11. The Video

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I feel the chair for Leonard's body and when I touch his head, I flick him on the forehead. He grabs my hand and takes it off his face.

"What are you doing?" He asks groggily.

"Obviously, you need to be awake to see what's going on, genius."

He groans, stirring lazily. "You always call me genius but it's never literal."

"Wow. I guess I was wrong. You're smart even when you're asleep," I say, rolling my eyes even though he can't see it.

I hear him take his backpack and get on his feet. After a few seconds, the screen of his phone lights up. He turns on the flashlight of the phone and directs it to my face.

I gasp and block the light with a hand. "Dude! What gives!"

He chuckles and tilts the phone away from my face, the light shining on the blocks behind me. "Let's go."

I stare at him with large eyes. "Have you seen the time?"

I actually haven't seen the time either so I pull my phone from the front pocket of my leather pants and unlock the screen. It says it's 7:30pm.

Leonard does the same, checking the time on his phone, and shrugs. "So? We can just stay here until it's super early tomorrow and go home. We are not going home at this time. It's late and dangerous." He turns away from me and walks in the direction of the teachers' lounge door.

"Are you even listening to yourself? Your mom might not ask where you've been but mine will have my head and feed it to the vultures."

"You're always overreacting."

It looks like he's unmoving at the door so I grab my backpack and walk towards him. A few feets close, I notice he's testing the knob.

I stand next to him. "What are you doing?"

He looks at me. "Got a pin with you?"

"I guess..." I start to feel my pockets for a bobby pin because I'm wearing my hair down today when realization hits me.

"You want to pick the lock? That'll make things worse!" I yell.

He crooks his neck. "Shh. Keep your voice down. Someone might hear you. It's either staying safe inside or trying to jump over the school fences that are higher than even your grades. Weigh your chances. You know a guy that can pick locks and he's gonna help but you don't have a ridiculously tall ladder."

"I know a girl that can pick locks too."

He rolls his eyes at me. "Weigh. Your. Chances."

I pout my lips, not willing to succumb but it's the wisest thing to do.

"Fine, but since you're the master of solutions, you're helping me with a lie for my mom."

He grins at me and ruffles my hair. "Deal."

I rummage my backpack and find three of Mom's multicolored paper clips that I took from the living room table this morning.

"Pin?" Leonard's palm is open in front of me.

"Nope. Paper clips." I put them on my palm and lift it to the level of his eyes.

He takes two clips. "Will do."

He gives me his phone and I hold it up for the flashlight to help him see what he's about to do.

First, he bends one of the paper clips into a tension wrench and straightens the second clip. Next, he puts the tension wrench paper clip into the bottom of the keyhole and pushes it in and inserts the straight paper clip into the top of the keyhole, against the pins in the shear line.

He begins to turns the pins counter-clockwise until the lock clicks.

"So that's how you pick a lock?" I say-mostly to myself than him.

He nods, takes his phone from me and opens the door. He walks in first and starts to find the switch. When he does, he flips them and the lights turn on.

I nod approvingly at him. "Nice." He laughs and signals for me to drop my backpack on one of the couches in the middle of the room.

Now that I'm in here, the teachers' lounge is obviously the second largest room in the school. The library is the first and its probably because I've been there. Students are never allowed in the teachers' lounge.

I guess I see why. There are coffee makers next to every teacher's desk, six vending machines at different corners, two flat screens and six couches set up like a hexagon in the middle of the lounge like a living room.

I find Leonard checking the place out too. He looks very impressed. "This is why they never let us in here."

The first thing I do is make a cup of coffee for myself because my mouth tastes sour. Okay, it's really because I just have to use one of everything while I'm here, excluding the air conditioners and TVs though. We'll be busted if the paroling security men hear noises from the TV or find the air conditioner units outside the building on.

Leonard drops on one of the couches while I stand next to an espresso machine as it brews the coffee. He has a packet of gummy bears he got from the vending machine in his hand.

