Chapter 12- Oh Dear!

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After a while, there is almost a soothing rhythm. Eat, train, sleep, hang out, but to me, there is an undertone of uneasiness. Like as if something will crack, and this facade will reveal something more sinister, and dangerous. I try to convince myself that everything will be alright, but of course, it doesn't work.
strangely enough, Eric is the only one who notices.
"Hey. You've seemed pretty down lately," he says with concern.
I look out the viewing panel into the murky water.
"I feel like something bad's gonna happen," I confess.
"You feel it too?" Eric's eyes have gone wide.
"It's like, it feels normal, but, it's not, at the same time, like we're walking on thin ice..." I trail off.
Eric nods his head in understanding.
As if our conversation has led to destruction, the lights go out.
I almost start crying, but Eric's strong arms encircle me, and I calm down a little. I am not alone.
"Attention,attention, all members aboard the Inviticus report to the cafeteria. Attention, attention..." The automated emergency warning kicks in.
Red urgency lights flash dimly in the hallway, their sirens whining.
I cup my hands over my ears.
"Let's go!" Eric takes my hand as we hurry away.
In the cafeteria, Maria is sobbing.
"I saw it," she insists.
"What did you see?" Natalia asks urgently.
Rhonda looks almost unhinged, and I'm taken aback, because she is usually so calm and collected.
Maria sputters. "I saw...The.. The Megalodon!"
A vicious roar penetrates the walls of the submarine. It seems as though the Megalodon is trying to cave us in.
Chunks of plaster rain down from the ceiling, and the metal chandelier wedges itself into the ground with a resounding clang.
"Rhonda, shouldn't we try to do something?" I ask fervently.
"Darling, unless we can get out..."
My brain goes into overdrive, thinking of all the possibilities, then, it clicks.
"The viewing panel! We can crack it open, and swim out! We have underwater gear!"
"Let's go!"
I lead the way, as the passengers of the Inviticus follow along.
But the sight that greets me at the panel shakes me down to the core.
A giant metal monstrosity, shimmering with radioactive energy is bucking and smashing our propellers.
"It's metal," Rhonda says, in shock.
"Something seems a little fishy.." Eric jokes half-heartedly.
"This is not the time to make jokes!" Natalia snaps. "We could be decimated!"
Then, out of the gloom, something appears that chills me to the bone-several evil faces are at the panel, and they're carrying a giant crowbar.
With one massive swing, the panel cracks, and ocean water comes rushing in. The last thing I see is a blurry leering face, then I lose all consciousness.

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