9.Sun god!!

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The Vivasvan blessed his son with his warm rays. Karna sat at the banks of Chambal river, staring at his father with a blank face , the usual calm smile was absent. He was about to leave for Kurukshetra along with his brothers , and Vrishali and Vrishsen has stubbornly decided to tag along with him to the battlefield. He was definitely nervous about taking his first born to the battlefield. But he is not just a father , he is a warrior too , he got no right to keep his son out of a battlefield, if Vrishsena wanted to fight along his friend and father.

But as much as he was a proud warrior for the brave Vrishsen , he was a nervous father too, for the same little Vrish, his son. Vrishsen along with Abhimanyu had left to Rishi Vashisht's ashram to ask permission to participate in the Kurukshetra and to seek his blessing for the upcoming war. So the boys would join them in the camp directly.

I wonder if it's the coming war that is keeping you so occupied with your thoughts.
Someone crowed behind him.
The heavy rough voice startled him out of his train of thoughts. Karna snapped around to meet a radiant man.' No , not a man , he looks too bright to be a 'man'. He is some celestial for sure.'
Karna pin pointed as he stood up.

And the said man stood up as well. Instantly his hair went up on flames , 2 more arms emerged from behind, the mighty shoulders grew broader , or karna felt so as the giant stood up straight. The radiant man was a feet taller than Karna , and it wasn't an easy feet to achieve, considering Karna was already a giant bull. The now confirmed celestial's eyes too were set on flames and he exuded a immaculate amount of energy as a chariot dragged by 7 horses replaced the ground he stood. Adding upto the godly aura and his radiant self. His hands holding the significant representations of his powers and celestial persona. Karna bowed in reverence as he figured out that it was the Brilliant Sun god , who also happened to be his father.

Suddenly everything diminished to the same radiant man that stood there on the ground without a hair that was set on fire or a flamed up eyes or 4 hands or that fierce yet nurturing divinity. Now he exuded a fatherly affection and a gentle yet bright aura of yellow and orange hues.

Took you long enough to identify the one you admired on a daily basis, son.
The sun god teased his son , his heavy voice still sounding serious as ever.
Karna's face flushed red. He smiled sheepishly.

Wait , so you did all that just to let me know that you are the sun god?!
Karna questioned amused and a bit weirded out at the feet the sun god went , just for his introduction by almost setting the surrounding greenary on fire.
It was the father's turn to smile rather sheepishly.

Ohh.. Don't put it that way son. I found it would be easier to do that rather than explaining that "I AM THE SUN GOD" to my own son.
Karna's father said , dramatically modulating his voice and body language at  "I am the sun god".
Karna chuckled at the silliness of his father.
People didn't called his father 'mithra' for no reason, his father was responsible and serious and all ,but also friendly and approachable. Karna felt an ease washing over him near his father.

Pranipath Pithashree. (Greetings Father)
Karna bent down to seek his blessings.
Sun god felt relief coursing through his veins at the address his son gave him. He smiled whole heartedly and blessed his youngest son.

Yashaswi Bhava. (Be glorious)
A tear slipped past his orbs , but evaporated due to his own heat.

Let's take a seat , shall we.
Vivasvan suggested as he grabbed his son to stand straight by his shoulders.
The father and son sat down on the rocky ground in the river bank.

So how is life treating you?
The typical father question emerged from the benevolent nurturing father of earth.
Karna snorted slightly at the typical question.

t's not bad , but ain't better for a week now. I am not complaining , but life has been so unpredictable recently. That the reality quite literally swept me off my feet and is gonna put me in a battlefield against my own cousins , whom I barely know.
Karna said.

Hmmhhmm.. I see.
So what! If reality sweeps you off  the ground then fly so high that the reality won't dare to take you off your ground ever again.
The Aditya said smiling softly at his son.

Easier said than done father . I wonder  if my presence is necessary in the Kurukshetra ; I just got to know about my brothers and I am in Kurukshetra alongside them. I mean... I wasn't involved in any of this , neither do I want to now.
Karna expressed his monologue.

You got some exceptional brothers I guess. Generally we treat our new found family with happiness and familial bonds , seems like they got you some enemies after the first meet.
Sun god laughed a little with a mocking undertone.