I chose one of the quiet espresso machines. Mom is a coffee addict and she has orange direct coffee machines so I can recognize the quiet ones and the loud ones.

When the coffee is ready, I gulp it down and leave the cup on a teacher's desk, unwashed. I'm half lazy to wash it and half concerned for whose desk it is.

"So what fun thing do you suggest we do? I'm fully awake now," he says with his mouth full of red gummy bears.

I make a face. "Don't talk with your mouth full. It's disgusting."

A corner of his mouth curls up to a half-smile. "Whatever. It's not like I'm trying to impress you."

"So you only act with your manners when you're trying to get in a girl's pants?"

"God!" He scrubs his face with a hand and blows a breath. "That mouth of yours really doesn't have a filter, does it? First, it's having my tongue in Tati's mouth, now it's screwing girls."

That shuts me up. I'm not testing the waters anymore, I'm apparently going for a swim without having swimming skills.

We stay silent, the low brewing of the espresso machine the only sound in the room.

Leonard takes a long breath and says, "I should have told you earlier but I should just say it."

"Say what?"

"You're hunchback girl."

"I get that I get on your nerves a lot, but that's the stupidest thing to call me." I touch my back, feeling for a hunch I've probably missed all my life.

He chuckles as I look over my shoulder, checking my back. "No, no. I mean... that day. The day I moved here in L.A., we met."

I whip my head to him and frown, confused. "Met?"

"Not exactly though. It wasn't even a meet-cute or anything." He laughs. It sounds exasperated or forced.

"Meet-cute?" At this point, I'm really confused.

He rubs the nape of his neck and rests his hand there. "Yeah... Like in those chick flick movies and cheesy novels where two characters have an amusing or charming encounter and stuff. It sorta leads to the development of a romantic relationship between them or something. But forget it. I don't even know how I know this crap."

I smile and wink at him."Oh really? If you don't tell me what our first encounter was, how'll I know it wasn't really a meet-cute?"

"Okay, so it was in during the day—"

"Well, duh. I don't roam at night," I chip in, interrupting him.

"Just... Let me finish, alright?"

I nod for him to go ahead.

"You were bent over and breathing like a dog or a tired hyena—"

"Oh my God! I don't breathe like that!" I stare at him, horrified and embarrassed.

"Stop interrupting me. It's rude. And if you yell like that, we'll get busted. I haven't been behind bars before and I'm not looking forward to it."

"Fine. Fine." I raise my hands in surrender. "Go on."

"Anyway, you were kind of hunched over. Like with your hands on your knees." He gets up and demonstrates. That gets a chuckle from me. He ignores my laugh and keeps talking.

"I didn't know it was you at first, I swear, and I wanted to help. It wasn't until you walked away—the way you were hunched over—that I saw the side of your face and recognized you. It cracked me up right away but I didn't want to embarrass you on the street like that."

The ground might as well just open up and swallow me right this minute.

"That was you?" I manage to choke out. He doesn't reply so I get my answer.

I rush over to him and punch him in the arm just for effect. "Why didn't you tell me?"

He laughs, ignoring that I hit him. "And ruin our meet-cute? Nah."

"It wasn't a meet-cute! You were the only one doing the meeting and acting cute. I, in the other hand, was getting the foolery." I keep punching his arm.

He grabs my hand mid-air and pulls me sit next to him on the couch. "Aw. Don't feel that way. It was amusing so it counts as a meet-cute."

I frown at him and swat his head. "That wasn't technically a meet-cute. If meeting is what defines it, then the bathroom incident would be it. At least then, both of us were seeing each other."

He does a one-shoulder shrug, a wide grin on his face. "Either way, you were still on the foolery end. I was the cute and composed one."

I give up and slump myself to fall backwards. "You're unbelievable. I can't with you right now, Leo."

His grin is still plastered on his face and I want to wipe it off.

I'm always on the foolery end.

"What about my Instagram account?"

"Oh, yeah." He sits up and takes his phone sitting next to him on the couch. His grin is gone and I stop feeling so foolish—just a tiny bit.

