A Walk in the Park

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Just an old chapter back at its old place...

I first posted this chapter about a year ago as a 'bonus chapter' to EA. When I decided to continue with this AU, I deleted it from here to use it as the first chapter of the sequel. But now that a sequel is off the table (i.e. discontinued and to be deleted soon), I'm putting it back here ;).


A Walk in the Park

Three months later - Sunday noon

Jay was rather impatient as he waited at the entrance to the Ninjago City Central Park, located in walking distance of the Ninjago Tech campus. It was already ten past twelve, but Nya had just called to say that she would be a few minutes late. And he just couldn't wait to see her.

The young man wouldn't complain though. His girlfriend was currently preparing for her final exams, which were to take place over the course of the next two weeks. Jay therefore was simply glad that she had agreed to take off this Sunday afternoon from studying at all, to meet with her boyfriend for a three-months anniversary date.

Sure, they would talk every day on the phone or on their laptops, but seeing each other in person was a completely different thing. And unfortunately, that had only rarely happened over the past few weeks. For the previous month, Nya had spent most of her time at the desk, either in her small dorm room or at the campus library, living only on coffee, chocolate and some more nutritious and healthy leftovers her solicitous roommate Pixal would bring home from her shift at the restaurant. So, instead of taking her on a date at a café – or any other indoor place – Jay was going to take her for a walk through the park, to be followed by a picnic.

Luckily, today was a beautiful Spring day. While his favourite colour was blue, Jay also very much appreciated the fresh green of new grass and young leaves as well as the soft pastel tones of the spring flowers blooming around him.
He only wore a blue T-shirt over his navy jeans, and he enjoyed feeling the warm air on his bare freckled arms.

He finally saw Nya walking towards the park at a quick pace. When arranging the date, Jay hadn't told her about his exact plans, just to meet him here and to wear normal clothes, appropriate for the weather and comfortable shoes. As requested, Nya was dressed in a pair of skinny dark jeans and a loose red top under her thin black jacket, as well as blue sneakers. Jay noticed that she had lost some weight since he had last seen her a week ago. When she spotted her boyfriend, Nya's – tired – eyes immediately brightened up and she happily waved at him as she quickened her pace even further.

Jay embraced her in a very tight hug, taking in her familiar scent of coconut. He hadn't realised before just how much he had missed holding her in his arms.

"I...am...so...sorry...I...am...late." Nya gasped. Jay reluctantly let go of her, to let her catch her breath. "I... had set myself an alarm. But then... I wanted to... finish this chapter and then... Pixal was in the shower because she had to go to work and then Kai called and..."

Jay silenced her with a kiss. "Hey, you are turning into me." He smiled fondly at her. "And you don't have to apologise, I still remember my final exams last year. Believe me, you are holding up really well, I was a lot worse. Ask Cole."

Nya fondly smiled back and gave him another kiss. "Thank you. So, tell me. What have you planned for our surprise date?" She asked, noticing the small picnic basket standing next to them.

"Nothing special, actually. But you are stuck inside all the time and the weather is nice, so I thought we could just do a little stroll through the park and then have a picnic." Jay explained. "I had some help from Zane, so you don't have to worry about the food."

Jay's skills in the kitchen were generally quite good, but he had not much experience in preparing the vegetarian dishes his girlfriend preferred, so he had sought assistance from Zane, his flatmate and head-chef of Garmadon's, one of the finest Italian restaurants in Ninjago City. And, conveniently, also the boyfriend of Nya's own roommate and friend Pixal.

"If the two of you have prepared it, I am sure it will be delicious." Nya said, wrapping her left arm around his waist, while Jay put his right arm around her shoulders and took the basket with his left hand.

They had a casual conversation while walking, just enjoying each other's company as well as the stunning surrounding.

"Where would you like to go?" Jay then asked. "There are some nice picnic spots near the playground. But it might be very busy there, so I've also brought a blanket in case there are no tables left or if we want to go somewhere less noisy."

Due to the nice weather, the park was crowded on this Sunday early afternoon.

"I wouldn't mind a bit of noise, after a while this absolute silence in the library or in my room can get really annoying."

"I find silence in general pretty annoying." Jay commented with a smirk.

Nya grinned. "I would have never guessed that..." She teased him. "And you really must be rubbing up on me. Kai also complained that I talked too much when I spoke to him on the phone two days ago."

"That sounds very much like Kai." Jay laughed. "By the way, how is he doing? You haven't mentioned any trouble between him and Skylor for a while."

Nya's older brother had been in an on/off relationship with his girlfriend for over five years now. Although they would argue and break up with each other on a very regular basis, they still loved each other very much and always would soon make up again afterwards.

The young woman sighed. "I know." This short answer surprised Jay, especially the tone in which it was said. They stopped and Jay set down the picnic basket and removed his arm from her shoulder to take both her hands into his.

"What's the matter?" He asked. "You sound worried instead of relieved."

"Either he and Skylor really haven't had any big fight for the last six weeks or so, or Kai just hasn't told me about it. Whenever I ask him, he just says they're doing fine, but I have the impression he is hiding something from me. Kai knows I'm pretty stressed out about the exams at the moment, so maybe he just doesn't want me to worry about him as well..."

