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Anti's POV

H he just gave me away..... He really doesn't care about me.... Dark teleported back to his place and locked me in a room with a few toys. I just curled up and cried thinking I would be here forever. Dark eventually came back and I backed away from him scared he just laughed though.

He walked closer and I whimpered. When I whimpered he frowned "anti you know I wouldn't hurt you right?" I shook my head no I honestly didn't know what dark would be able to do to me when I'm this small.

Tears started streaming down just thinking about it.  He sighed and walked even closer to me. He lifted my chin up to look me in the eyes and then he asked a question. "Did you really slice up his arm?"

I shook my head no and he sighed. We were suddenly back at Jack's house. Jackie instantly glared at me. I stuck my tongue out at him. And walked with dark to find jack.

We eventually found him in the kitchen. May I talk with you jack?" Dark asked he nodded and I walked away from the conversation only to bump into Jackie and he snarled me. He grabbed my hand and brought me somewhere.

"Listen glitch no one wants you here not even jack. No one cares about you here you'll always be the villain."

Tears started pricking in my eyes and he locked me in the closet the dark closet. I just sat down and waited for someone to find me Jackie is right no one cares about me.

Jack's pov

Dark told me about his conversation he had with anti. So then who lied to me? It wasn't Jackie was it? I called Jackie in and he came, dark asked him what happened and he told dark what he told me. Dark growled and Jackie  backed up "he's lying."

Jackie recoiled and had a guilty look on his face. "Jackie what really happened?" I asked him and he told me a completely different story of how he cut himself and then made it look like anti did it to get him in trouble. I was shocked this is the second time he's done something to anti. First was making him run away and now this...

I pointed the corner and he went to protest but I cut him off. "Corner. Now" I growled he walked over and stood in the corner. As dark left I went to find anti to apologise to him. I couldn't find him but then I heard sniffling from my upstairs bedroom closet. I noticed it was locked.

I unlocked it and anti was in there crying. He looked up at me sadly and looked back down as if expecting me to leave. "Anti? What are you doing?" He weakly responded "Jackie locked me in." I was furious at Jackie I picked up anti and hugged him he looked surprised at me "I I thought you didn't care about me?" "Who told you that?" "Also Jackie"

I need to have a talk with that boy. I let anti go run around and play while I grabbed Jackie and went to my bedroom. I sighed "Jackie what the actual fuck. Why are you doing and saying these things to anti?" "Because no one like him not even you! You can't seriously tell me you care for that bitch!" "I do. I care about all of you even anti."

"HOW? he's tried to kill you multiple times and even succeeded once! He doesn't deserve to be a part of the family or the egos."

"Jackie I thought you were supposed to be the hero? Hero's don't treat others like that. They try to help everyone even the bad guys."

He sighed but I continued "anti has feelings too. He was crying in the closet when I found him. Why would you lock him inside?" " Because everyone hates him!"

"No I think you hate him. If I see you do one more thing to anti you are getting spanked." Jackie's eyes widened with fear and he nodded his head. I let him go play  but kept a close eye on him.

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