I Asked For Coffee, Not Spiders

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Jackie slid off the banister and bounced energetically into the kitchen.

"MORNIN'!" He bellowed. Everyone jumped at his sudden entrance; JJ floundered quite frantically to stop gravity from stealing his bagel— it wasn't very effective— and Marvin vaulted out of his seat and latched on to the nearest ego.

"It is too early for that!" The magician hissed. His voice was hoarse with sleep, yet his annoyance was still clear as the morning sky outside. Jackie just beamed.

"Sorry," he snickered.

"U-um, M-Marvin? Y-you're nails, um, are-are really sh-sharp..." Marvin blinked at Chase's arm and slowly retracted his death grip. Chase rubbed the broken skin with a wince; Marvin awkwardly cleared his throat.

"My apologies." The vlogger gave a shaky smile.

"Heh, no worries dude, he-he got me too."

"Yes, vhat a little scaredy cat," Schneeplestein teased as he shuffled into the kitchen. Robbie was close behind, wandering over to where JJ was mourning the loss of his poor breakfast.

"Scaredy cat," Marvin muttered with an indignant huff. "I'll show you a scaredy cat." Jackie wandered over to the doctor, who was pouring himself a cup of freshly-brewed dirty bean juice.

"How was work?" He quizzed. Henrik put a hand out to say "wait." Jackie bounced on his heels and gladly waited; it only took a few seconds for Doctor Schneeplestein to fix his coffee the way he liked it, and after a hearty gulp he let out a content sigh and finally answered.

"It vasn't so bad. My nurse vent on vacation, so zhey paired me vith another doctor for ze next few days."

"Oh really! Who is he?"

"I dunno. Some idiot zhat just keeps telling mein patients zhat zey are dying." Henrik huffed. "I doubt he is real doctor like me."

"Nobody's like you, doc," Chase tagged. Jackie beamed and opened his mouth to agree, but his supervision caught sight of something moving on the counter.

"Ah, vell, I suppose zhat iz true, Chase. But—"

"SPIDER!!!" Jackie shrieked, grabbing the doctor and jumping to safety. The other Septics all clamored with alarm, and Marvin was the first to move closer and spot the culprit that was pattering next to the coffee maker. His eyelids drooped behind his mask, and he deadpanned.

"... Jackie, it's literally smaller than a penny."

"Hey, pennies I can deal with. I'll fight any bad copper that comes at me. But spiders are a different case!" They all stared up at Jackie.

"What's wrong with spiders?" Jackie shushed them.

"They're spies!" He whispered, his eyes comically wide beneath his blue mask, "They're always listening, crawlin' around with those menacing eight legs of theirs— not to mention they disappear as soon as ye turn yer back on them!" Marvin facepalmed.

"Are you, uh... Coming down anytime soon?" Chase asked. Somehow, in one elegant motion, Jackie had swept Henrik up and jumped on top of the fridge... And he didn't look like he was budging anytime soon.

"Nope," he admitted sheepishly, "I'm kinda stuck." Schneeplestein wriggled in his arms.

"I spilled coffee all over my coat!" He complained.  "Zum donnerwetter!"

"Sorry doc! It was an instinct reaction. I was just makin' sure you stayed safe!" Marvin rolled his eyes as Robbie gazed quizzically up at them with his head tilted like a puppy.

"[So how do we get him down from there?]" JJ asked beside the pastel zombie, visibly trying to suppress his laughter.

"Well... I could use my magic... But I think I'm just gonna let them simmer up there for a few hours." The magician turned and started walking away, much to Jackie's blubbering protests. "Who knows? Maybe I'll even forget to come back in the kitchen the rest of the day?" He called tauntingly over his shoulder.

"Maaaarrrrv!!!" Jackie complained. But the magician was already gone. Chase rubbed his eyes and sighed.

"Okay, um... M-maybe we can ask Anti to—"

"Nu uh, I don't want him to see me like this!"

"Vhat about me!? Can't you just drop me?"

"But you could get hurt!"

"Chase vill catch me! Right, Chase?"

"Ummm... Well, I would, buuut I can't..."

"... In zhat case, never let go of me, Jackie. Just- somebody give me my coffee, I need my coffee, zhat's all I vant!" JJ expressed a sigh and checked his pocket watch.

"[We're going to be here long past tea time]," he noted sadly.

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