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They'd left Theo on his own after that, since he was still semi-mobile.

But Scott had found that one of the Dread Doctors was still alive, the Surgeon, and without moment of hesitation her, Liam and him were dragging it through the forest and into town to the animal clinic so they could get Deaton to have a look at him.

She was cold and shivering by the time they got there, but it was quickly pushed aside when she saw her brother was already there, and she didn't waste any time in throwing her arms around him in a trembling, exhausted hug. He held her tightly, sensing she clearly needed it, and by the time they pulled away, Deaton was up to speed on everything that had happened so far, the Surgeon was already up on the table and the three of them were already standing around the table.

After falling into place beside Liam and her brother standing on the other side with Scott, they all watched anxiously as Deaton looked over the metal creature in front of them. "Can you keep him alive?" He asked hopefully.

Deaton didn't even look up, still examining it with his flashlight. "I'm not sure he technically is alive."

"Screw keeping him alive," Liam scoffed, glancing over at her and then the rest of them. "How do we get him to talk?"

"Personally, I don't think we utilize torture nearly enough," Stiles muttered with a deep frown, rubbing his palms together nervously.

Katherine just smoothed a hand over her mouth and rubbed her eyes tiredly, and nodded in agreement. "Definitely not on the people that deserve it," she muttered tiredly.


Liam asked, "did you hear that?" at the exact same time Katherine blurted out "okay what the fuck was that", and received a slap on the arm from her brother as soon as the words left her mouth

Come to me...

The Surgeon sat bolt upright, and a loud, ear shattering ringing filled the room that Katherine found practically unbearable, so she couldn't even begin to imagine how much pain Scott and Liam were in. But never the less, she wound up holding tightly onto Liam's hand with the other one covering her good ear, shoulder pressing into the bad one since she already couldn't hear anything from it.

She could see him slowly walking toward the door in the corner of her eye, and let go of Liam's hand to cover both her ears as the noise grew even more deafening. She knelt to the ground with her forehead on the floor, mouth open in mild shock as the ringing in her head intensified.

Her head only snapped up at the sound of of Scott crying out "Liam, wait!" but she didn't have  chance to see what happened because something in the air glowed brightly, and another something landed directly on top of her.

It wasn't in the ways that're commonly depicted in the movies, where the handsome boy falls on the girl to protect her. No; it was Liam's elbow hitting the bridge of her nose with a resonating crack! and his knee slamming into her side, both excruciatingly painful.

Katherine let out a shriek of pain as she felt the blood start running down her nose and into her open mouth, causing her to roll onto her side and spit out a mouthful of red spit onto the floor just beside her shoes. She'd clean it up later.

By the time she was on her feet again, all the metal objects in the room were plastered to the wall with the door, and purple sparks were flying around the ceiling as proof of what the Surgeon had done; he'd electrified it.

She stammered to her feet and wiped under her nose to get rid of the blood, but it did nothing to help. More was there within seconds, and all she could do was silently hope it wasn't broken.

"The cane," Scott blurted out in a whisper finally, his eyes wide.

"But they took it," Liam frowned. "They took the cane."

Katherine groaned and set her hands on her hips, ignoring the blood now dripping down the front of her shirt. "For those of us who don't have the benefit of supernatural hearing, can you explain what the fuck—" Stiles swatted at the back of her head with a quiet grumble of language, which she returned with a punch in the arm "—is going on?"

"The cane it's—" Scott inhaled sharply. "The cane that the Surgeon had — it's the pike that killed the Beast."


As the others sorted through everything Deaton had in the room for possible answers on how to get Mason back, Katherine sat leaning forwards on his desk chair with a flexible ice pack over the bridge of her nose to help slow and eventually stop the bleeding. Deaton had already determined that it wasn't broken, just severely bruised, and would likely take a few weeks to fully heal and that there would likely be some pretty impressive bruising that would eventually fade.

Her ribs were fine, too, which she appreciated. Just a little sore, but nothing she couldn't handle.

It was decided that it would be better for her to sit off to the side until the bleeding stopped so it was confined to one place, and she couldn't help but irritably squint at Liam for as long as she possibly could. Even if it wasn't his fault, he'd still almost broken her nose and cracked her ribs.


"Maybe there's something in here," Scott groaned, frantically flipping through the pages in the book he'd grabbed. "Something about how he was a Genetic Chimera."

"Mason had a vanishing twin,' Deaton provided thoughtfully.

"Now we've got a vanishing Mason," Stiles muttered, and she couldn't help but snort in response to it and ended up almost dropping the ice pack.

"What does that have to do with him turning into a 250-year-old French guy?" Liam huffed, blinking rapidly as he turned to look at her for answers. "How does that even happen?"

She could only shake her head and shrug while mouthing how the fuck should I know, dude?

Deaton's head snapped up. "Hold on, Scott might have something." They all looked at him in surprise, Scott included. "Mason's twin wasn't entirely gone. That's what made him a Genetic Chimera.

"The DNA was still there," Katherine breathed out, her jaw dropping. She let the ice pack fall into her lap, since the bleeding had stopped. It was just achey now.

"Metaphorically speaking, the DNA of Mason could still be inside Sebastien as well," Deaton agreed.

She could see from across the room that Stiles had his thinking face on. "How?"

