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"I should've got a haircut," Katherines dad groaned as he looked in a small mirror.

The night after confronting Theo in the woods, she'd gone with Scott and Stiles to the sheriffs station while her dad got ready for a date. She'd essentially put his outfit together — with the very much welcomed help of Brett and Lori over face time — and had learned how to tie a tie.

"A man your age should be happy he still has hair to cut," Stiles answered with a dorky smile, unaware of how unhelpful his comment was.

Katherine calmly reached over and gave him a light slap on the back of the head before returning to fixing the buttons on her Dad's shirt. He'd gotten so nervous that when he was doing his shirt up, the buttons had been put into the wrong wholes and everything was out of wack.

"I think you look great," Scott piped in with an awkward smile.

"Well thank you, son I should've had," her Dad smiled sarcastically, shooting Stiles a pointed look.

After letting out a quiet snort, Katherine stepped back and stood between Scott and Stiles to admire her hard work. "You look great, Pappa," she smiled, happily clapping her hands together.

Her dad stepped forward and pulled her in for a tight hug, then pressed a short kiss to her forehead. "That's all thanks to you, KitKat," he chuckled.

"I figured I owe you this much," Katherine hummed as she tucked her hands into the back pockets of her jeans. "You did raise me, after all."

The three stood there in silence for a few minutes, Stiles still mildly offended by his Dad's comment while Scott and Katherine were smiling contently.

"I'm gonna wait out in the hall," Katherine yawned.

"Sure," Stiles rolled his eyes. "You just want to text Liam." Fighting away her blush, Katherine smacked him in the side and wordlessly walked out of her Dad's office.

As soon as she'd reached Parrish's office, she slid into the wheelie chair and pulled her phone from her pocket and immediately sent Liam a text.

What're you doing
right now.

While she waited for his response, she played two levels of Candy Crush. Surprisingly, she kept her swearing levels to the bare minimum.

just watching TV
with my parents,

getting my Dad ready
for a date. It's not as
exciting as I'd hoped it
would be.

hahaaaaaa suckerrrrrrr

Katherine rolled her eyes and began typing her answer, only to pause at the sound of footsteps. When she looked up from the screen, she saw Parrish round the corner as he exited the interrogation room. An immediate smile formed on her lips. "Hey Jordan!" She waved happily.

Parrish glanced over at her and smiled faintly, then sighed. "Hey, Kat," he murmured. "I think it would be best if you waited in the Sheriff's office for a little while. We can talk in a little bit."

She nodded slowly and slid out of the wheelie chair as she pocketed her phone and wandered back to her Dad's office. Just as she was about to open the door, someone's' voice boomed through the station.


Whoever it was, they were angry, and she couldn't help but feel like she knew that voice. Or that she should know it. Katherine met her brother's eyes through the glass walls and, watched as his face contorted into one of confusion. She could feel her own do the same, and before she knew it, Scott, Stiles and her Dad had all come out to see what the commotion was about.

Then she heard it again.


Then it clicked. Katherine wasn't sure who she'd thought it was before, but she wasn't quite sure how she'd thought it could've been anyone else.

Donovan Donati.

Katherine hesitantly looked behind her, and when she realized he was stalking closer to reach her Dad, she stepped back and grabbed Scott's right hand and Stiles' left. She felt her phone begin to buzz rapidly in her back pocket but she ignored it. That was the least of her problems.

"I'm going to kill you," Donovan snapped.

"Donovon," Sheriff Stilinski sighed. "If you think that shocks me, remember that it was well documented in your Anger Expression Inventory." Then he waved his hand. "Deputies, escort the prisoner out."

Katherine let go of Scott and Stiles and stepped forwards, hooking her arms around one of her Dads. When he looked down at her with a raised brow, she only smiled up at him then watched Parrish grab Donovan's arm.

"I'm not angry like I'm gonna throw a brick through your window," Donovan shook his head, shaking Parrish off him. "I'm angry like I'm gonna find you, I'm gonna find a knife, and I'm gonna stab you with it until your dead." His lawyer was pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head in disappointment. "And when you look at me," Donovan continued. "And you ask me why, remember right now; because this is why."

Katherine felt her body begin to tremble out of fear. Of course she knew how to defend herself, Isaac had made sure of that, but the two and a half months of training she'd endured hadn't spared her the fear that came along with watching her father be threatened by a psychotic teenage boy.

Her phone buzzed again, and she ignored it again.

Everyone stood in silence for a moment, processing what Donovan had said until Stiles spoke up from behind her. "How," he breathed, his arms folded over his chest. "That was awesome." They all turned to look at him. "That was awesome," he continued. "That was great. Could we get another one, maybe like Christopher Walken this time..."

Katherine reached behind her and slapped whatever part of him she could reach. "Shut up, you idiot," she hissed, her grip tightening on her Dads arm.

When Donovan didn't answer him, Stiles shrugged. "Okay, you know what? It's fine," he hummed. Katherine closed her eyes to keep from rolling them, trying to hide her annoyance. "You'll have plenty of time to work on it when you're in your tiny little cell...you know...just stuck there forever." There was a small smile on his face as he spoke.

Donovan smiled sarcastically at them for a moment, took a small step backwards, then lunged.

Katherine let out a squeak as Scott pulled her back so she was behind his semi crouched form. He had one hand gently holding onto her wrist while the other was in front of him for either balance or in case force was necessary. She wasn't sure.

"Get him out of here!" She heard her Dad bellow as Parrish and the other Deputy — Katherine was almost certain she was Hayden's older sister — hauled Donovan back towards the door.

When he was no longer in sight, Scott straightened himself up and gently pulled Katherine forwards so she was next to Stiles. "What the hell is Anger Expression Inventory?" He frowned, a small crease forming in his brows.

"It's a test you take when you're applying to become a Deputy," Stiles sighed. He set a hand on Katherine shoulder while she composed herself.

"That guy wanted to be a cop?" Scott gaped.

"Unfortunately," Katherine muttered, adjusting the front of her jeans. She swallowed the lump in her throat and walked back over to Parish's desk, then pulled out her phone.

7 unread messages and 3 missed calls from LIAM.

Katherine let out a small sighed and clicked on the messages, ignoring the missed calls.

you okay?

you've been typing
for a while


Katherine are you

you're starting
to worry me, Kat

if you don't answer
I'm gonna call you

okay I called you three
times what the hell is
going on

Katherine couldn't help but smile as she read them, but it soon turned to a frown. She debated on whether she should tell him what had happened or not, and decided against it. So she sent him a quick message letting him know that she was, in fact, still alive.

sorry, I got caught up
with something.

Would it be okay if I
stayed with you tonight?

She tapped her phone against her thigh while she waited for her answer and chewed at the skin around her thumb nail anxiously. When her phone buzzed, she checked the screen quickly.

yeah that's all good
with the parents

is everything okay?

She inhaled sharply at that.

yeah, I can just tell it's
not going to be a good night.

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