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Yellow diamond research base 5xj2
Third POV
(Y/n): "Wha-where am I?" He said waking up. He looked around and saw he was in a completely yellow room with no windows or doors. "What is this place? Wait a minute. What am I?" He said looking over himself dressed in nothing but a pair of pants that seemed fused to his legs with yellow diamonds on the knees. And was fascinated by the gemstone in his chest. "Am I supposed to have this? I don't think I am," He said tapping it lightly. His admiration was cut short by a wall opening up and a strange figure walking inside.

Peridot: "Subject 9 has emerged from hibernation," She said using her one finger to type on a screen.

To Zack she seemed weird. Her hair was in a perfect sphere and she had some sort of rock in her stomach. Though he had nothing else to compare her to so it could be normal.

Zack: "Uhhhh hello? What's your name?" He asked tilting his head awkwardly.

Peridot: "Audio functionalities seem normal. Proceeding with implant check," She said not even sparing him a glance.

Zack: "What?" He said confused.

Peridots fingers then floated over and scanned the gem in Zack's chest. Once satisfied the fingers returned to their owner and a notification popped up on her screen.

Peridot: "Hmm. Perfect resonance with the host. Congrats subject 9. You are the first fossil soldier of the diamond empire," She said walking out of the room.

Zack: "Huh. That was interesting?" He said skepticaly.
Intercom: "Proceeding with combat trial 1," A voice said taking Zack's attention away from his fingers.

Zack: "Combat?" He asked standing up.

And in walked another woman. But this time she was purple with long white hair. And again a gemstone imbedded in her shoulder.

Zack: "Uhhh? Hello," He tried confused.

Amethyst: "Your my opponent? Man they told me they were trying to make a warrior class. But you seem more like a pearl," She said shaking her head.

Zack: "Uh thanks? Wait did you say opponent? As in we're fighting?" He said backing up.

The Amethyst said nothing and simply drew a sword out of her gem and slowly started to walk up to Zack making him back up.

Zack: "H-hold on a moment! We don't have to fight. Let's just talk?" He said right before his back hit the wall.

It was at that moment the Amethyst swung making him have to dive out of the way to keep his head leaving a large gash in the wall. The Amethyst was about to swing again. Zack could only close his eyes and throw his hands out. But when he did he felt a pulse in his chest that traveled up his arm and leave.

When the feeling left he slowly opened his eyes. The Amethyst was gone. All that was left was the gemstone formerly with his opponent.

Zack: "W-What happened?" He asked shaking. The door opened once more and in came Peridot again typing on her finger screen.

Peridot: "Combat test 60% success. Subject  seems capable of emitting an energy similar to that of a gem destabilizer but has no formidable technique to make note of," she said not even glancing at him and instead picked up the amethyst.

Zack: "W-What! What are you talking about! Why did she attack me! What did I do! What is going on!" He demanded close to tears.

Peridot: "You survived your first combat trial subject 9. Hopefully you survive the others," She said emotionlessly walking out of the room leaving the human to himself.

Zack: "What is this place? Why me?" He asked quietly clutching his head.
Zack: "That's why I don't like gems. They turned me into this. Made me fight. And never told me anything about myself," He said clutching his jacket tightly. "Until..."
He said looking away.

Steven: "Until what?" He asked tilting his head.

Zack: "Until I met her."
We return to Zack in his room. But unlike last time he had a fierce look in his eyes. He didn't even bat an eye when the door opened. And in walked his new opponent.

Jasper: "This is the test subject? Seems puny," She said bored.

Zack: "Yet I've beaten 17 quartz soldiers 4 topazes and a squad of five Rubies. Will you be different?" He asked standing up.

Jasper said nothing and instead began to laugh.

Jasper: "Well that was different then what I was expecting. Tell you what. Put up a good fight and I'll tell ya where me and you came from," She said grinning. That put a spark in his eyes.

Zack: "I've warned you," He replied calmly summoning his skates.

Jasper: "I should be warning you," She said summoning her helmet.

Jasper made the first move and rolled forward rapidly making Zack leap over to dodge. While in the air Zack twisted around and fired twice at the speeding gem. Jasper easily dodged them and jumped up to meet him head on. Helmet and skates clashed in a flurry of sparks when they clashed the force launching them a distance apart.

This time Zack charged forward and opened with a round house. Jasper saw this and countered with a head butt. They locked eyes for just a moment with an intensity that most would faint at. Zack then pushed off Jaspers helmet only to spin around and hook kick her in the face. Zack was about to kick her again only for her to grab him around the neck and slam him down.

Zack in response discharged some power making Jasper jump back. As Zack shakily got up Jasper inspected the arm she used to grab him which was fizzling as if short circuited.

Jasper: "Hmm. First time in awhile anyone landed anything decent on me," She said as it finally stopped. "Makes me want to beat you to the ground even more!" She exclaimed punching her palm.

Zack: "Don't start thinking it'll be easy," He said cracking his neck.

Jasper: "Hmph. Good."

Zack opened again with a barrage of small bolts which Jasper skillfully dodged while moving closer. Once

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