"Life is energy. Energy doesn't just disappear. The Dread Doctors may have found a way to break the rules of the supernatural world but there are some rules that simply won't break."

"So Mason can't just be gone?" Liam concluded hopefully.

Katherine stood up and set the ice pack down on the counter and wandered over to them, standing beside Stiles with her arms folded over her chest thoughtfully. Liam looked apologetic as she wiped under her nose again and grimaced, but she waved it off.

There were more important things at hand than past accidents.

"Somewhere in Sebastien he has to still exist in some form. A spark of energy, a flicker of memory," Deaton nodded gently, though his expression was stern.

"Hang on," Stiles murmured, clearly connecting dots in his head. "Liam, you said Mason said something right before he turned."

Katherine nodded as Liam murmured; "He said that's not my name."

"He finally remembered his name," Scott breathed out, brows rising.

"Damnatio Memoriae," Stiles sighed.

Liam was nodding rapidly. "That's what they wanted. They wanted Sebastien to remember his name."

"Scott, you know the myth of what happens when you call a werewolf by its given name?" Deaton asked softly.

"It turns back to human," he answered carefully.

Katherine watched as Liam raked a hand through his hair, and she wandered over to him because she knew he was just as scared for Mason as the rest of them, but hadn't had as much practice at hiding it. "What does that mean?" He asked shakily, automatically reaching for her hand. "Someone can just walk up to the Beast, yell Mason's name and turn him back?"

"Not someone," Scott murmured gently, expression settling to grim.

Her jaw dropped as she finally understood what they were saying.

Stiles blinked once, his lips rolling inwards. "Lydia."


Before they'd even made it out of the clinic's parking lot, their Dad had phoned saying Sebastian had attacked the Sheriff station and that Lydia had been hurt and was now at the hospital; that was all it took for them to race over to Beacon Hills Memorial and well over the speed limit to get to her and make sure she was okay.

Stiles had gone in to sit with her while Scott talked with his mom, and Katherine sat out in the waiting room with Liam. He sat patiently, though his leg was bouncing nervously. She, on the other hand, was a terrified wreck. She couldn't stop pacing back and forth and biting at her lips and nails and was practically in tears; she would've been if they were there under normal circumstances.

But they never were.

"Is she okay?" Liam asked worriedly the moment Scott came back, an Katherine look at him with a quivering bottom lip.

"She's gonna be fine, but she can't really talk," he answered gently, tugging her in for a tight and comforting hug.

Liam slumped in his* chair. "Then it's over, isn't it? There's nothing we can do to save him."

As Scott wandered away to check his messages, Katherine sat down in the empty seat beside him and took both his hands in her own trembling ones, and leaned her upper body against his. "We'll think of something else," she mumbled, though she wasn't sure if it was to herself or to him. "We have to...right?"

"Get up," Scott cut in, giving Liam no room to say anything.

"Why?" He frowned miserably.

"Because I've got an idea. And because this isn't over."

They went in to see Lydia while Scott stepped outside to talk to his mom about his new plan, and Katherine gave her a gentle hair and moved hair out of her face because it was kind of sticking to her lip gloss and no one likes that feeling.

Then Stiles disappeared with Melissa and Scott came back in, and the three of them gently helped Lydia sit up as the other two came back into the room and her brother twisted the door lock. "Lydia, this is gonna have to be just between us, since I can get fired for it," Melissa murmured, a needle in hand.

"It's a cortisone shot," Scott explained gently. "It's gonna bring the inflammation down."

When Lydia nodded, Melissa pulled the cap off the needle and then glanced down at the wrist Lydia was holding out and smiled sympathetically. "Not there."

Then she carefully pealed the bandage half way off her throat.

"Oh, yeah, okay, I'm gonna need to leave," Stiles squeaked while simultaneously making a squeamish noise in the back of his throat.

"You're not going anywhere," Melissa warned him. "Hold her hand."

Katherine couldn't help but smiled at the two of them as Stiles shakily stepped forward and did just that. "Okay, fine. I'm not leaving, but I still might faint."

Before she'd even got the needle near her neck, Liam fainted and fell on the ground causing Katherine to snicker. "That's what you get, Star Wars boy."

Nevertheless she sat down on the ground and pulled his head into her lap with a small sigh, and swatted his hair away from his face.

"Okay, Lydia," she heard Melissa say breathlessly. "This is gonna hurt like a bitch."

After a moment, Katherine sighed and started repeatedly poking the tip of Liam's nose until his baby blue eyes fluttered open and he was staring at her, momentarily stunned. "I...what the..."

"You conscious?" Was all she asked, not bothering to wait as she hauled him to his feet.

She shoved him to Scott and booted the boys out of the room so she could help Lydia get dressed since her body was still sore, and then it took all three of the boys to help get her unsteady body out to the elevator. When they got to the ground floor Stiles moved ahead of them and Liam took his place in supporting Lydia while Katherine kept a lookout for any hospital staff that might get suspicious. "Okay. I'll get Malia, text me when you find Parrish—"

"—Hold on," Scott stopped him and pulled a brown-paper-wrapped cylindrical object out of his sweater.

Stiles grabbed it and stared at it for a moment, confused. "What's this?

"Something I've been working on for a while," Scott sighed. "Just make sure Malia gets it."

"Is it plan B?"

"It was plan A."

Katherine grimaced. "Plan A never works."

Scott sighed again. "This one will."

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