A new face in town!

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Third POV

Steven: "Garnet!?" He yelled from his porch. "Pearl!?" He yelled inside the house. "Amethyst?" He asked opening up the fridge. Seeing his friend wasn't in there he closed it. Till he opened it again to grab a juice box. And opened it again to grab an apple. "Aww man even Connie is busy. And I can't even begin to imagine what lions doing," He sighed out leaning against the porch railing. "Ouch! What the...?" He said to himself confused as to what hit him on the head.

Looking down Steven finds a pencil lying down by his feet. He picks it up and inspect's it closely before looking at the top of the cliff.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Location: lighthouse

Walking around the lighthouse Steven is surprised to see another boy sitting at the edge of the cliff drawing in a notebook with a (F/c) messenger bag on his left and a pile of pencils to his right. Steven looks to the pencil in his hand before walking over to the boy

Steven: "Hey," He said suddenly making the boy jump and scream before breathing heavily with his hand pointed at Steven in a finger gun shape.

Mysterious boy: "What the hell?! Don't just sneak up on people like that!" He said angrily with a glare.

Looking closer at the boy Steven noticed he wore a yellow unzipped hoodie with a black lightning bolt on the left breast and a black muscle shirt underneath. Paired with that he was wearing a black hat flipped around with jeans and (F/c) sneakers.

Steven: "S-Sorry! I just came to return this," He said holding out the pencil. The boy looked at the pencil and back to Steven before snatching it out of his hand and muttering a small 'thanks' and turning back to his drawing. "So are you new around here?" He asked sitting on the boys right.

Mysterious boy: "Don't worry I won't be here long," He said quietly and not looking away from his drawing.

Steven: "Why not?"

Mysterious boy: "I don't stay anywhere for very long."

Steven: "Gasp! Then you're like one of the no home boys!" He said surprised.

Mysterious boy: "The what?" He asked confused.

Steven: "The no home boys is my second favorite book series! It's abo-" He was about to say but was interrupted.

Mysterious boy : "I don't like to read books," He said turning back to his drawing.

Steven: "Well what do you like?" He asked smiling.

Mysterious boy: "Being alone for one," He muttered harshly.

Steven: "Aaannd?" He urged not noticing the tone used.

Mysterious boy: "Drawing," He said standing up to his full 5,6 height and packing up His stuff. (Quick note Steven is 4,2)

Steven: "What's your favorite food?" He asked also standing up.

Mysterious boy: "Pizza," He said putting his bag over his shoulder and walking down the hill with Steven following behind him.

Steven: "Really! I know a good pizza place not far from here if you want me to show ya?" That made the boy stop and stare down at him before shrugging.

Mysterious boy: "Lead the way."

He immediately regretted that as Steven proceeded to grab his hand and literally drag him while running down the hill all with a big smile on his face.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Location: Fish stew pizza
And In no time at all they were standing in front of the one and only pizza parlor in town-

Steven: "Fish stew pizza!" I wanted to say the name.

Mysterious boy: "You're stronger than you look," He said surprised.

Steven: "Oh by the way I'm Steven. What's your name?" He asked politely.

(Y/n): "It's (Y/n)," he said walking past him and into the store.

Kiki: "Evening stranger. What can I get for you today?" She asked politely.

(Y/n): "Pepperoni pizza and a lemonade," He said sitting down with Steven sitting across from him.

Kiki: "So I see your already friends with our friendly neighborhood Steven," She said chuckling as she walked to the kitchen.

(Y/n): "We're not friends," He muttered taking out his notebook and continuing his drawing.

Steven: "Aww why not?" He asked saddened.

(Y/n): "I don't need a friend," He said not even looking up. "Besides I'm not exactly the kind of person you want as a friend."

Steven: "You sure about that?" He asked grinning.

(Y/n): "Yes," He said sipping the lemonade Kiki set down next to him.

Steven : "Well to bad I'm bad I already think of you as a friend," He said with his arms crossed and smiling.

(Y/n): "Well that's to bad cause I don't," He said harshly and shoving his notebook into his bag. "Hey can I get that pizza to go?!" He shouted towards the kitchen.