I am not grasping what you are trying to say father.
Karna replied not finding the retort against his brothers funny.
Sun god smiled warmly at his son and his still innocent heart.

They are your younger brothers , and they need your guidance and support the most at this point , and further.
I won't say that all 5 brothers were epitome of righteousness. They have their flaws and they have done their fair share of mistakes in creating this situation. And particularly for that reason, they need someone to guide them to the right path. Lord Krishna is by your side , he won't let your side loose this battle as his presence adds up a lot to keeping your side heavy in the scale of righteousness.
Sun god explained.

So , what  , are the Kauravas not completely wrong like popular belief says?
Karna's mind processing and analysing various sides and possibilities of the new angle his father presented.

Yes and No. They have their equal contribution in the wrong doings too.. if not more than your younger brothers. But that doesn't make the Pandavas all good. So what I am trying to say is. Correct them thoroughly when they are wrong , because the future lies in their hands that will follow after this battle.
That's where your role lies mostly . To guide them not to be just good leaders but also to be good people.
The king of Navagrahas adviced.
Karna nodded in a confused agreement.

Guess you are still processing all this.
Okay I will keep it simple.
Listen ! your brothers can be absolute brats at times, especially with the Kshatriya tag they carry around so proudly . They are not all that nice and good. so twist their ears and talk some sense into them when necessary.
That's it. That's your job.
Vivasvan suggested in a simple and blank tone.

Ohh.. yeah , I sort of guessed that much from all that I have heard about Hastinapur and it's royals. But these 5 seems fine than I expected.
Karna defended.

After the Dyut sabha, the 12 years of exile and an year of incognito had definitely brought change in them. But gaining the royal status back , might bring certain sides of them back to light. And I just want you to make sure that the Aryavart under them after this war wouldn't be the same as the lands of Aryans are now.
Aditya explained.
Karna nodded firmly in understanding.

Keshav is trying to lead them to be a better king than they have always seen or envisioned a king to be  Helping Keshav in making a change is what I am supposed to do. I get it.
Karna collected his thoughts.

Almost there.
Vivasvan smiled at his son as he patted his shoulders gently.
You will find the accurate version of the said vision , when you will reach the stage. Now think about the impending war ,and rest of the things can wait. And don't stress yourself too much.
Sun god concluded.

Sure Father.
Karna smiled softly.

I guess it's time for my departure.
The atmosphere is getting palpable.
Sun god said as he got up from where he was comfortably seated.
It's quite nice down here. Isn't it.
He muttered.

It's trite as usual mornings to me, what's special?
Karna retorted blankly, while looking around casually.
Sun god almost face palmed himself, as he laughed adoringly at his son.
Karna took his father's blessings. And the sun god blessed him with victory and also gave him a chariot called 'Rashmi' , and an inexhaustible quiver.

Armed with the Inexhaustible quiver and Mighty Vijaya with Rashmi as his mount. Karna was equipped for the Kurukshetra, to face the Gangaputr Devrath Bhishma, Acharya Dronacharya, Kripacharya and rest of the mighty Kauravas and their army lead by the crown prince of Hastinapur - Duryodhana . Not to kill or to take revenge but to protect and fight for justice.

Return to us safe and sound , my son.
Ayushmaan Bhava
Radha said as she blessed her son to live longer .

Vijay bhava.(Be victorious)
Adhirath blessed his son.
Adhirath have seen battlefield as the charioteer of Mahamahim Bhishma in his younger age. And he knows what kind of a warrior is his son about to face, but he had complete faith in his son's valour. So Adhirath tried to rid the fear out of his heart. And put up a mask of calmness during their departure.

The pandava brothers too got their blessings, Radha and Adhirath blessed them to be safe and victorious, the elder couple blessed them for the victory of Dharma.

Word count:1690

I wrote it a week before , but couldn't edit it well. And I actually has planned to write some more , but thought I will just conclude it here for now 😁.
I know it's a short chapter, so sorry 🙃🙉

See you in the next chapter by July 1st week . My sem exams are going on and they will be done by July 2nd. So till then ,

Take care ❤️

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