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Nathan woke up and on seeing the darkness, he understood there was still time before the sun graced him with its presence. Then he looked at Marina and Christopher, the two devils were sleeping peacefully. While Christopher was gripping Marina's index finger in his small fist, looking very adorable.

Marina had kicked Nathan out of his bed to make space for Christopher and this is how he ended up sleeping on the mattress. Sighing, Nathan stood up, stretching his aching body and sore muscles, which he had due to the blessing of the mattress.

It had been two days since they had found Christopher. He had lost his way in the forest. Nathan and his soldiers had tried to find his home, but there were only two villages near the forest and Christopher lived in neither.

Nathan walked out of his tent, determined to help Christopher find his family today anyhow. As it is, they had spend two days in the forest enquiring about Christopher's parents.

What surprised Nathan was how easily Marina and Christopher had befriended each other. Nathan always knew Marina loved kids, but so much as to give his place to Christopher, wasn't expected.

Nathan also liked Christopher, for a ten year old, he was pretty wise, knowing how to ride and with a good aim. But, what Nathan didn't like was when Marina and Christopher teamed up against him, as if their sole mission was to torment and tease him to death.

"Good morning, sire," Lucca greeted Nathan.

"Morning Lucca. Any lead on Christopher's home's location?" Nathan asked hopefully.

"I am sorry sire, but, no, we don't have any clue about his home," Lucca answered.

"Christopher Esposito where exactly do you live?" Nathan asked to himself.

As Nathan was about to head back to the tent, he saw Marina, Ally and Christopher sneaking out of their tents. Wondering where they were going in the wee hours of the day, he decided to follow them while Lucca simply tagged along.

They all kept going further inside in the deep part of the forest, the part which wasn't safe.

"Why are we here Christopher?" Marina asked the little boy.

"You will know soon," Christopher answered as they started to move inside a cave.

"Now what? It's a dead end," Anne asked looking at Marina and Christopher.

"Wait," Christopher said taking out a diamond shaped emerald stone from his pocket. He then placed it on the wall, which when looked closely had a roughly made diamond shape.

Immediately, the cave started shaking and in few seconds the wall slid open like a door. Light flashed making everyone temporarily shut their eyes. Adjusting their eyes, Marina, Ally, Lucca, and Nathan were shocked to see a hidden path.

"The diamond acted like a key," Nathan commented absent mindedly. Unfortunately, Marina heard him.

"Nathan? Are you there?"

Sighing Lucca and Nathan came out of their hiding place.

"Now, what do we about them?" Marina asked Christopher.

"We can't go back, let them come," Christopher replied while entering the other side.

"Where are we going?" Nathan asked Marina while following Christopher.

"To Christopher's home."

After walking for half an hour, they started to see houses. As they moved closer, they realized this was a town in itself.

"Which town is it?" Marina asked Nathan who just shrugged, unaware of this part of Alves.

"This is Benedizione, my home town," Christopher answered proudly.

"I never knew that a town named Benedizione existed, much less in Alves," Lucca commented while frowning.

"True, Benedizione doesn't exist for outer world. It's a hidden land, neither a part of Alves or the world," Christopher answered while entering a castle like house.

"Mom, dad, I am back!!" Christopher shouted happily as he ran towards his parents and pulled them in a hug.

The couple beamed with happiness on seeing their son return after three days.

"Who are they?" Christopher's father asked suddenly becoming aware of the presence of the strangers.

"Dad, they are the one that helped me when I had got lost."

"Thank you for helping my son. I am Carl Esposito," Carl said while shaking hands with Nathan.

"Your most welcome and I am Prince Nathanial Verdirosi."

The moment Carl heard Nathan's name, his smile faded and anger coursed through his veins.

"Prince Nathanial Verdirosi!! You mean the Prince of Alves, the grandson of Matthew Verdirosi!!" Carl said through gritted teeth.

"Yes," Nathan answered confused at the sudden change in Carl's behavior.

"Guards!! Capture them," Carl ordered his guards who immediately surrounded the group. On seeing the armed soldiers, all five of them took out their swords.

