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Anti's pov

Jack walked back downstairs with me he asked Jackie to come with him and Chase to the store leaving me and Henrik alone. He stayed away from me, afraid that I'd hurt him. I walked into the kitchen to get some food. I got the step stool and reached for the cookies they were too high though. I stood on my tippy toes but lost my balance and fell.

The box coming down with me. I started crying and Henrik ran into the kitchen he gasped and left he came back with a first aid kit dragging along with him. "Anti vhat happened?" "I was trying to reach the cookies and I fell off the step stool." I said through tears.

My arm really hurts. I tried moving it but flinched. I think it was broken. Henrik walked over to me and touched my arm. It didn't hurt. Maybe it was strained or I just have a bruise. He rubbed cream on my bruise and it felt better.

"Do you feel better?" He asked I nodded my head. He suddenly grew back to his adult self. He gave me a sticker for being good, "I'm going to try and help Marvin find a cure to this." I nodded my head and he left. I was alone In the house now. Everyone is back to normal except Chase and I, and everyone still hates me.... I found paper and a crayon and started writing.

I'm running away... I know you guys don't want me here after the pain I put you all through. I'm sorry, I know you'll never forgive me though. I know it's best for everyone if I just disappeared. Again.... I truly am sorry.
     - Anti

I placed the note where they would easily find it I then left, I sort of still had my teleportation and teleported deep in the forest. I walked until I found a clearing with a waterfall and a little stream connected to it. The waterfall fell into a pond that led to the stream, it was like something out of a fairytale. I knew no one would find me here, I know that for a fact because I'm not even in Brighton anymore. I sat down against a tree and pulled my knees to my chest, and sighed sadly.

I felt something nudging my leg, it was a bunny they looked at me pleadingly and nudged my hand this time. I started petting the bunny and noticed a bunch of other animals around me. There were deer, does, and their kids, birds, rabbits and bunny's, bears and their cubs. I smiled, at least they aren't scared of me, I sighed thinking about my brothers...but I know they'd never see me like that.

Seáns pov
Jackie, chase and I were walking home when I got a text from Marvin..

Marvin: hey Henrik forgot to text you but he's grown up again and wasn't thinking when he came over to help... He left Anti alone.

My eyes widened and I stopped walking, Jackie noticed "Seán is everything o ok?" I shook my head no "We have to get home NOW." I started running back When Jackie grabbed my hand and teleported us in the house. I almost slammed my phone down on the table and started to call for anti.

"Uhhhh Seán?" Jackie called, I ran to him and he pointed to the couch where there was a piece of paper and a crayon next to it. I picked up the paper and read it. Tears started rolling down my face, "Jack?" "H he ran a away..."

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