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Pikachu POV
I felt myself fall straight to the ground. Everyone looked over at me. "Pikachu? Are you OK?" Ash asked me, running up to me. "Pikachu, tell me what's wrong." He picked me up, holding me tightly in his hands. I felt a strange feeling in my tail, it felt hard, like stone. I then heard everyone gasp. "Back before!" Clement said, making Ash look at him, then back at me. I felt the stone-like feeling grow, up to my stomach. It continued to grow. My eyes were closed, but I managed to open them slightly when I realized what happened, I was hit in my tail by Yveltal. I was very weak. Ash, help me. Yveltal struck me in my tail, I'm dying. said, but all he heard was "Pika pi." I closed my eyes as I felt the stone grow over my face, and then lastly, my ears. I heard cries coming from someone, but who? It sounded like Bonnie and or Serena. I heard Ash scream. "Come back Pikachu!" His cries began to fade away, and I felt strange. I felt like a wild Butterfree that was flying from flower to flower freely, I felt, relaxed. A sudden light emerged, and I opened my eyes. I started to look around, hoping to find Ash, but instead, I saw Mewtwo, looking down at me. "Hello, Pikachu." He said. "We've been expecting you."

"Pikachu!" I continued to yell. "Pikachu! You can't die! Pikachu, please!" I hugged his now all done body as tightly as possible. "You can't go, please!" I looked over to see Bonnie crying in Serena's arms, and Clement was trying to fight back the tears. Suddenly, Team Rocket walked up to us. "All right! Pikachu time!" Meowth declared. "Where is Pikac-" He got cut off in the middle of his sentence to see Pikachu, lying in my arms. Tears were still in my eyes, making them burn. "Ho-how did you escape?" I asked, trying my best not to sound sad. "I don't know, it just happened." James said, shrugging. The thought only made the moment worse. "Um, what happened?" Meowth asked, pointing at Pikachu. "Why don't you just go?" Bonnie yelled. I was startled. "We are under lots of pressure! Don't you know that?" Team Rocket just stared at us, blankly. I just shook my head and continued to hug Pikachu. "Well, if he's stone, there is no need to follow you guys." Jesse said, continuing to stare at Pikachu. "Just go." I said. "Huh?" Team Rocket declared all at once. "You guys don't help the situation, just go and leave us alone, we don't need you." I stated. Team Rocket just stood there. "Actually." James said. "We want to help you out."

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