Nightly Phone Calls (II)

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Nya scrolled through the contacts on her phone, still wearing a huge smile on her face. When she got to Kai's entry – who was coincidentally directly below Jay's – she briefly considered to just call the person listed above her brother again.

No... we've already broken one of the 'first date rules'. Plus, I don't want to appear desperate to talk to him. He promised to call tomorrow. And I can wait until then, right?

Also, she had made Kai wait long enough already. He always got worried easily when she didn't take his calls right away, especially when he knew that she had been out at night. So she quickly skipped over her latest entry and called her brother's mobile number instead.

Kai answered his phone on the first ring. "Hi sis, I tried to call you maybe five minutes ago. Are you alright? Are you back home from your blind date? And, talking about the date, how was it?" He asked.

Nya had to smile at his antics - and Kai's rant reminded her of a certain someone she had met earlier - but she also felt a bit guilty and selfish about not answering his call straight away, despite knowing her brother would be worried.

"Good evening Kai. Yes, I am fine. I saw that you called and I am sorry that I couldn't answer right away. I was... busy."

"Busy?" Kai asked suspiciously. "What's that supposed to mean? And... where are you? You sound a bit... strange..."

So Nya had to explain her 'current location' in the bathroom again.

"That means... you are at home?" Her brother sounded relieved. Nya smiled inwardly.

Yes, I am 22 years old and still the baby sister that Kai wants to protect. I bet he's still gonna be the same, even if... or when I hope... I will have children of my own one day.

But, truth be told, she didn't want him to ever stop caring that much about her. Nya herself still hadn't gotten used to not seeing her older brother every day.

After their parents had been killed in an accident ten years ago, people had told the then-thirteen-year-old Kai to 'take care of his little sister' and he had taken the task very seriously. Maybe sometimes a bit too seriously.

During his first year at Ninjago Tech, he had even decided to continue to live with their foster family and cycle all the way to college every day. Only when Nya had also started college a year later, they had both moved to their new accommodations on campus.

So the past few months since Kai had finished college had in fact been the first time they had ever been apart for a longer period. Currently they were only able to see each other every second Sunday, when they would meet for lunch with their foster parents. So they regularly talked on the phone.

"Kai, I have classes tomorrow morning so I need to get up very early." Nya tried – but failed miserably – to sound offended by his question. "So even if I wanted, I just couldn't stay out all night. But what's up? You didn't just call to make sure that I am sleeping in my own bed tonight, did you?"

"Well, you should know me well enough to understand that it was the main reason for my call." Kai admitted. "But you are right, it was not the only reason." He suddenly sounded quite upset, so Nya got a bit worried about him for a change. But her concerns only lasted for a brief moment, until she heard the reason for his sudden mood change: "Skylor and me had a fight and... well, we broke up. But I've already made a dinner reservation for Valentine's Day and I know that you had your early Valentine's date tonight, so I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with your brother on Thursday."

"Kai, since you've known her, you and Skylor have broken up a few days before Valentine's every year. And you've always managed to make up again before or on the actual day."

"No, I'm pretty sure it won't work out that way this time..."

"That's what you told me last year as well. And the year before. And..."

"Yeah, I got it." Kai interrupted her. "Maybe I should call her..."

"Of course you should." Nya stated firmly. "But I'd recommend you wait until tomorrow morning. It's pretty late already. You know that she doesn't like to be woken up. And this way you also will have both calmed down a bit when you talk – and apologise – to her."

I can't believe I'm telling my big brother how to sort out his issues with his girlfriend of six years. I mean, it's not like I'm the most qualified person to give relationship advice. C'mon, I've never had a boyfriend for longer than six weeks... But still, after Kai had always been there for her, it meant a lot to Nya, that she was the one to support him this time. So...

"I'm sure you'll be fine." She further encouraged him.

"Thanks sis. I really needed to hear that."

"No problem, that's what little sisters are for. Well, and to make you worry, of course."

