Girls Talk

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As soon as she entered the dorm room that she shared with Pixal, Nya plopped down on her bed and kicked off her high heel shoes.

"Ah, that's much better." She sighed in relief, stretching her feet. "How can some people survive wearing these all day long? I am so glad the guys drove use home."

Nya noticed the sceptical look her roommate gave her.

"Are you alright?" She asked worriedly. "You haven't spoken a single word, since we've left the restaurant."

"I-I... just do not understand you." Pixal simply stated.

"Of course, you wouldn't understand that problem." Nya laughed. "You don't have to wear these types of shoes. Even in flats, you are taller than me with these ridiculous heels."

"I was not talking about your shoes. I was talking about your date."

"What do you mean?" Nya questioned her friend.

"I gave you the opportunity to enjoy an evening in the company of the most handsome, charming, and intelligent man I know." Pixal explained. "And you've hardly spoken to him at all but spent the whole night talking to a former classmate of your brother's. You've even lied to Zane about your dancing skills."

Nya was quite upset when she heard these accusations. "Well, first of all I am not the only one who didn't pay much attention to her blind date tonight." She replied. "You didn't seem very interested in getting to know Jay either. Secondly, I don't think Zane minded at all, he seemed quite happy talking and dancing with you instead. And finally... Why did you set me up on a date with someone you are in love with yourself?" She almost shouted the last part.

Pixal paled. When Nya noticed the green eyes glistening with tears, she quickly walked over to her roommate and embraced her in a warm hug. This gesture was enough to cause Pixal to break down and she started to cry. Nya didn't say anything, she just held her taller friend tight and gently stroke over her silver-blonde hair.

Neither of them said a word for a long time. The only sound that could be heard in their room was Pixal's sobbing.

Nya was surprised. Pixal had never cried before. At least not in Nya's presence, and certainly not over a guy. She generally wasn't a very emotional type. Whenever the pretty girl had dated someone and it hadn't worked out, she had simply shrugged it off as them being 'not compatible'. So, this strong reaction came rather unexpected.

Finally, Pixal was able to stop crying. "Thank you." She wiped her eyes and gave her friend a weak, embarrassed smile. "I-I am so sorry about this. This is not like me at all...

Nya smiled back at her. "Hey, you don't ever have to apologize for crying." She replied. "And it was partially my fault, I probably should have been a bit less blunt."

"No, no, you were completely right." Pixal told her. Nya was happy to see some colour returning onto her friend's pale face, even if it was just a slight blush. "I-I guess I was quite obvious..."

"Yes, you were." Nya agreed with a smile. "But don't worry," she quickly added. "He hasn't noticed."

"Well, that's a relief. But... are you sure about it?"

"Absolutely." Nya grinned. "Zane was way too busy hiding his own feelings for you..."

The other girl looked down. "Please stop making fun of me. This is very serious."

"And so am I. Pixal, you are the smartest person I know. How can you be so stupid in this matter? It was obvious to everyone, except you, that he likes you. A lot."

"Then why does he always tells me that I am such a wonderful friend to him?! I mean, he even calls me his best female friend. So I was worried that, when he finds an actual girlfriend, he will not want me as his friend anymore. And that's why I... well, suggested this whole blind date thing...I thought if he was dating you, I-I would at least still get to see him from time to time..."

Tears started to form in her eyes again. "I know that it wasn't fair of me to set you up, just because I was afraid of losing Zane to some random stranger. But you have to believe me, I really thought you might like each other..."

"Oh, I do like him, I just don't like him." Nya smirked. "I would prefer getting to know him as your boyfriend. And don't tell me you don't feel the same."

Pixal shook her head. "No, you are right. And it is completely illogical for me to be afraid to tell him. I think... I will talk to him tomorrow, when I see him at the restaurant."

"Why not now?" Nya didn't want her friend to delay the conversation, worried that she might find an excuse to back out from it later.

"I-I've waited so long that... I don't want to rush anything now. I'd rather sleep over it, so I don't say anything stupid. "

"But you have to promise me that you will talk to him."

"I promise. But only if you are a hundred percent sure that you are not interested in him."

"One hundred and twenty percent sure. You would probably say that we are just... not compatible. Not like you and him..."

"... or you and Jay?" Pixal asked, raising her eyebrow.

Now it was Nya's turn to blush. "Maybe..." She replied. "I-I really enjoyed spending time with him. And, by the way, he-he asked me on another date with him. Well, technically it would be our first date..."

Pixal beamed at her friend. "Why didn't you say so earlier? I feel so bad that we've only been talking about me..."

"Because you are my best friend. And I want you to be happy."

Pixal hugged the smaller girl. "And you are my best friend, even though you want to go out with my blind date."

"Only if you don't mind, of course."

"Of course not." Pixal smiled. "I'd much rather go out with yours."

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