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Hello Fellow

Koalas and Ailens

So this is just a little chapter of Sonny and Ellie <3

I'm not 200% sure when another epic chapter is coming because I can tell you guys hate when I do cliffhangers LOL!

Ok well to the story!


Chapter 15

"Disney World!!" I cheered. I started bouncing up and down in my spot. Oh my god! "Hey calm down it's just Disney World" he laughs. "But it's not Disneyland this is Disney World!" I exclaim. He started laughing. He had such a cute laugh. Another reason why I love him. After 20 minutes, Sonny found a parking spot. "I swear my ass hurts so much" I told him.

"Really? I can fix that" he tells me with a smile. He runs over next to me and he throws me over his shoulder. "Sonny!" I shout. He just carries me throughout the parking lot until we got to the main gate to Disney World. "Can you put me down now" I ask. He puts me down softly and we get in the line for the tickets.

We got our tickets and we went into Disney World. It was a beautiful amusement park. I was impressed by this. "Happy V-Day Babe" Sonny whispers into my ear. I turn around and I kiss him sweetly.

7 HOURS LATER.......

"I want to go see the princesses" I whine. "Baby, you're my princess" Sonny beams. We've been at Disney World for a few hours now. We've been tackled by fans here. "Come on babe I've got another surprise for you" he cheers. Sonny has been showering me with gifts over the last few hours. First he bought me a stuffed animal that cost thirty dollars. Seriously! A fucking stuffed animal is thirty dollars!? But at the end I was really grateful.

"Sonny enough with the gifts sooner or later I'm going to turn into a Disney character" I told him. "Being a Disney character isn't so bad trust me I was one" he laughed. "Oh yeah that's right" I commented. Truthfully I've seen Wreck-It Ralph, I'm still in shock they even put him in there. No offense. But he was an amazing dj who even did some music in there so I was kind of impressed.

Just as we were getting in the car, I heard Sonny's phone ring. "Yellow" Sonny answers. I heard a loud voice over the phone. Its probably Joel.

"Ok, we'll be there in a few hours" Sonny ends. "What's wrong Sonny" I asked. "The show is starting soon I forgot we have different time frames in Florida" he replies, sadly. "Don't be sad lets just get to the show" I beamed.

4 HOURS LATER..........

"Where's that damn stadium!" Sonny shouts. It was 1:30 p.m. in Austin. Wow time is different. "Ok it says take a left on this street" I tell him. We've been searching for the damn stadium for an hour now. I barley realized we had Joel's car. So we were flying down the streets of Austin.

"There's the stadium!" I exclaim. Sonny speeds down the street. We pulled into the backstage parking lot. "Sonny! Go get fucking dressed! You're on in 5 minutes!" Joel screams at Sonny. Sonny dashed to the tour bus and he got dressed. Joel smiled at me. "Sorry we took so long" I apologized to him. "Its fine Ariel" he laughs. "Shut up!" I laughed.

Sonny got out of the tour bus and he took off to the stage. Sonny was wearing a black long sleeved shirt, dark blue jeans and some black boots. It was a casual Sonny day I guessed. "Tour bus?" Joel suggest to me. "Don't you have to perform?" I asked. "I already did and Anton too he's in the bus I think he bought pizza or something" Joel tells me.

"PIZZA!!!" I shout. I ran to the bus without hesitation. Anton was sitting on the couch watching a movie while eating a huge pizza by himself. "Anton!" I shout. He looked at me with innocent eyes as we shoved a slice of pizza in his mouth. I started laughing my ass off. He chewed the pizza quickly. "Wanna slice?" he asks. I nod happily.

"Wait hold on let me get out of this stupid dress" I sighed. I went to my room and I started to take off the dress. When I took off the vest I felt like I can breathe again. How the fuck did girls wear these things back then? I quickly changed into my black pajama shorts and dark blue pajama top. When I came out of the room Joel and Anton were arguing over something.

"NO! I'm not watching The Matrix again!" Anton shouts at Joel. "Well I'm not watching The Hangover again!" Joel shouts back. "No were not watching any of those! We're going to watch This Is The End" I tell them. They looked at me with a confused expression. "What's that?" Joel asks.

"You guys haven't seen that movie?" I asked. They both shook their heads. I put the movie on and I sat between Joel and Anton.

1 Hour Later......

"You were right Ellie this movie is hilarous!" Joel exclaimed. We were alomost half way through the movie. Joel and Anton kept laughing throughout the movie. As soon as Joel and Anton fell asleep I moved out from the couch and I went to go get dressed real quickly. I put on a red camisole, black denim shorts and my combat boots. I quietly grabbed my purse and I took Joel's keys.