Kai laughed. "Good point. So what about I take you out for dinner another day then, to thank you for your help? Only if I manage to patch up thinks with Skylor, of course."

"You will. And I'd love to meet you over dinner, maybe some time next week?"

"Sound good." Kai agreed. "And now tell me, how was your blind date this evening? Is this Zane guy really as amazing as your roomate insists?"

"Well, he is very nice and very handsome, yes. But it was pretty obvious that he is much more interested in dating Pixal herself than me. And... I might have met someone else as well..."

"You've met 'someone else', while you were on a date? Sis, I really should keep a better eye on you..."

"Hey, you make it sound way worse than it was." Nya defended herself. "He was Pixal's blind date. Didn't I tell you about the whole double date setup?"

"Don't worry, you did. But are you sure your friend doesn't mind? Just because your date likes her doesn't mean that you can take her date..."

"Nah, she actually likes Zane as well. But they were both too shy to admit it. So you were actually the second person this evening that I had to give relationship advice to. I really should start charging people..."

"I've already promised to take you out for dinner, but don't try to change the topic now. Tell me about him."

"Well, do you remember Jay Walker? The two of you went to high school together."

"Jay?" Kai was surprised. "My science partner who loved inventing and never stopped talking?"

"Yep, the same one." Nya confirmed. But don't forget the guy who would always make me laugh, whenever he came over to our house. Who paid attention to his classmate's little sister. And who has the most amazing blue eyes I have ever seen... why did I never notice that before?

"How is he doing? I haven't heard from him, since we finished school." Kai enquired.

"Very well. He works at Borg Industries now, in the R&D department."

"That's great to hear, he has always admired Cyrus Borg. He used to tell everyone that one day he would work for him, whenever yet another of his inventions didn't work... so his skills must have improved a lot."

"C'mon, he wasn't that bad."

"Alright, some of his ideas did work out...kind of okay." Coming from Kai, this could almost be considered as a huge compliment. "So, are you trying to tell me that Jay is the guy who you 'might have met' tonight?"

"I am." Nya confirmed. "He is Zane's flatmate, so Zane had asked him to be Pixal's blind date. But then ... Jay and I ended up talking instead. Which was fine, because Pixal and Zane enjoyed being with each other as well. So we all had a great time and..." She swallowed. "Jay, he asked me out on another date. But just the two of us this time."

Nya braced herself for some more 'big brother protectiveness', but to her surprise, Kai started to laugh. "I can't believe he has actually managed to ask you out. I mean, it only took him like five years..."

"What-what is that supposed to mean?" Nya was surprised.

"C'mon, it was so obvious that he had a major crush on you, when we were at school. And everyone knew about it. But he was way too scared to ask you out."

"Scared of me or of you?" Nya raised an eyebrow.

Kai had apparently decided not to answer that question, as he continued. "Well, if he keeps going at that pace, I don't have to worry that he will do anything. He probably won't even try to kiss you for at least another three years."

Nya blushed. No way. She thought. I will make sure it won't take that long. She thought, instead of giving her brother an answer.

"So, when are you seeing him again?"

"He's taking me for dinner on Valentine's Day."

"I hope you didn't just convince me to make up with Skylor, because you already had other plans than spending the evening with your brother."

"Now you should know me well enough to understand that it was not the main reason. I just want my big brother to be happy."

"And I want my little sister to be happy, too. So I hope you'll have a great Valentine's Day."

"Thanks. You too."

"Say hi to Jay for me."

"I will. And you give a big hug to Skylor from me please."

"Sure, will do. And you can tell Jay that if he hurts you, I still know where his parents live..."

"Kaiii." Nya exclaimed. "Don't you dare scare him away! But I promise to call you, when I get back home after the date. But maybe you and Sky will be too busy to answer..."

"Haha, very funny."

"Just saying the truth. And I am very sorry, but I should really get some sleep now."

"Alright then. Goodnight sis. Love you."

"Love you too, Kai."

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