Chapter one escape and reunion

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I was on the run. There were three holy knights behind me and I was scared. Chiron won't do anything unless it's a order from meli so I can't fight. I ran out of magic so I can't use my ability. I'm barely able to breathe I was so exhausted. It was only a matter of time. I'm gonna be caught soon so why not know. So I stopped and turned around. The holy knights stopped and prepared to draw their swords. I sighed before putting my hands up in surrender. "You caught me. Take me to prison or what ever," I said out of breath. They all looked confused so I dumbed it down for them "I give up," I said. Next thing I know they put hand cuffs on me and drag me away.
I think they called this prison baste. I don't know I fell asleep on the way here. I woke hanging upside down wrapped in chains next to the one and only foxy. "Foxy! It's been forever," I said swinging around. He bit through the iron bar around his mouth before shouting "I told you to stop calling me that!" All it Did was make me laugh. "So I like the beard you should consider keeping it," I said looking over his appearance. Ban has really changed. He's currently pinned to the wall by multiple Iron stakes. "Eh Maybe not. I always liked it short," he said casually. "So how long have you been here?" I asked looking around the cell. "Nine years," was his response. "You spent the first year drunk didn't you," I accused narrowing my eyes. "Yep," He said popping the p.

"So what have you been doin?" Ban asked sounding board. "Town hopping odd jobs. Mostly living in the forest by the way never trust raccoons," I said dead serious while ban chuckled. "So when are you planning to escape?" I asked bored. "Whenever," was all he said. "Can we escape now," I pleaded. "Escape yourself," was his response. "You know I got weak arms!" I said thrashing about. "What about horsey?" He asked dryly. "He won't even talk to me," I said pouting. "Hey gaurds I gotta use the bathroom!" I yelled. They only responded with be 'quite criminal'.
It has been a day and all I can say is I'm bored. There's nothing to do but annoy ban and even that's getting old quick. "Ban. Ban. Ban. Ban," I repeated trying to get on his nerves which was working. "What!" He shouted annoyed. "Nothing," was my only response. "Hey wanna bet on who will win," one of the guards outside said peaking mine and bans interest. "Hmm," was what the other gaurd responded with. "The seven deadly sins and the weird fangs there fighting in town right know," that made me grin.

"That's not much of a bet. The sins are just down to their captain and one other member," that made bans eyes light up. "Well that's awesome news," ban said standing up causing the steaks in his body to rip out before kicking the door down. "Ugh. Feels good to walk around after all this time," ban said rubbing the back of his neck. "You could have done that anytime you know," I dead panned. "Meh," was all Ban said in return. "The Eight deadly sins Ban! The fox sin!" A gaurd yelled scared. "What am I chopped liver," I asked annoyed. "Who are you," the other gaurd asked making Ban laugh while I got angry. "I'm Norihc! Crow sin of apathy!" I yelled.

"Doesn't matter! How did you escape your cell," The gaurd asked clutching his spear while Ban removed a steak from his arm. "Isn't it obvious. I kicked the door down," he said casually. "What's all this camotion," I heard someone say along with foot steps approaching. "Jericho," a gaurd said nervously. "Who dat," I asked, "Ban of the eight deadly sins. I don't know how you got out of your cell but return there at once," the voice said. I'm gonna steal something from her for ignoring me.

"How about some respect kid. I don't know how you were raised but is that any way to treat a hero," Ban said carefree. "I'm an apprentice holy knight. You dare call me kid," The voice I think Jericho growled. "Go to sir golgius and the others. Inform them that Jericho had to kill the Fox sin after he escaped and resisted arrest," Jericho ordered the gaurds who ran immediately. I saw was Jericho slice at Ban a few times before she going across the cell door. "Aww. And I liked the beard," I pouted. "Yeah do you think its a little too much," Ban said turning around with no injuries and hair drastically shorter with no beard. "You got some real talent there. Maybe you should be a barber," Ban said casually.

"You dodged my sword with all those injuries," Jericho asked nervously making me chuckle. "He never moved. Plus you might want to check again for injuries," I said smug. "Impossible. You were just full of holes from steel spikes," Jericho said terrified. "You better remember this kid. There's only one wound on me. And it's this one right here," Ban said pointing at a scar on his neck. "Hey Ban. I'll buy you as much booze as you want if you free me," I said. "Okay But if you don't I'll chuck you over a mountain," he said walking over and taping the chain causing the chain to break and me fall on my face. "Could have been more careful you know," I said sitting up. "Who are you!" The girl demanded putting her hand on her sword still scared. "Crow sin of apathy Norihc," I said standing up. "And I'm leaving," I said activating my ability and walking past swiping away her sword.
The next few minutes I spent walking around. I lost the girls sword some how and was still bored. Few moments later I see a blonde midget a giant and a pig walk past the hallway I was in. Weird crowd. I thought shrugging turning to the left. "Wait a minute!" I yelled running back and seeing them continuing on. "Di! Meli! How are you," I asked running up to them making them stop and turn around. "Who are you," Meliodas and Diane asked at the same time. "It's me Norihc you bastards," I yelled angry. "Doesn't ring a bell," Meliodas said nonchalant. "Maybe this will help you remember," I said walking up to him. And kicking him where the light don't shine making him fall onto the ground holding his jewels. "I like this kid," a voice said making me look around. "Who said that?" I asked confused.