I drove down the streets of Austin slowly. I loved taking night drives. When I stopped at a red light I noticed an open skateboard place. I parked the car and i walked into the skateboard place. The register guy quickly caught my eye. He had blonde hair with black highlights. He had a black lip pierecing and he had dazzling blue eyes. I quickly walked over to him.

"Can i help you?" he asks, in a country accent. "Umm do you design boards here?" I asked. He turned off his phone and he looked at me. "Yeah we do you lookin for a certain design" he says with a smile. "Yes" I reply. "What's the design?" he asks. "I want the base black and the desgin make it have a large white half have a heart and in the middle I want it to have the letters, S.M in the middle. Make sure they letters are red and green" I describe to him.

He looks at me with wide eyes. "Ok seems simple enough anything else?" he asks me. "Oh wait in the middle of the half heart have a drawing of Batman the Arkham City version though  and put the letters on the bottom of the heart" I tell him. "Ok seems simple enough I'll be done with you're board like in an hour you wanna wait here?" he tells me with a smile.

"Uh yeah sure" I reply. He walks to the back room and he brings out a blank deck. He quickly started working on the design. I looked around the skate shop. I quickly noticed a guitar rack. Strange a guitar rack in a skate shop. I looked at the acoustic guitars and the electric guitars. I ran over to the guy. "Hey dude can I use the guitar?" I asked. "Go ahead they're for sale so go ahead" he tells me as he works. I ran back to the electric guitar section and I grabbed a red and black classic Fender guitar. It was a beautiful guitar.

I connected the guitar to the amp and I strummed the guitar, I started to play a few notes of Note To Self by From First To Last. Hmm. Its a nice guitar. I grabbed out a black and white fender and a black acoustic guitar. I leaned them up against the wall. "Hey dude!" I called the guy. He lied the truck against the board and he turned around to face me. "Yeah" he smiles at me. "How much for all three of the guitars?" I asked.

He looked over my shoulders. Toward the guitars. "For you, I'll give them to you" he beams. "Seriously!" I shout. "Yeah you play nice so I'll give them to you" tells me with a smile.  I hop over the counter and I give him a big hug. "Thanks" I bubbled. He returns the hug and he tells me to go get the guitars while he puts the trucks on the guitar and the wheels.

I hop the counter and I run back to the guitars. I got one by one. Being careful. The black acoustic and the black and white Fender guitars are Sonny's. I already got him a present earlier but I wanted him to have something really special. "Hey! Your board's ready!" he shouts. I dash over to the counter like Speedy Gonzalez.

I looked at the beautiful board. It had a nice air brush portrait of Marvin the Martian. It had amazing perfect detail. "Dude this is fucking amazing! You have an amazing talent!" I exclaimed. He shrugged his shoulders. "Nah, it's nothing really" he sighed. "No I'm serious you have a real gift" I argued. He looked at me with his blue eyes and he walked to the register.

"Ok you're total is $205.69" he tells me. I bought two boards one for Sonny and one for me. My board was the other half of the heart the design in the middle was Wonder Woman and I had E.S in white and baby blue. If you put our boards together it would show Batman and Wonder woman hugging each other. Pretty cool right? Well anyway, I paid for the boards and he helped me put the guitars in cases.

He wrapped Sonny's guitars with red bows. He helped me outside with the guitars. We ran outside and he put the guitars in the trunk. He handed me the boards and I lied them on the passenger seat. "Thank you for everything uhhhhh..... oh my fucking god I don't even know your name!" I shouted. "It's Tyler and no problem" he told me. Just as I was about to leave, I handed him a card.

"What's this for?" Tyler asks me. "That's the number of a skateboard design company just tell them Ellie Starr sent you. You'll be a skateboard designer in a split second" I told him. "Are you serious!?" he shouted. I nodded at him. He ran over to me and he gave me a hug. "Thank you bless your heart!" he tells me, softly.

I hug him back. "Your welcome" I say. He lets me go and he runs back into the skate shop. I got in the car and I drove back to the tour bus.

 4:00 A.M.

I pulled up to the parking lot and I parked where Joel had it last. I got out of the car. I popped open the trunk and Ii got out Sonny's guitars and mine. I started to walk back to the tour bus. I'm Sonny is done playing.

"Excuse me?" I hear someone. I put the guitars down and I turned around. She had medium length auburn hair and hazel eyes. She was wearing a black blouse, dark blue jeans and black high heel boots.

I recognize her quickly. No fucking way......

"Mom?" I stuttered.


I'm so sorry guys! I've been busy with school and stuff like that. So its been hard for me to update constantly.

Well anyway! What did you guys think? Sorry I did another cliffhanger.

I want a lot of excitement in this story. LOL






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