Stuck, forever? ( End )

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Marvin's pov

We teleported outside the septic household, when I remembered something. The spell. "Chase come here please?" He walked up to me, "Yeah?" "Can I test out the spell on you?" He nodded his head and I spoke the spell, and he was suddenly grown up again. I sighed in relief, I looked down at Anti and saw he was still asleep.

Seán's pov

I couldn't stop crying at how badly I messed up, I heard talking and ran out to see if they found him. I saw him in Marvin's arms and sighed with relief, I then noticed the wolf sitting next to Marvin. I looked at the rest of the egos in confusion, when Jackie spoke up. "Anti made friends with her."

He smiled and looked at the wolf, petting her gently. I saw that Chase was back to normal as well, "Guy's..." Everyone looked at me "... I know I messed up badly, I'm so sorry....I didn't want anyone else to get hurt and look where that got us. I understand if you don't want me to stick around."

I said with tears trailing down my face, I headed for the door already knowing their answer, when someone grabbed my shoulder. "Seán. It's ok, we've all made mistakes, besides Anti seems to like you more now." I heard Chase say, I instantly turned around and hugged him he hugged me back. The wolf came up to me and started licking my leg, I giggled and started to pet her, her tail was wagging in happiness.

Everyone heard a tiny yawn and looked towards Anti, he soon woke up and freaked out. He jumped out of Marvin's arms and tried running but I grabbed him, he teleported again, this time just behind the house a ways away but you could still see it. Anti started sobbing and trying to get me to let him go, I just hugged him to my chest and rubbed circles on his back. "Anti.....Why did you run away? Everyone was worried about you."

He just shook his head like he didn't believe me, "No you weren't...nobody cares about me...." I gasped and looked at him. "Who told you that?" "No one, I just know it......I've been nothing but trouble in your guy's life and it would be better if I could just disappear." He said crying and sniffling. "Anti, that's not true in the slightest. You're my ego, I created you....No matter what you do I could never ever hate you, yes you may have hurt us, but I don't love you any less."

I explained while hugging him. "I know the others feel the same." He looked into my eyes, probably trying to see if I was lying to him, he slowly started to hug me back. "I'm sorry..." "Anti you don't have anything to be sorry for...." "I'm sorry for running away, thinking you guys didn't care about me, and for hurting you...I'm really really sorry."

I rubbed his back some more to try and calm him down. "Wanna go back home and try to fix this?" He nodded his head against my chest and I started walking back to the house, I walked in to see everyone panicking again. I cleared my throat and everyone sighed in relief when they saw me holding Anti, they all rushed over as I set Anti on the ground, he didn't look at anyone yet.

Anti's pov

I didn't want to look at anybody, because I thought they would be angry at me for running away and making them so worried. Everyone was trying to talk to me but I ignored them, lost in my own thoughts, when suddenly someone grabbed my hand. I looked up to see Marvin....

"How about we get your age fixed huh?" I slowly nodded as he led me off to his room, I heard something behind me and when I turned around It was the wolf from earlier!! "You guys are gonna let me keep her?" "Well yeah, she doesn't seem like too much trouble and she seems protective of you....she really likes everyone here."

We got to Marvin's room and he placed me on the bed, he spoke some words and I closed my eyes while waiting....When I opened my eyes I was still the same age I was before, I looked to Marvin and he seemed just as confused. "It should've worked...why didn't it work? It worked for chase....." I saw his eyes widen as he realizes something.

"Anti, you're a demon so any of my magic, wouldn't work on you anyway. So that means my magic didn't cause this, but it can't fix it either.... I'm so so sorry Anti....but you're stuck like this........forever." I gasped and tears started forming in my eyes, I didn't want to be stuck like this, they won't want to take care of me after all I've done to them.

Marvin knelt to be eye level with me, "Hey, it's ok, we'll take care of you.." I looked him in the eyes trying to see if he was lying to me. I didn't find anything that proved that so I spoke my mind instead. "Why? after all I've done to you in the past, I've hurt you guys. Why do you still care about me?"

I asked with some tears rolling down my face. "Anti, that was in the past, I can tell this experience changed you, I can tell you've already changed for the better." "I'm sorry....for everything that I did to you guys....." "It's ok, I forgive you Anti." He hugged me and reassured me everything would be ok. "Stay here, I have to tell the others...ok?"

I nodded my head not planning on leaving, pretty soon after Marvin left, the wolf jumped up on the bed next to me and laid her head in my lap. I ran my fingers through her soft fur and thought of a name for her, I really like the name Luna. 

