "Piece of cake."

Lance's fur turned to needles like Jolteons' fur does when they get angry.

"Ow!" Pyro yelped.

"What now?" Lance growled.

"Your needle- fur spiked me!" Pyro exclaimed.

"So what?" Lance growled. "You burn me all the time."

Honestly, Lance didn't care the slightest bit that he had spiked Pyro. The only thing he cared about was what was unfolding in front of him.

"Do you want to date me?" One of the Jolteons asked.

"No! Date me! Date me!" The other one pleaded.

Lance growled. Sparks began flying from his pelt. How dare Lemon come to his town and mess with his girls? Kissing up to girls was his job!

After a little more of this crap, Lance decided he couldn't take it anymore.

"That's enough!" Lance jumped out of the bush to confront Lemon.

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