"Down here," the voice said so I looked down and only saw the pig. "There's only a dumb pig here," I dead panned. "Who you calling dumb," the pig said annoyed. "So it's a dumb talking pig," I said casually. "Hmm," Diane went looking like she's thinking hard till her eyes lit up and I was snatched up. "Norihc! How have you been? It's been forever since I saw you," Diane yelled rubbing me against her cheek. "I've been good," I said chuckling. "Who again," Meliodas said standing up. "I'm the one who lit your underwear on fire," I reminded him.

"Oh yeah hey Norihc," Meliodas said casually. "Okay Who is this kid," the pig asked confused. "Can I eat the pig I'm starving," I asked nicely. "Sure," Meliodas said only to be rammed by the pig. "I'm not food! I am sir hawk captain of the order of scrap disposal!" The pig said striking a pose. "So what are you guys doing here," I asked jumping over to Diane's shoulder. "We're here to rescue Ban and the doctors daughter," Diane explained. "Cool... Wait you didn't know I was here!" I said angry. "Nope" "Sorry" Meliodas And Diane said. "*sigh the cells are over there," I said pointing ahead.

We walked over to a a cell at the end of a hallway that Diane had to crouch down to see in. Looking inside the cell I see a girl that was sleeping wearing a blue dress and red glasses. "This is her. With out a doubt," hawk said staring at the girl. "Let's get her out," Meliodas said casually. "Diane can you carry her?" I asked politely. "Sure," Diane said reaching into the hallway and ripping off the bars to the cell. After Diane settled her down in her bag next to a silver haired girl that looked injured. "Sure she'll be alright?" Meliodas asked Diane while she put her bag on. "I'm sure she'll be fine," was Diane's response. Suddenly we heard footsteps and all turned around to see Ban walking out of the shadows. "Ban?" Meliodas said suprised. "Hey captain," was Ban's response as they started glaring at each other. Not this again. "Hawk you might wanna get over here," I said jumping onto Diane's shoulder.

"Don't need to tell me twice," Hawk said scared. After a few moments the silence was interrupted by Meliodas happily yelling "Ban!" And throwing his hands in the air while ban went "captain!" Happily before they started to do a match of patty cake with to much force causing small shock waves. "What's That? It's like a game of patty cake gone horribly wrong," Hawk said confused making me groan. "It gets worse," I said right before Ban threw Meli through several walls. "Me next me next," Ban said happily like it was free candy. Meliodas response was too head but him in the gut through several walls as well. "Not going bad as last time," I muttered. "How bad was last time!" Hawk yelled freaked out.

"And here I thought you might have gotten soft on me," Ban said walking back "and you still got it," Meli said before they both got on the ground and started arm wrestling the force they're exerting causing the walls to break apart. "What's happening?!" Hawk yelped freaked out. "Those two have been like this as long as I've known them," Diane said casually like the building isn't collapsing. "Still not as bad as last time," I muttered. "You guys are crazy!" Hawk yelled. "Seven hundred and twenty times. If I recall correctly I've won three hundred and sixty one times," Ban boasted. "You must be dreaming I'm the one with three hundred and sixty one wins," Meli said before the floor collapsed causing us all to fall while they continued the match.