He unlocks his phone and opens up Instagram.

"Give me your phone. Let me send the app to you."

"I already have it."


I swipe up my phone screen, unlocking it. "Yeah. Angelo sent it to me."

"Oh. That guy. What's up with you two? You're always together. Like all the time in school. The classes I don't have with you, you have with him."

"It's could be a crazy coincidence, but we take the same classes."

"Really? You think that's a coincidence?"

"Why? Is something wrong with that?"

"Well, duh." He uses my exact words against me. "I'm completely sure he swapped classes to take yours with you. Ever shown him your timetable?"

"Of course. I had to. I needed a guide around the school to find my classes."

"He definitely swapped the classes you aren't taking for yours."

"That's dumb. Why would he?"

He stares at me blankly and shakes his head. "You can be so blind, you know?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"He likes you, Jessica. He's trying to get close to you."

"I know that. I'm not as stupid as you think. All the green lights he gives say so. I just think it's irrational to do that. Especially when you're not even sure the girl likes you back."

His brows shoot up. "So you don't like him that way?"

I drop my arm over my eyes. "I don't think so. Yeah, he's really sweet and all, but I don't think that's it. Honestly, I'm not sure. I've been very confused lately."

"Be careful there, Tiger. Don't go feeling stuff when you're confused. It never works out that way."

"How did we switch from talking about Instagram to debating Angelo's actions?"

"Whatever. Just watch me, okay?"


He takes my phone from me and opens up the instagram app. He taps in my account info, telling me the password and username as he does. He forgot to ask for my email account so he used one of his. He logs in and the home page comes up.

"This here is your home page. You see your posts, the posts of the people you're following, and a few sponsored posts sometimes."

"Gosh, Leo. I know how Instagram works. I might not be on it, but I've seen and heard about it. I just needed you to help me get a bunch of followers on it so Steph can get off my back."

"I was getting to that. Patience."

He continues explaining functions on the app while I groan and roll my eyes at him.

"So I bought a thousand followers from a site online. That's all. We clear?"

"Yeah, yeah. Now give it." I open my palm and he places my phone on it.

He folds his arms behind his head and relaxes on the backrest of the couch. "This isn't half as bad, y'know."

"You're forgetting the part where I tell my Mom about where I spent the night."

"Oh relax. She hasn't even called you. Has she?"

I check my phone for notifications of missed calls and find eighteen from Mom. She called while I was asleep. My phone was on silent mode and in my backpack. There are also six texts from her.

Mom (5:12pm): Where are you? You should be home by now. Are you studying in the library again or you're out with friends?

Mom (5:45pm): Please text me when you get home. I'm still at work. There was an emergency that needed my attention. Lily's here with me though. I picked her from school earlier. I might not get home anytime soon. Lunch's in the microwave.

Mom (6:01pm): I'm wrapping things up. Can't call now but I will when I get out of the office.


Mom only uses caps when she's doing an impression of a yell. It has never made sense until now.

Mom (6:35pm): DID YOU DIE????? HAVE YOU BEEN KIDNAPPED????????

Mom (6:45pm): There's a power cut and my battery will be dead soon. I'm going to start a search party. If you see this text, don't call or text me now. I might not be able to see it soon. Please be safe AND DON'T DIE!!!!!!

"She did alright. Texts and calls," I murmur.

I run both my hands through my hair and shake my head. Leonard leans close and peers over my shoulder at the texts on my screen.

"On the bright side, you're not kidnapped or dead."

"Should I try calling her later to tell her I'm here?"

"I don't think that's a good idea. She might come here to pick you up and the school will get us suspended for staying back after school hours."

"What if I say I'm at a party and I'm fine?"

"You're sure she wont come to the party to pick you up?"

Knowing Erica Sanchez, she'll become Flash The Superhero and get to where the party is taking place, then morph into The Hulk and crash it.

"I guess she'll just see me tomorrow then."