Kiki: "Sure thing!" She yelled back.

Steven: "Oh come Oooon! What do I have to do to make you admit we're friends?" He asked with pleading eyes.

(Y/n): "..... Sigh fine! Wait outside for me and I'll give you a challenge. You win I'll accept you as my friend. But if you lose you buy me a bus ticket out of here when I decide to leave. Deal?" He asked offering his hand.

Steven: "Deal!" He said shaking it and running outside.



That's how long Steven has been waiting and he is mad. Takes a lot to make a guy like Steven mad but somehow this has somehow done it.

Steven: "What's takin you so long!?" He yelled angrily slamming the door open only to see a surprised Kiki and no one else.

Kiki: "You talking about the guy from earlier? He went out through the back after asking where the arcade was," She informed putting down the pizza cutter she picked up when Steven made his entrance.

Steven: "Thanks Kiki!" He yelled running down the boardwalk.

Arriving at fun land arcade Steven immediately rushes inside. It doesn't take him long to find (Y/n) who was playing dance dance classy pants which was one of those step on the arrow games which Steven always got annoyed at. Yet (Y/n) seemed to do it effortlessly and was even eating the last slice of pizza while doing so.

Steven: "Hey what's the big idea leaving me there like that?!" He asked angrily while running up to him.

(Y/n): "I never said I was gonna come get you," He said throwing the last bite of crust in his mouth and jumping off the platform. "Now follow me outside and we can start the challenge," He said slinging his bag over his shoulder and walking past him.

Steven: "Nooooope!" He said throwing his arms out making him stop. "We are starting this challenge of friendship now!" He said pointing at the ground.

(Y/n): "...... Okay," He said shrugging. "Now the challenge is simple. All ya gotta do is boop me on the nose," He said smirking.

Steven: "You means like this?" He said reaching his hand out only for (Y/n) to jump back.

(Y/n): "Not gonna be that easy. Your time limit is till I leave in three days. Let's see if you can keep up star boy," he taunted running outside.

Steven then ran outside after him but as soon as (Y/n) exited the building he jumped and back flipped onto the roof. Once up there he blew a raspberry and ran away laughing. Steven immediately followed and landed on the roof just in time to see him jump to the next roof which was beach city fries and continue down the boardwalk. Steven took a running start and leaped over the gap and used his powers to float.

(Y/n): "Not bad star boy," he said stepping onto the ledge. "But let's see if you can run," He then jumped down onto the boardwalk and hightailed it out of there.

And so began the chase around town! Between the the strange wanderer and the gem hybrid!
Day 1
Here we see (Y/n) walking towards the big donut with Steven hiding on the roof with a determined look on his face. As (Y/n) was about to open the door Steven leapt into action with the perfect battle cry and his finger out.

Steven: "Booooo-!" Only for (Y/n) to grab his hand and throw him into the air with a spin effortlessly and then walk in. He then came out with a donut in one hand and caught Steven with the other before dropping him like a sack of potato chips.

(Y/n): "Don't use a battle cry for an ambush it warns the target," He said taking a bite of his donut and walking away.

Steven: "Thanks," He said waving goodbye still on the ground.
Steven: "Can I boop you?"

(Y/n): "No,"

Steven: "May I please boop you?"

(Y/n): "No you can not,"

Steven: "You can't escape the boops,"

(Y/n): "Yes I can,"

Steven: "I'm going to boop you eventually,"

(Y/n): "Not in a million years,"

They were currently in fish stew pizza with them sitting across from each other as they kept going back in forth with (Y/n) still drawing in his notebook and never looking up. The entire pizza family was watching the whole ordeal with very confused faces.

Jenny: "Does anyone know what's going on cause I am so not getting it?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Nanefua: "I believe Steven is threatening to punch him," She said nodding.

Kiki: "Are you sure? It doesn't really sound like that," She said giving her grandma a confused look.

Nanefua: "Positive. I see it in their eyes," She said walking back into the kitchen.

Kofi: "I don't care what's going on with them. When are are they gonna order?! If they don't soon I will be kicking them out!" He said crossing his arms.