"What is the meaning of this? We helped your son and you pay us back by making us prisoners?" Nathan asked angrily.

"You don't get to talk about paying back, boy. My father had spent all his life as a loyal, faithful knight of your grandfather. And what did he get in return? Your grandfather, Matthew banished him from Alves only because he objected to what was and still is wrong, that is the discrimination women face in Alves. In one moment, he took everything away from my father, his title, respect, property, everything. So, don't you talk about paying back!! All the royals of Alves are like that, thick headed bastards, who spend half their time playing with other men's women. You seem no diff-"

"STOP!!" Marina shouted angrily, cutting off Carl in the process.

"You are telling me to stop? I see you must be one of his puppets, defending your master-"

"Mind your language, you are talking to my wife," Nathan said angrily while glaring at Carl.

Carl snorted on hearing this, "Wife or escort? That you give away to other men-"

That was the last straw, wrestling through the guards Nathan charged towards Carl, placing his sword at Carl's neck, which successfully shut Carl up. Immediately, the whole room fell silent.

"One more ill word about my wife and I will make sure those are your last words. You can say whatever you want to, only to me, not to Marina. She does not know anything about Alves and I agree my grandfather, father, brother are players, thick headed bastards, who lust for power and wealth. But, that doesn't mean, you get to judge me on their basis," Nathan said while keeping his sword down, all the while, not breaking eye contact with Carl . His eyes clearly showing his anger and warning.

"I agree, Nathan is nothing like his brother or father," Marina remarked while walking up to Nathan and standing by his side.

"And who are you?" Carl asked Marina suspiciously.

"I am Princess Marina Verdirosi, wife of Prince Nathanial Verdirosi and daughter of King Wilhelm Vendler, the king of Torrentice."

"You mean you are Princess Marina Vendler of Torrentice?" Carl asked, shock evident in his voice.


"Guards free them, back away. It's been so many years, when I last saw you, I guess you were seven. So much has changed, but your blue eyes, they are still the same, vibrant, beautiful and kind. I am so sorry, Your Majesty, I wasn't able to recognize you," Carl apologized while crouching down in front of Marina, his head down in guilt and shame.

"Please get up. I don't get it, do you know me?" Marina asked as Carl stood up from the ground.

"Your father he helps us a lot. Whenever we need any help, your family always comes forward and helps us. Your grandfather helped my father, your father helped me and continues to do so till date," Carl explained Marina.

"So, after my grandfather banished your father, you all came here and started a new world, your world. At that time, Marina's family helped you-"

"And continues to do so," Carl said while cutting off Nathan.

"But, why are there so many people, if only your family was banished?" Marina asked remembering the time when they entered Benedizione.

"When my grandfather was banished, all his followers and the courtiers who didn't agree with King Matthew's new rules, also followed him. Together they founded this hidden land, Benedizione," Carl answered Marina.

"Dad, can I show Marina and everyone our town?" Christopher asked when the tension eased a bit.

"Yes, but, I am sorry to say because of your family background, I can't trust you, Prince Nathanial. Since Princess Marina is your wife, I am not imprisoning you. But, till the time, we are not able to trust you, you can't leave Benedizione. I know your camp area must be nearby, my men will inform them that you are staying in the nearby village for a few days."


"Please enjoy your stay here, Your Majesty," Carl said leaving no space for argument while bowing and leaving the room with his wife.
Hello dear readers!!
I am really sorry for not updating last Sunday. But, trust me my hands are seriously full with tons of work.

Besides this, El Destino came first in The Purple Apple Awards, Historical fiction genre.😄😄

Lastly, I just realized this chapter crossed 1500 words, making it my longest chapter till date.😁😁

Back to the story, which was the most interesting thing of this chapter that you loved?
What do you think about Carl and Benedizione?
Please answer, I am looking forward to your comments.😇

Till the next update, keep shining ;)

- Love Addy :)

P.S. This chapter is dedicated to EnjeckCleo, a great author, reader and friend. Thank you so much for your support😘😘

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