Chapter 4

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"Can't believe it's finally Saturday, am I right ladies?"

I nod, agreeing with Martie, as we raise our glasses up together, letting them clink, and then drink in unison.

"God, I did so many interviews today, I feel drained, " I sighed, placing my drink down on the table.

"Really? How many did you do?" Questioned Sadie, who swirled her straw around in her Long Island iced tea.

I pulled out my phone again and looked at the recordings, counting them in my head.

"Uh... Fifty... Fifty-eight, " I told them, placing the phone down on to the table, just in case they wanted to see it.

"Wow, good on you. Did you see, or talk to anyone creepy at all?" Martie wondered, nudging my elbow.

I thought back to anyone suspicious, or even remotely suspicious, but I shook my head. "No, not really. Although you know that creepy old man who, everyone's been kind of avoiding?"

"Yeah, " they said in unison.

"Well it turns out, he's blind. So I guess he doesn't mean to be staring at you?" I joke, while still questioning myself.

Sadie shrugged. "Well, I guess we're at a dead end now."

"No... Not really..." I say hopefully, although I knew I wouldn't get much farther with this interviewing thing.

"Well, " Martie sighs, lifting her glass to her lips. "Here's to not catching anyone."

"Now don't say that." Sadie slaps Martie's wrist. "We've got to keep our heads up here ladies. What can we do? Maybe this interviewing thing isn't going to work. So, what do we do instead? Maybe we just go searching for the killer? Find clues, like actual policía do. "

"We?" Martie scoffed. "I'm not doing jack, remember?"

"Now listen, Martie..."

I continued to stare at my drink, hopelessly lost at what we could do. Yeah, we could search for clues, but what would we be looking for exactly? Guns? Knives? I mean, anyone could own those.

And then, what would we do with those clues if we found them? Turn them into the police? Then what? Get arrested? I'm sure the police wouldn't like me getting involved in their investigation. They've already told me no. I could hire a private detective but I feel like that might be too costly.

Even if we didn't turn those clues in, and instead told the whole town, they might think I'm crazy. I mean, nowadays, anything can be photoshopped. They could tell me, hey, isn't that photoshop? Or something like that. And then, if I found something that stated something like, I'm the serial killer, then people would say that I wrote it or something stupid along those lines.

I just think this could all go downhill very quickly. Like stuff usually does.


I awake from my thoughts as I see Martie snap in front of my face.

"Hey, " I reply back solemnly.

"Are you okay?" She questions, a slight hint of concern in her voice.

I nod, taking a sip of my drink.

"No you're not, you've hardly drank," Sadie remarked, nodding to my drink.

I shrug, staying quiet.

"You know, you can't save the world, right?" Sadie said, leaning in. She must've known how I was feeling.

I nod. "Yeah, and apparently the police can't save our town either."

"Excuse me, " I hear a gruff voice say.

I look up and see a man with a scruffy beard, long, frizzy brown hair who wore a black motorcyclist's vest over a dark blue Led Zeppelin shirt and blue jeans and dark brown combat boots.


"Have you seen Daniel lately? He was supposed to be here about an hour ago, and I figured I would ask you guys since I see him hang around y'all all the time, so..." He murmured, scratching the back of his head.

"And who's asking?" Sadie looked up at him, speculating.

He narrowed his eyes, probably not profound of her first impression. "His bassist. If he's not going to show up, then we'd be out of our gig tonight."

I rose an eyebrow, wondering where in the world he could be. He wasn't one to show up late. He was always very punctual; one of the only things I liked about him. "Well... Did you try calling him?"

He nodded. "Yup, Bruce over there, " he pointed to the muscled man sitting at the kit. "Tried calling him three times in the past forty minutes. Went to voicemail every time."

"What did he say the first time you called him?" I started to get quite concerned. That was a perk that came with him from being clingy, is that he would always call back, or always pick up the phone.

"He told us that he was on his way. But that was about over an hour ago. Bruce and I are starting to get worried, " He mumbled, closing his hands together.