Nanefua: "Don't you dare! Let them deal with it themselves!" It was then that they ran out the door with Steven still yelling threats to boop him.
Day 2
Steven: "Onward pizza steed!" He ordered while riding on the hood of the pizza family's delivery car.

Jenny: "Aye aye sir!" She said speeding up.

Sour cream: "Go Steven!" He yelled out in the car with Jenny.

Buck: "Boop that nose!" He encouraged also in the car.

Meanwhile (Y/n) was running in the street with a face that screams 'I am just done with this kid'.

Cool kids: "Boop! Boop! Boop!" They chanted speeding down after him.
(Y/n): "Give me that back you midget!" He demanded chasing after Onion who had his notebook.

Cool kids: "Boop him! Boop him! Boop him!" They chanted still chasing him with Steven still on the hood.

Steven: "Get back here so I can boop you!" He demanded angrily.
Steven: "You can't escape me now," He said as (Y/n) was leaning on the wall at the end of the alleyway.

(Y/n): "Are you sure?" He asked smirking.

Steven: "Yes!" He said smiling.

(Y/n): "Your shoes untied," He pointed out.

Steven: "Huh?" He said looking at his feet. "Wait a second I wear flip-!" He realized looking up only to see him gone. "Darn you!" He yelled to the sky. "I am going to boop you if it's the last thing I do!" Just then a piece of paper floated down in front of him making him pick up and read it out loud. "'No you are not. I never lost a challenge like this and I'm not losing this one.' We'll see about that," He said putting it in his pocket and walking away.
Day 3
Steven: "Let me boop you,"

(Y/n): "No,"

Steven: "Let me boop you,"

(Y/n): "Sure,"

Steven: "Really!?" He said with a literal stars in his eyes.

(Y/n): "No,"

Steven: "You know I'm gonna boop you soon so it may as well be now," He said crossing his arms as he continued to walk behind the stoic teen.

(Y/n): "Yeah when I meet a pink lion," He joked.

Steven: "So if I bring you a pink lion you'll let me boop you?" He asked making his target stop.

(Y/n): "You can't be serious," He said turning around.

Steven: "Yep! Meet me by the fry shop and I'll prove it to ya," he said running off.

(Y/n): ". . . . . . . What's wrong with this town?" He asked himself scratching his head. He then wordlessly picked up Onion as he was about to steal something from his bag again. "And you stop following me around," He told the quiet boy only for him to boop the one holding him up. ". . . . . . Get out of here," He said dropping the boy and walking away.
(Y/n)'s POV
I was waiting where that Steven kid said too and it's been over an hour. And I'm sick and tired of this guy trying to convince there's kangaroo people in Canada!

Ronaldo: "I mean it's the perfect hiding place so why wouldn't they be there! Just loo-" I covered his mouth to make him stop.

(Y/n): "I don't care about kangaroo people. So shut up before I make you shut up!" I threatened making him slowly walk backwards with his hands up. "Finally something piece and quiet," I said leaning back against the wall with my eyes closed. Only to open one of them again when I felt breathing on my face to see a pink lion. "What the hell?!" I said stumbling back while pointing my finger gun at it.

Steven: "Hey (Y/n)! Can I boop ya now?" He asked whilst sitting on the lions back.

(Y/n): "Steven!? Where and how did you get a lion?!" I asked extremely confused.

Steven: "I found him in the dessert and then he just kinda followed me home," he said petting it's head.

(Y/n): ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . You are officially the sixth weirdest person I've ever met," I said resting my hand on the majestic beasts head. "So what's his name?"

Steven: "Lion," He said hopping of its back.

(Y/n): "Creative," I said rolling my eyes. I then crouched down so I was at his height. "Well I'm a man of my word. Go ahead," I said closing my eyes.

Steven: "Boop!" He said doin the deed. "Yay! We're friends now!" He said as I stood up. "You wanna come to my house? I got video games?" He asked eagerly.

(Y/n): "Sure," I said shrugging.

