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After Ally ran off in a random direction, Marina roamed around trying to find Ally or at least her room. Being blessed with the least sense of direction, she easily got lost and ended up in the training room of the Espositos.

The good thing was that there was no one else, so she could put end to the sudden urge to flick swords. On the other hand, the bad thing was that she was stuck here till someone came here to get here because clearly she was lost.

Putting all the thoughts aside, Marina ties her hair into a rough bun and picking up one of the metal swords from the wooden rack, steps into the training area. She starts to practice by herself. First, right swing then left, she continues to practice her thrusts while skilfully coordinating her leg movement. She gets so involved into it that she does not sense someone else entering the room.

Finally, her sixth sense kicks in, making her aware of someone else's presence. She turns around to see an amused looking Lucio standing outside the training area.

"You know how to do sword fighting?" Lucio asks Marina while walking towards her.

"Well I guess I do or I wouldn't be standing here," Marina replies sarcastically.

"I thought you were lost or at least it seemed so considering the fact how the Schweitzer sisters were frantically searching for you," Lucio says while smirking.

"Whatever, so what if I got lost? At least I utilized this time and did something so productive," Marina argued back.

"Always trying to reason out your actions. You haven't changed a bit," Lucio mutters to himself but Marina manages to hear him.

"Have we met before?"

Marina's question catches Lucio off guard as he fumbles to answer it.

"I-I, uh, no."

"Why are you stuttering?"

"My mouth, my words, my wish," Lucio replies while turning around to leave.

"Wait," Marina says stopping Lucio.

"Why don't you allow us to go back?" Marina asks Lucio.

"You know the reason. My people, my father, we don't trust the royals of Alves."

"But, Nathan's not like them."

"You think so-"

"I know."

"Fine, you know, but we don't."

"But, you can't keep us like this, trapped here."

"I have no say in this. I am sorry," Lucio replies while deciding to leave. But, Marina's words halt his footsteps.

"Fight with me."


"You heard me, I challenge you to a duel," Marina says, pointing her sword towards Lucio.

"And why would I do that?" Lucio asks, arching his one eyebrow up.

"Because a true warrior and soldier never backs out and accepts all challenges."

"Impressive. But, what will we gain from this duel?"

"If I win, you will allow all of us, my companions and me, to leave Benedizione that very instant and establish a friendly relationship with us."

"And what if I win?"

"You can ask whatever you want."

"You sure about it Your Highness? Because as you said I can ask you anything from Prince Nathanial's imprisonment to making your stay here forever."

"... Fine..." Marina replies hesitantly.

"Then how about we use wooden swords? They are safer, I don't want to hurt you severely after all my family owes a lot to your family."

"Don't ever bring this topic again. You or your family owe nothing to me or my family. My family may have helped you and your people financially. But it was you and your people, who worked hard day and night to build this town, their homeland Benedizione. So, if you owe anything to me, that would be my prize after the duel's over," Marina said, picking up a metal sword and throwing it towards Lucio, who successfully catches it.

"And we are going to use metal swords."

"As you wish," Lucio replied charging towards Marina, who successfully jumped out of the way.

Taking a step back, Lucio put his left foot forward while holding the swords close to his face and aiming for Marina's shoulders, struck forward.

But, before the sword could come in contact with Marina's body, she quickly bends down and doing a 360° turn, her sword clashes with Lucio's sword.

"Good move, but ox ward is a very predictable and basic move," Marina remarked while their swords are held too close towards their face.

"I thought I should go a bit easy for the start," Lucio replied.

"Well, then I guess it's time to raise the level," Marina said while smirking and in a swift movement, she kicked Lucio's shin. Lucio stumbled but still managed to defend himself while going down in a crouching position.

Using his both hands, he holds the sword horizontally using it as a shield. Skillfully he interchanged the position of his legs, making sure to kick Marina's ankle in the process.
Marina stumbled, but crouching down, she too regained her balance.

"I guess now, we are at the same level," Lucio replied, smirking.

"Not for long," Marina said as the two simultaneously got up and turning around, hot on their heels, they continuously striked at each other.

To be continued...
Hello dear readers!!

So, what do you think of this duel between Lucio & Marina? Who is going to win, according to you all?

Please do answer, I would love to know your thoughts!! 😊

Till the next update, keep shining ;)

- Love Addy :)

P.S. This chapter is dedicated to foreverwisegirl. Thank you so much for your guidance. I am glad to have met such a good person like you😍😍😍

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