Common Hours

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Ok I promise to make this chapter semi-long.


Ok Peace Guys Enjoy!

Ellie <3's you all


Chapter 3

"Well I just prefer to call someone by their real name because I bet you get called Skrillex like 24/7 right?" I ask. "True dat" he laughs.
"So what are you doing here?" he asks me. My smile then fades away. I think of the pill and passing out in front of Zedd. I felt more disappointed then embarssed. "I took something I shouldn't have and I was flying around like a fucking bee or some shit like that. Then I felt extrmely sick my vision blurred and I tried to find the parking lot. But I guess I ended up in the back of the main stage. That's when I met Anton and I literally fucking passed out in front of him" I explained.

Once I ended my story I saw him do a little laugh. "Like a bee?" he asked. I nodded and after a few seconds later we bursted out laughing. He pretended his index finger was a bee and started waving it around like a mad man.

"Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz" he made a sound effect of a bee. I started laughing like crazy. Man Sonny was fun to be around with. Then again I noticed he was a real nice guy. "So you a fan?" he asked me after I stopped laughing. "Yeah I think your album Gypsyhook is amazing!" I exclaim loudly. He raises his eyebrow at me. "So your a fan of Sonny Moore not Skrillex?" he intruppted me as I was going to say something else. "NO! I fucking love you both but personally I think Skrillex is like the most amazing ever! I even referred you as the god of Dubstep" I argue. He smiles at me in amusement.

Sonny started to say something "Oh I get it." Strange it felt like he wanted to tell me something else.

For about 4 hours we stayed up talking about music and ourselves. It seemed like we had a lot in common.

"Ok now do your best Edward Cullen impression" I beamed. "Ok I got this" Sonny assured me. He sat up from his bed. I saw he was wearing a white hospital gown. I was wearing a pale blue one for a strange reason. "I'm Edward and I sparkle... sparkle...sparkle. Sure I have a kid and wife at 17 and I extremely regret coming back to Forks. But I can still sparkle. Oh there's my cousin! No wait that's just a silver spoon" he recites. "OH MY FUCKING GO! PERFECT IMPRESSION!" I exclaim.

"Right? Ok now you're" he started to say. That's when my phone rang.

Sail! This is how I show my love! I made it in my mind because! Blame it on my A.D.D baby!

"Nice ringtone" Sonny comments just as I was going to answer my phone. I puff out my cheeks so I feel like a blowfish. He laughs softly. "Hello" I sang into the phone. "Where in God's fucking name are you!" I hear Daniela yell at me over the phone. I explained what happened at the concert last night. But I didn't tell her that Skrillex was right next to me listening to my convo. Yet I put her on speaker phone.

"Oh fuck are you ok?" she asked me concerned. "Yeah I'm fine I have someone here to keep me company though" I teased. Sonny looked up at me with his dazzling smile. I sticked my tonuge out at him. "Ooooooo, tell me the deets!" she ordered to me loudly. "Well, he just left for a check up so yeah" I lied. "Oh ok well what time is the hospital letting you out?" she asked. "I believe at 4:00 this evening" I answered quickly. "Ok, well I'll see you then bye" she squeaked. "Ok buh bye" I ended the call.

"So I'm at a check up?" Sonny quotes me. "Yup" I joked. "I never got your name" Sonny marveled. "Oh my name it's Elena Starr but my friends call me Elliex for short" I informed him. "Elena, what a unique name" he questioned.
"Oh? And Sonny isn't?" I interjected. "That's true. Ergmahgerd! It's Batman!" Sonny yells. I looked at him with a what-the-fuck-are-you-talking-about face. He points at the flat screen TV. It was an old episode of Batman it was called The Creeper.

I absolutely loved Batman. The rest of the day flew by quickly. Well it was probably because of the over excessive fun I had with Sonny.

3:45 P.M

I swear to God where does the time go? The nurse told us we can stand up and change. Sonny and I had a rock, paper, scissors fight over who got the bathroom first. At the end he won. I stood there grabbing out my extra pair of clothes out of my backpack. It was black skinny jeans, scarlet red and white Coca Cola tank top and my black converse. I also grabbed my makeup bag. I heard the bathroom door open. I saw Sonny was dressed in a black v neck shirt, black jeans and converse.

"You can go now" Sonny implied. "Well thank you Batman" I laughed. "No one is like Batman" he burst out. He's immature like me. Yay! I changed quickly out of that stupid hospital gown and I put on some makeup. Not too much but some powder, light eyeliner and red rose lip gloss. I look pretty good. I looked at my eyes they were lightened by the light. I ran my fingers through my chocolate brown hair. Ok this will just have to do. I moved my hair to my face. It flowed perfectly to my chest.

I walked out of the bathroom. Sonny looked at me up and down. Is he checking me out? "You clean up well Elliex" he comments as I walk by him. "As do you" I compliment him back. It felt like we were friends. Like really good friends.

"Hey Anton just texted me to come outside you need a ride?" he asked me. "UH" is all I can manage to say. I check my phone. Danny sent me text. Hey I met this guy earlier and he wanted to take me out for coffee. She sent me that text 5 minutes ago. Well I guess I can hitch a ride from him. "Yeah, thanks" I thanked.

As Sonny and I were walking out of the hospital he was asked for an autograph by a few people. Eh, what do you expect from a famous Dj. When we got out side I saw Anton in the same clothes he had on last night but he had on a blue plaid shirt. "Hey Sonny and Ellie? Right" he greeted. "Yeah, that's my name" I smiled. We all got in his car and we went to the Caesar's Palace, my hotel. "Fancy" Sonny comments as we pulled up to the hotel. I got out of the car. "Well thanks for everything guys" I thanked them. "No problem" Anton replies. I noticed Sonny was searching his backpack for something. "Well bye guys" I say smiling.

As I'm walking into the lobby I hear someone call my name. "Ellie! Wait!" I hear Sonny call my name.


Well I guess I made it long but at least it's not longer that the 2nd prt.

So yeah Sonny and Elena have a really good connection. But someone might mix up that relationship.

Ringtone Song: Sail By AWOLNATION.

EllieX :D :)




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