"The captain is so cute all worked up," Diane said fan girlling. "I don't think this is the time!" Hawk panicked. After all the dust cleared it showed Meli as the winner. "Yay the captain won!" Diane cheered. "You Guys are seriously screwed up," Hawk mumbled. "You have no idea," I responded. "Good match," Meliodas said offering a hand shake only for Ban to punch him into the ground. "You bet ya cap," He said cheerfully while I jumped off Diane went up to him. "Good job guys. By the way Ban I'm flat out broke," I said shrugging my shoulders. "It's okay I'll just go with the other option," he said with a smile confusing me. "What other-" l started only for Ban to grab me and throw me towards the town to were I landed in the side of a house with my head stuck in it.
After getting my head unstuck I waited for the rest of the group. When they arrived Meliodas led us to a doctors house who thanked us for saving his daughter with a meal on his rooftop. "Elizabeth alows me to formally introduce you to Ban. The Fox sin of greed," Meliodas said to Elizabeth who was lying down with a blanket due to her injuries. Currently Ban was sitting on a barrel while I was standing next to Diane who was leaning on the roof. "Yo," was all Ban said. "Hey where'd you get those clothes?" Meliodas asked confused of Bans new outfit. "I can't exactly walk around naked in front of a princess can I," Ban said standing up. He probably stole them, I thought to myself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm sorry for not getting up to greet you. My name's Elizabeth," Elizabeth said. "It's no problem at all. We sins aren't ones for decorum," Ban said bowing. "Now next up is-" Meliodas started but cut I him off. "Norihc. It's a pleasure to meet you princess," I said walking up to her. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well," She said smiling. "Here's to the five of us getting along," Ban said grabbing a cup of ale. "There's six of us," Hawk said annoyed confusing Ban. "What do you mean captain there's five here,"Ban asked. "No there's six," Hawk said again.

"Okay Who said that," Ban stated looking around. "A ghost," I said sarcastically. "We have a ghost on are side now," Ban said excited making me facer palm. "Look down you idiot," I said annoyed. He did and immediately saw Hawk. "I did," Hawk said proudly. He looked at Hawk blank for a few seconds before Jumping back and exclaiming "That pig is talking! A pig talking like a person. That is way more than I can handle!" "You're Just realizing that now!" Hawk said in disbelief. Suddenly Hawk straightens up striking a pose. "I'll have you know I'm no ordinary pig. I am sir Hawk captain of the order of scrap disposal!" Hawk exclaimed. "Wow I've never heard of that order before," Ban said sounding impressed making everyone sweat drop.

"Are you finished with the introductions? Come it's time to eat," the doctor said by a table full of food making me drool. I suddenly got an idea making me chuckle mischievously causing everyone to look at me. "Don't. Even. Think about it," Ban warned. I just ran over to the table before placing my hands on it while Ban tried to grab me. The moment I touched the table I yelled "vanishing zone!" Causing a dome of energy to surround me and the table. The doctor and his daughter looked around in confusion while Ban and Diane looked disappointed. "Wah! He disappeared with the food!" Hawk yelled freaked out.

Let me explain. My ability presence erase alows me to erase my presence making me undetectable But seen. If you see me while my abilities activated you won't be able to acknowledge me at all. Heck I could slap Ban and he would know he was slapped but never know who did it even if he does know my ability. One of the spells of my ability is vanishing zone. Basically adding that affect to what was inside when activated. "He didn't disappear. He's just hiding," Ban explained. "But where is he? And the food," Elizabeth asked confused. "Somewhere around here. We just can't see it," Diane said sighing while I started to scarf down the food slowly. "Don't worry I got this," Hawk said sniffing around till he bumped into the table. "Huh I could have sworn I bumped into something," Hawk said steping forward bumping into it again. "Huh could of sworn I bumped into something," Hawk said repeating the process. "Is Hawk alright," Elizabeth asked concerned. "Guess Norihc is over their. But that's useless to know cause you won't be able to acknowledge anything affected by his ability," Meliodas said chuckling.
After eating my fill I decided to release the spell making Hawk think he actually found the table. Ban decided to get some revenge by stuffing me into a barrel and sitting on it. I was banging on it for an hour before Ban got up and started dancing around still chugging more alcohol. Wait if he can't die doesn't that mean he can't kill his kidneys? The party went great. I kept messing with Ban while he was drunk while catching up with Diane. Since Elizabeth couldn't stand Meliodas volunteered to feed her dinner and stay by her side. At the end of the party Ban started to cling onto Hawk making him drag the drunk sin around.

"Teach me master," Ban begged Hawk desperate and half asleep. "Can somebody do something about this guy," Hawk said struggling to stand at the extra weight. "Nope," I said before grabbing a random bottle and started to chug. "Don't over do it Ban," Diane sighed. "I kinda wish it could stay like this forever," Elizabeth said happily. "Cheers to that!" I yelled drinking more from the bottle. Is he drunk, everyone but Ban thought. In a few moments every thing went dark.
I woke up on something firm but sort of soft. I didn't bother looking around and instead just reached out towards my head to feel around. My hand landed on something softer but still firm. Screw it, I thought and started squeezing it. Suddenly the front half of what I was laying on sprang up making me launch into a wall. I looked up to see Ban sitting up with a dazed and confused expression on his face. I looked around and saw we were still on the doctors roof with everyone asleep. I thought for a moment before realizing what I was just sleeping on. "What the hell just squeezed my chest," Ban said rubbing the back of his neck. "You're a soft pillow," was all I said while Ban still looked confused.

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