Steven: "Well then hop on!" He said leaping on Lions back. I reluctantly got on behind him. "Onward Lion!" He ordered. Only for Lion to stand in place. "Come oooon! You were listening to me before?" He questioned exasperated. Lion then sat down sliding us both off his back.

(Y/n): "You wanna just walk over there?" I asked standing up.

Steven: "Seems like the logical action," he said smiling.
Y/n): "You live all the way over here?" I asked surprised.

Steven: "Yep! It's pretty cool really," he said smiling proudly.

(Y/n): "Do you live by yourself or something? What about your parents?" I asked slightly worried and confused. He's a bit young to live alone.

Steven: "Well my dad lives in his van by the car wash. And I never met my mom. But I live with the rest of the Crystal gems so I'm not alone," He said happily.

(Y/n): "Crystal g-gems? Is that like a band name or somethin?" He asked clenching his right fist while putting his left hand over his heart.

Steven: "Well we do sing together a lot so yeah we're kinda a band," he said shrugging. It was then we turned around the cliff and saw a giant statue built into the cliff. But when I looked down I froze.

There were three gems doing things I never expected to see. A type I've never seen before was sitting down looking at the sunset. There was an Amethyst with her head literally buried in the sand like an ostrich. And a Pearl leaning against the porch reading a book.

Steven: "Hey guys!" He yelled running over to them as I took a step back in shock. "Amethyst what are you doing down there?" He asked confused.

Amethyst: "I saw these things on tv called ostrich's and wondered why they stick their heads in the ground so I tried it myself," She said after pulling her head out. "But I got bored and fell asleep," She said shrugging.

Garnet: "Who's your new friend? And is he okay? He looks troubled," She asked pointing at me.

(Y/n): "Gems. T-they're actual gems!" I said angrily making everyone look confused.

Steven: "Yeah how'd you know," He asked worried.

(Y/n): "Steven get away from them! They're dangerous!" I said throwing off my hoodie revealing my very toned arms as the Pearl jumped down from the porch with everyone else.

Pearl: "What's going on?" She asked confused.

(Y/n): "If there's a Pearl here that means there must be someone important here. I'll have to get rid of all of you then before you can report to home-world," I said menacingly.

Steven: "What're you talking about? We're not with home-world!" He said throwing his arms out.

(Y/n): "Steven! I don't wanna fight you! But if you take their side I won't hesitate," I said pointing my finger gun at them.

Amethyst: "Oh yeah? Well whatcha gonna do buddy?" She she mocked jokingly.

Garnet: "Amethyst I don't think that's a good idea," She suggested summoning her gauntlets.

Third POV
Amethyst: "Oh what's he gonna do? Shoot me?" She joked waving it off. It was at that moment (Y/n) fired a small bolt of lightning from his finger that would have hit amethyst in the face if not for Garnet intercepting it with her hand. "..... You really tried to shoot me!"

(Y/n): "Last chance Steven! Either come with me or stay with these planet killers!" He shouted.

Steven: "We're not like that though! Sure there are gems that have done lot of bad things. But the Crystal gems aren't like that! They fought for the planet! Yes there were mistakes along the way. But we still fight to make up for it!" He said confidently.

(Y/n): "..... sigh. I've heard enough," He said menacingly. Just then a (F/c) line traveled up his face from the left side of his chest and as it climbed right below his eye it bended like a lightning bolt before traveling up and over his eye before disappearing into his hair. "I don't know why you stand with these rocks But you made you choice. And I've made mine."

Pearl: "Steven get behind us. We'll handle it," She said summoning her spear.

Amethyst: "Yeah we got this," She said pulling her whip out of her gem.

Steven: "No! We don't have to fight! Let's just talk this out okay!" He said getting in between everyone. It was then (Y/n) fired again at Steven who would of taken the hit if not for him summoning his shield.

(Y/n): "What!?" He said confused. Steven then put away his shield revealing his gem to still be glowing. "You're like me," He Said surprised and sympathetic. "Did they force it on you as well?" He asked glaring.

Steven: "What are you talking about? They didn't force anything on me?" He asked confused.