Even though Nya was 22, Kai was still the same caring *overprotective* big brother that he had been when they were all together at school. Jay had experienced it himself a few weeks ago, when he had met his former classmate again; only this time not as Kai's science partner but as his little sister's boyfriend. Jay gave her hands a little comforting squeeze.

"Or maybe everything just is alright this time. Be positive. I am sure he would tell you if something was totally wrong. But if you want, I can talk to him as well."

"I guess you are right. And I am just too much used to them fighting and breaking up all the time." Nya smiled weakly, but she still didn't sound entirely convinced. But they silently agreed to drop the topic and rather make the most of their - anyway way too short - time together.

When the couple arrived at the picnic area, they saw that all picnic tables were occupied, so they chose a spot under a nearby cherry tree for their picnic instead. It was a little further away from the playground, but still close enough to hear the shouting and laughing from the swings and slides.

"I think this is noisy enough, even for me." Jay stated, while gently putting down the picnic basket. He opened it and carefully removed a small bouquet of spring flowers that was lying at the top, before he took the picnic blanket from the basket. Together, they laid it out on the ground and sat down.

He smiled at Nya. "I've got something for you. You've already seen it anyway, so it's not a surprise anymore and I can as well give it to you right now instead of later."

Truth be told, Jay was not a very patient person and he wanted to give her his present rather sooner than later, and he hoped to put a genuinely happy smile back on her beautiful face.

"You hardly get to enjoy the spring, so I thought you could use some spring flowers inside your room. To brighten up your room."

Just as you brighten up my day. Jay added in his thoughts. But he felt that it would probably sound way too cheesy if spoken out loud. He had chosen a small bouquet of white tulips and pastel pink peonies that coincidentally matched the colour of the cherry blossoms right above them. The ends of the flowers were carefully wrapped in moist tissue and then covered with a small plastic freezer bag, to keep them fresh during their date – a sensible recommendation from Zane, of course.

"And some of your favourite treats to help you get through your exams." He also handed her a box of the famous and much loved Mystake's Chocolates.

"Thank you. They are lovely." She took in the scent of the bouquet before carefully placing it next to her and leaning towards her boyfriend.

"Not as lovely as you." Jay closed the gap between them, connecting their lips.

Nya immediately responded by wrapping her arms around his neck and deepening the kiss. They both enjoyed their moment, but it was soon interrupted by the sound of Nya's stomach rumbling.

She pulled away, blushing profoundly. "Sorry." She mumbled.

Jay chuckled. "I have shared a dorm room with Cole for four years, I am used to that sound."

His college roommate had a – hard-earned – reputation for being always hungry.

"And I bet you haven't eaten much today. If anything at all." Jay added firmly.

"Just some cereals for breakfast." Nya admitted. "I am actually starving."

"Well, it must be your lucky day then." Jay continued to unpack the basket and presented its content like a meal at a fancy restaurant, causing his girlfriend to laugh at his antics. "We have sandwiches – ciabatta with homemade hummus, cucumber, grated carrots and avocado – served with tomato and mozzarella salad and a small selection of your favourite antipasti on the side, followed by some chocolate-coated mixed fruit skewers."

He also took out some reusable plastic plates, cups and cutlery as well as a bottle with a sparkling yellow drink.

"I know you need to go back to studying later, so I've brought some homemade lemonade instead of anything with alcohol. It's my mum's recipe and really good. And even still cold."

"So, how is Cole holding up?" Nya enquired, while they were enjoying their meal. "Is he finally starting to get nervous?" Jay best friend was getting married to his girlfriend Seliel in three weeks.

"No, he is still solid as a rock. I think Sel is more likely to freak out than him. But everything's going according to plan, as far as I know." Jay, as Cole's Best Man, was also involved in the wedding preparations. "I am meeting them tonight, so I should find out more then."

"Please say hi to them for me." Nya had met the couple a few times over the last three months and had become good friends with them, especially with the pink-haired bride-to-be. "And if they need any help just before or at the wedding, they can call me any time after the 26th."

"Oh no, I won't." Jay told her, smirking. "When your exams are over, I am getting to spend some time with my girlfriend first."

Nya smiled. "And you will. Oh, I can't wait to be finished and then get away from here for a few days, just the two of us."

After Nya's final exam, they were going to spend a few days at a Spa and Beach Resort on the west coast of Ninjago, before travelling to Nom, Seliel's home town, for their friends' wedding.

"Me neither." Jay agreed. "I've really missed you. You know how much I love you, right?" He blurted out.

Realising what he just said, Jay's face turned the shade of lobster and he slapped himself mentally. He had never said it to her before. In fact, he had never said it to any girl or woman. Except to his mum, of course. But... that didn't really count here. And although it was true, this was definitely not how he had planned to tell her.

Nya wordlessly stared at him, her eyes open in surprise. Jay mentally face-palmed, getting very nervous about her reaction. Of course, he had to blow it with his famous motormouth.

But then she broke into a bright smile, with a slight blush on her cheeks as well. "I-I love you too, Jay Walker."

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