Marvin's pov

I walked down the stairs and into the living room, where everyone else is, I cleared my throat the get their attention and everyone looked at me and waited for me speak. "I have some bad news..." I started, everyone looked at me worriedly. "My magic doesn't work on demons, and since Anti is a demon...."

Everyone seemed to get my point. "Oh my god, he's stuck like this?!" Jackie blurted out, I sadly nodded my head. "Well, we'll just have to take of him and show him how much we care." Seán suggested, everyone agreed, "Ok I'll go get him, he's in my room."

I said as I walked back up the stairs to get Anti, I knocked gently before I heard a soft "Come in", I slowly opened the door and saw Anti on my bed cuddling with the wolf, I smiled gently at him. "Figure out a name for her yet?" I asked curiously, he nodded his head, I motioned for him to go on, "I decided to name her Luna." "That's a very lovely name Anti. Come on, lets go downstairs now ok?"

He nodded his head and hopped off the bed and grabbed my hand with Luna following behind him. We made our way down the stairs and into the living room, he sat on the couch as everyone stood up and hugged him, apologizing that they couldn't do more to help him get back to his normal age. "Ok Anti, here's what's going to happen, We are going to take care of you from now on ok?"

He nodded his head hesitantly, "Are you sure? I don't want to bother you guys and be a burden....." He looked down at the ground, I'm assuming he still feels guilty for what he did to us and that the others won't forgive him. Everyone looked at him sadly. "Anti, we love you, you never have been and never will be a burden. Ok? We love you so much brother..." Henrik said to him, Anti looked surprised but just nodded his head.

- Time skip -

Anti's pov

Well, It's been about two months since then, I mostly just stay in my room with Luna and don't really talk to anybody. I can tell they're getting worried though, they try to talk to me through the door to make sure I'm ok. It's not that I don't love them....It's just that I still feel bad about what I did. I mean, I tortured them all in so many ways, how can they just forgive me and call me family.

I don't deserve to be called family after all the shit I put them through, Maybe I should go see Henrik... Luna was currently sleeping so I quietly opened the door as to not wake her, then I made my way to Henrik's room to see if he was there...I took a deep breath and knocked on his door. It soon opened and Henrik was standing there, "Yes?"

I sighed, this is a bad idea, I'm probably bothering him right now, he's probably drowning in work as it is, he doesn't need my problems added on top of that. "Never mind...." I start to walk away when he places his hand on my shoulder. "Hey, it's ok, now what seems to be the problem..."

He took my hand and led me into his room, I sat on his bed and started talking to him. "I feel like I don't deserve this..." I confessed... "Don't deserve what?" He asked confused, I continued. "I feel like I don't deserve everyone's kindness and love, I don't deserve a family.

I've hurt all of you for no reason, if anyone deserves to be hurt it's me, what I did is unforgivable, I don't deserve to even be alive-" Henrik cut me off "Anti, stop." I looked up at him and he was crying, he knelt down to be eye level with me. I closed my eyes expecting him to hurt me but nothing happened. "Anti..." I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"You deserve to be living, What's happened is in the past, what matters now is the present. We all care about you so much, we would be devastated if anything were to happen to you. You are part of our family, you haven't hurt us for about a year at this point." "You shouldn't care about me... I'm just a mista-"

"DON'T you DARE finish that sentence. You can't dictate or decide our feelings for us. I know that these feelings might not go away for a while, but we could help them move on if you want to do therapy with me?" I thought about it for a little bit and eventually decided that therapy couldn't hurt, I nodded my head, he smiled and hugged me.

Henrik's pov

I can't believe Anti has been feeling this way, I suggested therapy to him and he agreed. I don't want to rule out anything just yet, it is possible that he could have depression because of the guilt eating away at him. I should tell the others, but then again if Anti doesn't want them to know then I shouldn't tell them, I should at least tell Seán about this.

- Time skip again -

Anti's pov

Well it's been a couple years and I think I'm starting to feel better, I've finally accepted that I deserve this family. Therapy with Henrik has really helped with that, I started talking to my brothers about my fears, doubts, and worries and they reassured me and helped with those.

I really feel loved with everyone taking care of me, I've also realized that the egos and Seán really do care about me. I still have some issues to work out, like forgiving myself for what I did years ago, but I have a feeling that's going to be hard to smooth out.

I've been a lot nicer to the ego- my brothers as well, knowing that they forgive me. I never would've expected this, to be living with all of them in peace and not trying to kill them.

The end

2,043 words

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