Part 3

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Hello everyone😊I m very happy today🎉🎉My research proposal got accepted😁 I  think I m updating after a month😂😂 I last updated on my sister's birthday 😁 I apologise for the delay but I have been busy with my dissertation😊 I also apologise in advance cz I think next update will be next month or next to next :( Depends on my schedule 😁

Moving on😁 I have tried something new today. I hope you like it😊

Note: As I had said earlier my story begins from the point the grih pravesh was done. Mishka is rescued but Rag_lak don't adopt her.  Mansi is  in jail.

Dialogues in bold
Thoughts in italic
Narration in normal font

Here we go😁

3 years back
Both couples proceeded to their rooms after the fateful day.

As they entered the room, Swara hugged Sanskar while he was reluctant to put his arms around her.
"You know I m so happy to be back sanskar. Finally I was able to expose Mansi and get my sister her husband back. That Mansi thought she was too clever. She didn't know who she messed with when she tried to fool my family. Now she is rotting in jail after messing with me." Swara chirped happily

Sanskar flinched as her words registered in his brain.
'Sanskar, what happened? Are you ok?' Swara asked on gettting no response from him

"Yeah Swara. I m just tired. I will just be back. I need some fresh air." He replied and moved out of the room.

She felt his behaviour as weird but dismissed it soon and continued with her chores.

As Sanskar stood by the balcony, he was perplexed.

Today when Swara hugged him, he realized the pain didn't go away. He always thought he found solace in Swara's arms. No matter what happened, everything used to be alright when she would be with him. Then how come it wasn't? Why was he feeling so lost and distant despite so close to her. Was he still angry at Swara ? Or was it something else?

His train of thoughts was broken by the sound of chiming anklets. He looked sideways to see Ragini sitting on the swing lost in thoughts.

Sanskar sat beside her.
"Nice weather na" Sanskar spoke.
Ragini looked at him and then looked away. She was still feeling uncomfortable by the day's events

"Baccha I m so happy to be back" Laksh back hugged Ragini and nuzzled her neck.
"You know I never thought I would be able to escape from Mansi's clutches. I don't know how long I would have been able to keep up the charade. Finally I m back in my house with my family"

"After the terrace incident I thought you would not even see my face. But then I had forgotten that my Ragu's love for me in unconditional. She will always accept me no matter what."
Ragini flinched at his words but tried not to show it.

"What happened Ragu?" Lakshya asked her.

"Nothing. Woh I am having a headache so going to the kitchen to get some tea" Ragini pulled out of the hug and moved away.

"Oh. Come soon. I might have a better cure for your headache" Lakshya winked at her and smiled.

Ragini fake smiled and moved out of the room.

Flashback ends

"You still need time to accept him, don't you" Sanskar stated.

Ragini looked at him dumbfounded. She always wondered how he understood her so well. But then again, even in the past only he could read her better than anybody else in the world. She sometimes wished Laksh understood her the way Sanskar did.

Ragini glanced at him and then nodded after a pause. She did not deny his statement but chose to not reply immediately.
Sanskar glanced at her and then looked ahead at the setting sun.
They lay in silence until Ragini decided to speak.

"It isn't supposed to be like this. " She did not need to explain what was the "it" she was talking about.

"His presence is supposed to soothe me. Then why am I not at ease even when he is back with me. Why do I still feel empty even with his presence beside me" She complained.

"Do you think I m being unfair" She quizzed Sanskar seeing he had not spoken for a while.

"Well it is natural for you to feel this way. The pain will not vanish magically just because of his presence. Wounds take time to heal especially those given by people closest to you" He broke the silence.

"And no I do not think you are being unfair towards Laksh. Maybe  you just need to give your relationship some time before you are ready to move past this" He continued.

"Is that what you are trying to do here" He looked at her in awe. How did she understand his confusion without him speaking a word about it?

Sanskar glanced at her and then nodded after a pause.

"I think you are right. Months of pain and yearning will take time to go away. We need to give some time and space to ourselves before we move on in our relationships" Ragini spoke and stood from her place.

As Ragini proceeded to leave the terrace, Sanskar called her.

"Ragini" She turned around and looked at him quizzically.

"Nothing" Sanskar replied with a smile.

Ragini shook head and left the terrace with a wide smile.

Some thoughts and emotions are better left unsaid. Sometimes silence conveys much more than words ever can

With this thought in mind and a smile on his face, Sanskar moved out.

Too short?😁 I know 😁
I m sorry but right now this is the most I can manage😁 I m a new writer so it takes me time to write dialogues and stuff😁😁 

I hope you guys got the essence and purpose of this episode 😊

Hoping you liked it😊
Love you guys and thank you for all the support you have showered for this FF😊😊
I reached 1k reads even with such chotu updates😁 Thank you so much😊 Love u guys loads❤ Signing off

Waiting for ur feedback now😁

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