I open up my photos app and scroll for the picture I took of the clique tasks. I plan to look over them and decide the next one to do when one of the tasks gets my attention.

• Spend a night in the teachers' lounge (without getting caught, of course), and shoot a video as proof.

My eyes widen and I shake Leonard's shoulder.

"Still right here, Jessica. What's up?" His breath tickles my neck and I feel the effect in my stomach as the angry moths wreck more havoc. I should have bruises on the wall of my stomach by now.

I turn my head to him and meet his face. He is still peering over my shoulder. My face feels hot and I'm sure it's the color of a ripe tomato. He smiles at me before pulling himself away.

I clear my throat and try to speak but I might sound excited so instead, I nod at my screen and show him. He squints, reading the contents. When he's done, he shrugs like he doesn't understand what exactly should have his attention when his eyes widen in realization, too.

"You're gonna do it now?" He sounds excited, an obvious difference from his tone of disinterest when it concerns the clique's tasks.

I bite my lips and grin, a different kind of excitement coursing through me this time. "Yeah. This is so fun!" I squeal. "Steph won't even see this coming."

Leo raises his brows, challenging me. "I thought the main point of this was to get back at your bullies by climbing the ladder. What has Steph got to do with you spending a night here?"

"Steph's my primary bully but apart from that, this whole thing actually is fun."

He scratches his forehead. "Jesus. That clique's craziness is already rubbing off on you."

"Whatever." I toss him my phone and he catches it in both hands without a falter.

Stupid soccer skills.

"Shoot the video for me." I run my hands through my hair the second time this night.

"The only bright side is that you're not so socially awkward anymore."

I pause. My mind on overdrive. How Leonard does that—seeing things the way they are before even I catch up—I'll never understand.

"Oh God. That's... That's actually true." I bury my head in my hands. "This stupid school is bringing out the worst in me."

He takes my wrists and pull, freeing my hands from my face. I don't bother resisting. He's clearly stronger.

"No, no. It's good. You're getting more comfortable in your own skin, doing things you want, living life a little." He stays silent for a while, rethinking his next words. "As much as I don't approve of your ways of socializing, I'm your friend and I should support you. You know, be the rational one in all this."

I smile at him, my heart warming at his concern. "Thanks. It's refreshing to have a friend that actually understands, not one that's only hanging out with you so you seem human."

He grins, attempting to cover his confusion. "Uh?"

I stay silent, reveling in his confused expression. He's always composed and sure of himself. The rare times he's confused, I feel proud I'm behind it.

"Nothing," I finally say.

He shuffles on the couch, adjusting himself to face me completely. "What better way to do a clique task than making it grand?" He wriggles his brows teasingly.

I squint, trying to figure it out. "What do you suggest, Green?"

"Posting the video on insta."

I frown. Who's supposed to be rational here?

"But the clique tasks are exclusive. As in, secrets."

"Yeah, I know. You can just follow you others in the clique, add them to your close friends list and post the video on your status for just your close friends. They're the only ones that'll be able to see your status."

"Ugh!" I throw my hands aimlessly in the air before dumping them on my thighs. "I always knew social media is full of lies. Now it's got me calling then my 'close friends'."

He cocks his head to the side, a mock-grin on his annoyingly cute face. "Aren't they your only friends right now?"

I scoff and roll my eyes. "Don't forget Leonard Green. He drives me nuts and makes me want to punch his face all the time, but he's my friend too."

"Yeah. Me too." His chest rises and his shoulder lift. "With what I've seen so far, you only talk to that Angelo guy in class." He makes air quotes when he says Angelo's name and I roll my eyes again.

"Sometimes, some chick that is always chewing something talks to you. I'm guessing she's in your clique too because she hangs out with Steph and dresses all smoking like you do. I don't see you with laid-back people so I'm definitely your best friend." His proud grin stretches like being ny best friend is a major achievement.

I quirk a brow like he does. "Don't praise yourself, Green. There's this girl that lives right opposite my house. She was weird at first but I'm sure you'll like her. She's... very laid back and does whatever she wants. Oh, and she's in college."