(Y/n): "But you're a human with a gem? They didn't implant it inside you like they did me?" He said pulling his shirt down enough to show a glowing yellow gem where his heart should be. Steven shook his head. "Oh I see. You let them do it to you didn't they?" He said clenching his fists as his gem started to glowing.

Steven: "What? No it's not like that!" He shouted surprised.

(Y/n): "I'm not listening to you anymore. And here I actually thought you might be a friend."

As he said that (F/c) lightning surrounded his fists and a glow like his Gem started coming from his feet. When the light died down it was revealed instead of (Y/n)'s sneakers in place of them where black stone roller skates with (F/c) Crystal wheels.

(Y/n): "Yet you side with them," he said with a tear in his eye. "And that has sealed your fate," he said glaring after wiping away the tear.

It was then that (Y/n) raced behind Steven before any of them could even register he threw a kick at Stevens back only for his bubble to come out reflexively making him roll away. (Y/n) then turned around and charged at Garnet with incredible speed. Garnet was able to catch his kick but the wheels kept spinning letting him escape her hold and use the momentum to roundhouse kick the power house a distance away. (Y/n) turned to Pearl and started to rapidly fire lightning from his finger tips making her have to backflip to dodge the onslaught. But suddenly Amethyst used her whip to pull his arm towards her causing him to stop firing. But in retaliation he sent an electrical current down the whip making her have too let it go.

Amethyst: "Why does that happen every time!" She yelled more at herself.

Taking advantage of her being distracted (Y/n) fired at Amethyst hitting her in the leg making it poof.

Amethyst: "Wha! Not cool dude!" She said struggling to keep balance on one leg before falling forward.

He then dashed back towards Pearl and proceeded to start exchanging kicks with Pearl's spear as she struggled to block the attacks. (Y/n) then proceeded to lock the spear in between his wheels and twisting in mid air launching it away and out of her reach. (Y/n) tried to punch her only for Pearl to duck and uppercut him making him stumble back.

Pearl: "Been awhile since I've done that," She said shaking her hand from the pain before summoning a new spear.

(Y/n): "You're not like the other Pearl's I've seen. Just who do you belong to?" He asked straightening up.

Pearl: "I belong to nobody. But you should pay more attention to your surroundings," She commented smirking.

(Y/n): "What are yo-" he tried to say only to be hit in the head by the power couple. He then said something incoherent before stumbling forward and face planting into the sand.

Amethyst: "What do we do with him now?" She asked walking on her hands as her leg was still missing.

Garnet: "Let's tie him up and interrogate him when he wakes up," She said picking him up by one of his legs.

Steven: "Wait!" He said running over getting their attention. "He was just scared and confused! Do you we really have to take him prisoner?" He asked desperately.

Pearl: "That may be true but we can't just let him move around freely. Plus it's obvious that he wants us Destroyed. So we can't trust him," She said crossing her arms.

Amethyst: "I think I got a pair of handcuffs somewhere we could use," She suggested making everyone look at her weird. "What? I stole them from this guy who kept flashing me this badge thingy," She said sitting down.

Steven: "Why Don't we just bring him inside and ask him about it," He suggested.

Garnet: "We can't risk it," She commanded.

Steven: "Please?" He asked nicely.

Garnet: "No,"

Steven: "Pleeeeeaaaasssse?" He said making a sad face.

Garnet: "............................................. I still can't say no to that face," She said dropping (Y/n) and crossing her arms.

Steven: "Thank you!" He said hugging her leg.

Pearl: "What!" She said incredulously.

Amethyst: "I agree with Pearl on this one. Is it really a good idea? I mean look!" She said gesturing to her lack of a leg.

Pearl: "It is strange though. Why didn't the rest of you poof as well?" She said with a hand on her chin thinking. "And why would you agree to not tying him up?" She asked exasperated.

Garnet: "My will is still weak to Steven," She said adjusting her glasses.

Pearl: "Fine. But if he gets aggressive we tie him up," She said walking to the house.

Garnet: "Got it," She then threw (Y/n) over her shoulder and followed her friend with Steven following.

Amethyst: "Hey what about me?!" She yelled but was ignored. "Sigh. This better be temporary," She muttered shapeshifting into an owl and flying after them.

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