I nod my head. "Okay." I got up from my seat, grabbing my purse. "Do you remember what his vehicle looks like?"

He nods. "Yes. It's a red F-150 with a Pink Floyd sticker on the back of it. Bastard loves that band."

I smile, nodding. "Yeah. Alright, I'll see if I can find him, or reach him somehow. "

"Thanks, " he thanks me worriedly, and quickly makes his way back upstage.

I turn to the girls, grabbing my phone from off of the table and put it inside my purse.

"Wait, you're actually going to go try and find him? You don't think he could be sleeping and have his phone on silent?" Martie chuckles, rolling her eyes.

I shake my head. "No, he said he was on his way, remember? He's not like somebody to tell you that they're on their way when in reality they're actually not on their way. He might've gotten into a car crash, I don't know, but I'm going to look for him. "

"Can we help?" Sadie asks, getting out of her seat.

I shrug. "Only if you want to."


I quickly make my way to my truck, hopping inside. I turn the ignition on and put the truck in reverse and backed out of my parking space as quickly as I could, and started to drive around town, looking for a red F-150 with a Pink Floyd sticker.

Looking around, I start to wonder where in the world he could be. Panic and worry began to swell inside of me like a well, and I couldn't seem to grasp my focus.

Okay El, where could somebody hide in this town? Or... Where could somebody hide you?, I thought, my eyebrows raising as I quickly knew where he might be.

I pressed on the gas and quickly drove my way to the church, arriving in no time.

After getting there, I quickly jumped out of the car and raced inside, looking for Father McKenzie.

"Father!" I shout, turning my head frantically, my worry really began to creep out of me.

"Yes?" Out of the corner of my eye, I see him rushing towards me. "Is there an issue?"

I nod and look at him, seeing a concerned look upon his face."Yeah, have you seen Daniel lately? He's sort of... " I didn't want to bring myself to it, but I knew he might be a victim. "He might be missing. I know sometimes he likes to come here to find quiet, and-"

"No, " he quickly interrupts me and shakes his head. "I haven't seen Daniel. I'm sorry, " He says sympathetically, placing a hand on my shoulder, and smiles. I look at him smiling and smile back, but I quickly stop as soon as I see a large cut on his lip.

I run my fingers through my hair, wondering where in the world he might be. "Ugh, thanks, " I mumble, feeling a bit useless. I don't know where else he could hang out.

I quickly turn around and rush outside, seeing Martie and Sadie rush towards me.

"Did you find him yet?" Sadie inquires, looking out of breath.

I shake my head, disappointed. "No. Not yet."

"El..." Martie starts, playing with her fingers. "What if he's... Missing?"

I shake my head, not wanting to believe it. "No, he can't be. And if he is, where would you hide him?"

They both look around as if they would find something and I look directly behind them, seeing nothing but bush and brush.

"The woods, " I mumble, making my way to my truck while keeping my focus on the hoard of trees across the street.

"But how do you know it's those woods?! There are woods literally everywhere in this town, it would take days to find him! It's not like he's going to be lying right on a log or something!" Sadie shouts.

I turned around, shrugging. "Well, then I guess we better split up!"


It's been two hours and a half since I had been driving.

At this point, I was out of town, driving around at night, looking for a bright red truck possibly crashed somewhere.

Ding, ding, ding, I look down and see my fuel gauge indicate that my truck, is indeed empty.

I groan and quickly pull over to the side of the road, hearing my engine sputter down, and my truck coming to a halt as it arrives on the grass, on the side of the road.

"Shit, " I mumble, pulling out my phone, still surprisingly have service. "Glad I have Verizon."

I dial in Martie's phone number and hold the phone up to my ear, waiting for her to answer. I can't believe I didn't fill up my gas tank before I left, I thought, very disappointed in myself.


"Martie!" I exclaim, glad to hear a familiar voice.

"Eleanor, what in the world are you calling about? Did you find him?"