He rubs his chin with his thumb and forefinger, looking interested. "Uh. A college girl. Man, they're always hot. She cute?"

I swat his head again, suddenly upset he wants to hit on Val. "Shut up and shoot my video."

He mouths "start" and taps the video record function on my instagram story.

I clearly my throat. "Um. This is awkward, but hey! I'm in the teacher's lounge and I don't need to point that it's the eleventh task. So... I'll just show you around to make it obvious that I'm really here."

I wave my hand at Leo to follow me as I get on my feet and walk to the cluster of files on a shelf. "These are clearly papers that have been due to be graded. Heaven knows what they do in here except drink coffee and watch TV. You're probably wondering what the hell I'm saying."

I stroll to the large TV on the wall, facing the desks and set of couches. "They've got a mega screen and..." I look away from the phone and whisper to Leonard, "show them the coffee machines."

He moves the phone from my face and steadies the focus of the camera on the coffee machines on each desk. When everyone coffee machine has featuredbin the video, he returns the phine to my face.

"Well, that's it. I'd show you the outside but we might get busted by the guards outside." I look away fron the phone again. "Leo, cut."

He taps the screen and let's out a breath.

I take one stride forward to him, wringing my fingers. "How'd I do? Did I fret? Did I sound nervous? I think my voice cracked one time."

He smiles reassuringly and takes my worked out hands. "You did great. Didn't even sound scared at all. You'll make an awesome spokesperson."

I close my eyes and draw in a lung full of air. My insides churn with giddiness, the pent up adrenaline calming down.

In my quiet contemplation, I can think about being dorky, the people who've made me question my dorkiness and what is actually right. Nothing is certain right now, not with how I'm doing things or the things I'm doing, but the basis of everything is that I'm  back at the bullies.

Two tasks down, four to go.

All the while I keep mute and have my internal strategization, Leonard doesn't make a sound so he doesn't interrupt me. My heart swells and feels like it's going to burst any second. I open my eyes, my hands in his and our steady breathing the only sound in the room. His palms are perpendicular to mine and he wraps his fingers around the back of my hand. He absentmindedly rubs the back of my palms slowly with his thumbs. The angry moths in my stomach multiply and flutter furiously.

He opens his mouth to speak, shuts it and tries again. "Will you come with me to Yountville for Christmas?"

I think the moths just got rifles and are shooting the inner walks of my stomach.

"I know you have plans with your own family for the Christmas break but I..." He trails off and frowns. "Remember that time you asked me why I moved to L.A., but I evaded and didn't want you to ask private questions?"

I nod, then decide to use words. "Uh, sure. I remember. You don't have to tell me. It's fine. It was wrong to pry anyway."

He drops my hands like they burn, realizing he's been holding them. My palms feel exposed and crave the attention of his.

He stares over my shoulder for what seems like forever before he locks gazes with me. "You weren't prying. I just..." He scrubs his face with a hand and blows a breath.

When he drops his hands, he looks at me, his eyes pleading. "Look, my dad wants me to go over. I really, really want you there with me. Will you go with me, Jessica?"


This chapter is supposed to be sweet, cute and funny but I was chewing the cord of my earpiece while listening to Saweetie's 'Tap In'. Please don't listen to it as you read the chapter. I promise, it'll ruin the mood.

Anyway, I'm bummed because I'll be going back to school really soon since the whole Corona virus pandemic lockdown where I am has been lifted. 😭 I'm ambivalent, actually.

I'm glad I finally get to go back to my university because unlike you lazy teens out there, I LOVE school but I won't be as consistent on Wattpad as I've been for the past nine months. Plus, my mid-semester tests are near and I'll need to do extra studying. I'll really try to keep up with my weekly publishing routine though.

Hugs and kisses! 💙

Question of the day ⭐:
• Have you ever had a male best friend? 👫

Me: Oh yeah, but our best-friendship didn't last though. We still talk but we're not besties anymore.

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