Chapter Three

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At the arena, while Lance and Lemon prepared for battle, the rest of the Eeveelutions sat on the bleachers and waited.

"I don't think Lance is going to win." Violet decided.

"What tells you that?" Frost (Glaceon) asked.

"I just know." Violet answered curtly.

Frost sighed.

Soon, it the two Jolteons were ready. They came into the arena fully battle ready.

Pearl was the referee.

Pearl sighed. "Alright, Pearl, here we go. You can do this." She whispered to herself.

Pearl sighed a large sigh and began.

"Welcome, everyone to the battle at this random arena I literally never go too!"

Pearl then looked around to see if anyone thought this was funny.

No one thought it was amusing.

"Alright, so, moving on, this battle is Lance v.s. Lemon. Who will stay in Unova and who will go? No one knows!"

"Except for me," Violet whispered to Frost.

Frost rolled her eyes.

"Anyway," Pearl glared at Violet. "Moving on, again..." She gave a pause for effect.

"LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!!!!!" Pearl suddenly screeched, startling Lance.

Lemon tried to come up from behind Lance to spike him.

But Lance knew this attack.

Lance sensed his movements with his sophisticated Jolteon ears and reared up on him.

Lemon gasped in surprise.

Lance jumped on Lemon, pinning him down.

"Am I more skilled than you thought?" Lance asked.

Lemon snarled. "Shut up."

Lemon then bit Lance's hind paw. Hard.

Lance made an anguished yelping sound.

He looked down. Crimson blood oozed out of his paw.

Since Lance was so focused on the pain, Lemon freed himself from Lance's grip.

Before thinking, Lance asked, "Why'd you do that?"

Lemon chuckled a bit. "Lance, you are so dumb. 1. This is a battle. 2. You are a Jolteon, hint- hint, another Electric Type, so my electric attacks wouldn't hurt you, anyway."

Sparks flew from Lance's pelt. How dare Lemon call him an idiot! If anyone was stupid, it was Lemon!

"Enough!" Lance snarled.

Lance had lost all sense. His anger had taken over.

He flew himself upon Lemon and fought as hard as he could.

Blood splattered all over his fur. It wasn't his- it was Lemon's.

At some point, Lemon was no longer fighting his grip.

Lance looked up at Pearl.

"He's out." He told her.

"Okay!" Pearl's high- pitched voice boomed over the stadium.

"Lemon is unable to battle! Lance is the winner!"

The Eeveelutions cheered, except for Shadow, who shrugged and said, "Whatever, I don't really care who won and who didn't. At least the battle was nice and bloody." He licked his chops.

"YES!!!!!!!" Frost cried joyfully.

"I know. Lance won. Isn't that awesome?" Violet asked.

Frost shrugged. "Oh, I don't care about that." She told Violet. Then she added, "What I'm happy about is, YOU FINALLY GOT SOMETHING WRONG!!!!!!!!!!! HA! You know, I might have to throw a party about this!"

Violet rolled her eyes. "Hmph," She grunted, flicked her left ear and turned away.

Lance had won for his friends. He was happy, very happy.

He had gotten rid of Lemon.

For good.

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