I sigh, "No... But I did find myself on the side of the road because my gas had run out."

I hear her grumble something to someone. "...And I'm guessing you want me to come to pick you up?"

"Yes..." I say innocently.

"Fine. Turn your location on. I'll find you."

I sigh in relief, kissing the phone. "Thank you Martie! I owe you."

"Mmm-hmm. "

Quickly I hear her hang up, and suddenly I'm left alone again. I sigh and turn on my data and press the button to turn on my location and take a quick glance at my battery life.

Sixty-seven percent.

She better hurry up.

I look around at my surroundings and see that the sky was now pitch black, and bugs and frogs were now chirping away.

I turn to my right and look down and open the glove compartment, trying to see if I could find anything that might help me in my situation.

I begin to dig around and see maps, vehicle identification, ID, gum wrappers, ponytail holders, jump-start cables, a notepad, a flashlight, and pens.

I shrug and grab the flashlight instead of using my flash on my phone so I wouldn't have to waste my battery.

I grab the small and blue flashlight and press the button, hearing it click on, and see a bright light appear before me. Thank goodness.

I step out of the car and decide to wait there, so just in case she was driving, she could see me.

I look around me and down the road to see if anyone could be coming, but I knew she wouldn't get here soon simply because it took me two hours to get where I was.

I shrug, grabbing the handle to get back into my truck, but hear a snap as if someone stepped on something.

I quickly spin around towards the sound and see nothing but forest. "Hello?" I ask shakily, shining my flashlight towards the sound. "Anyone there?"

I slowly and carefully step towards the sound, tightening my grip around the small flashlight. "Anyone?"

I shine the flashlight around the general area, and I quickly spot something shine my way.

A red truck.

"Oh my god, " I mumble, stepping towards it more, now in the brush, and sure enough, it has a Dark Side Pink Floyd sticker slapped on to the back window of the cab.

That's Daniel's truck alright. But what is it doing all the way out here?

There had to be someone out here.

I run towards the cab and look back at my truck, now away in the distance.

I pull out my phone shakily and start to text Martie and Sadie.

I found his truck, I type, sending it to them, then I stick it in my pocket.

Who in the world would drive it all the way here? And why?

I shine my flashlight around the truck and on the floor to see if I could find anything, and sure enough, I see footprints tracked into the soggy dirt.

I bend down to take a closer look at them, and I shine my flashlight on them, finding a path of perfectly marked footprints in the dirt.

I stand up and start walking, careful to keep my eye on the tracks.

Under my feet, I hear sticks and leaves crunch, as well as the mushy dirt slop as I walk.

These shoes are going to be ruined, I thought, looking down in despair as I see my white Vans covered in mud, but quickly come to a halt as I see a small, wooden cabin up ahead of me.

Possibly eight feet wide and eight feet in length. A very small cabin indeed. Slowly I approach it but stop as soon as I see lights on.

Quickly I pan around and spot a large tree and hide behind it, my heart racing in my chest.

What was I doing out here? I could get killed! Or kidnapped!

Come on, El, think.

I turn my flashlight off and carefully tread towards the cabin, ducking low just in case anyone had been inside.

As I round the cabin, I see an oil-lit lantern hanging on a hook near a torn up screen-door, and there's an open window that peered into the inside.

I slowly walk up to the window, still keeping low, the grip tightening around my flashlight as if it was going to make me any braver.

Crossing my fingers, I take a deep breath and raise my head up just so I could see inside of the house, and sure enough, there's Daniel, laying on the floor unconscious, surrounded by a couch, a bed, counters, an oven, and more. It was like a kitchen combined with a bedroom. Sort of like a trailer.

I dart my eyes around the room, trying to see if there were any cameras or anyone else, and surely, there wasn't.

I take a deep breath and gather all of my courage to dart inside of the cabin, giving myself good thoughts and encouraging words.

"You've got this, come on Eleanor, don't worry, " I whisper to myself, really hoping I wouldn't die within two steps to the cabin.

Eventually, I convince myself to do it and I stand up, climbing into the open window and roll inside, and instantly crawl over to Daniel.

I examine his body and see multiple cuts and bruises as if he got into a really bad fight with somebody, and he had gotten knocked out. Clearly, somebody didn't want him here.

I pressed my finger up against his neck, and luckily I felt a pulse. I sighed in relief and happiness, utterly glad that he was alive.

I shook him to see if he would react, and leaned down and whispered, "Daniel! Wake up! I can't haul you out of here on my own buddy."

I shook him harder and it didn't seem to be working.

I sighed and brought my hand back, and with a lot of power and might, it flew before me and landed on his face with a powerful smack!

"...What the-!"

I smirk as I see him wake up instantly, touching his cheek where I had slapped him.

"Wake up sleepy head. We need to get you out of here, " I whisper, putting a finger up to my mouth, telling him that he should be quiet.

"What-where-" I press a finger up to his mouth to shush him, feeling quite bad for him. He seemed utterly confused.

"Come on. We've got to get you out of here."


"Here, " I hand him an ice pack and a cup of hot tea, as he sits on the couch in my living room, surrounded by me, Sadie, Martie, and my dad, all of us crossing our arms and worried looks upon our faces.

"Thanks, " He mutters, pressing the pack of ice upon his bruise on his head while taking a sip of the tea.

"What were you doing out there?" Sadie asks quickly, more of a mad look on her face than a worried look. She clearly didn't want to be here as she arrived in pink Hello Kitty pajama bottoms and a white tank top and pink slippers. She looked like she was ready to get some answers and leave.

He cleared his throat and looked down at the floor. "I uh... I was driving along the road-"

"For two hours?" Butted in Martie, furrowing her eyebrows.

He held his hand up. "Let me finish. I was driving along the road because I wanted to help El's case."

"But I specifically told you not to help! I-" I snapped, not happy at all with his answer.

"Would you listen please?!" He interrupted, the yelling really getting to his head. "I wanted to help, so I was like, well, where would you hide bodies? Oh yeah, maybe the woods? So I drive for about an hour and a half until I hear something pop, and I realize I have a flat tire. So, I pull off to the edge of the road, and put my truck in neutral and start pushing, hoping I would find some kind of gas station or something along the way where I could call somebody because I did not have any service at the time." He pauses, taking a sip of his tea.

"Then suddenly, I hear several gunshots go off, and then I ran towards them, and I left my truck--where you found it--," He looked at me. "And I ran towards the sound, wondering who could be firing a gun way out here, and way out in the woods. Eventually, I found a small cabin and made my way towards it, not thinking that anyone was going to find me, but unfortunately, they did. And I heard his voice. "

My eyes widened, as this could be a real key-point to who the murderer could be. "Did you recognize it? Whose voice was it?"

He shook his head. "No, I'm sorry, I didn't recognize it. It was deep and gruff, and he asked me what I was doing there, and suddenly he hit me, and we broke out into this huge fight, and things happened so fast I guess, that I got knocked out."

I pursed my lips together, rubbing my arm. If he had a gun, why didn't he just kill Daniel then and there? Why did he let him live?

"I don't get it, " My dad mumbled, looking at Daniel. I looked up at him and rose an eyebrow. "If he had a gun, why didn't he just finish Daniel off?"

I nodded. "I was thinking the same thing."

Martie shrugged. "Maybe he ran out of ammo? Daniel did say he heard several shots fired."

"Yeah but if he was psycho enough he could've ended Daniel right then and there with his bare hands, " I mentioned, nodding to him.

"Well, I'm just glad he's not dead, " Sadie huffs, uncrossing her arms.

"Yeah, me too. In fact, I would like it if all of you stopped doing this, so that way none of you would get hurt, " Mentions my dad, nodding to Daniel. "If Daniel wasn't so lucky, he could've been dead by now."

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