chapter 1: marinette dupain-cheng

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warning/s: language


"Remember," Ms. Mendeleeiv started. "This Thursday we will have a quiz about the table of elements. Class dismissed!"

Everyone began to head out. Nathaniel wanted to stay to finish writing the lecture on the board. Aiko, his best friend (actuallly me), bid him goodbye.

"See you later," he replied.

A random student decided to sit on his desk to casually talk with his friend. He sat directly on his paper. Nathaniel blinked as he tried to pull his notes away but it was no use.

Usually, people don't see that I exist. The only ones who do though, are the-

"Hey, Nath~" Ivan slung an arm across his neck and grumbled in his ear with a grin on his smug face. Marc was standing with his arm cross, smirking.

Nathaniel stayed silent. He was used to it, anyway.

"Could you help me finish my homework?" He asked in a sweet, yet devilish voice.

Internally, the red-haired boy gave him an intense glare. But on the outside, he was wearing a sour expression.

I'll take my revenge someday, just you wait!

Ivan, who was getting annoyed with Nathaniel's silence, bent his head slightly to the point where it was getting slightly uncomfortable. "Can you?"

He nodded and immediately wore a reassuring, yet nervous smile. "Sure."


The artist sat on the school's grassy yard, his green sketch notebook on top of his and Ivan's homework. He snatched a glance towards the football team, passing balls with their feet. He almost scoffed. He never considered to be the athletic one.

Still, he continued to look around the park for some kind of inspiration. Suddenly, her voice had caught his attention.

"Okay, I need you to slightly tilt your head to the side!" She shouted to her model wearing her latest design. Alya was beside her, skillfully taking photos with her camera. The bluebell-eyed girl looked at the results. "That's perfect! Thank you so much!"

Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Whenever she walks into the room, I feel warm and light. Her smile. Her cheerfulness. She shines like the sun. She always manages to make my day better everytime I see her.

Nathaniel smiles, his face getting red. He looked back at his paper and it's like his hand moved on its own. He was making a world, and it's as if he's living on it. It contains all the things he love, including the girl with low pigtails.

He kept smiling, but he failed to notice a certain girl walking towards him, holding a few pieces of paper. She tapped him on the shoulder.

He jumped, facing her with wide eyes, quickly closing his sketch notebook. He was speechless because she was right in front of him! What is he supposed to do?

"Um," Marinette spoke, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Is this yours?"

He stared at the papers in her hand and saw scribbles but he also noticed Ivan's name on it so he instantly nodded, carefully taking it from her.

"Well, I'll see you around, Nathaniel." She gave him a small smile, fully turning around.


She knew his name!

He knows he shouldn't make this such a big deal...

But he did and now he's ready to die happily.


Back in his bedroom, Nathaniel was sitting on his desk, drawing yet again.

Everyday, I can only stare at Marinette from afar.

He drew what he usually draw. It was like a routine now. He memorized her features; the shape of her eyes, the size of her nose, the length of her hairline, etc.

But in this, in my imaginary world... everything can become real.

Marinette ran past the dark, empty hallways. She was breathing heavily. She tried to outrun the monster chasing her but she was slowly getting tired, she didn't think she could do this anymore.

Her last resort was to call for help, which she thought it was hopeless since nobody in their right mind (except Marinette) would still be in school at this hour.

But she did anyway. She was running out of time. "Help! Somebody help me!"

When she thought that it can't get worse than this, it did. She ended up cornered. She turned around, seeing the shadow getting bigger.

"No one's gonna help you, Dupain-Cheng!" A maniacal laugh followed. She saw the villain, slowly marching towards her.

Marinette cowered in fear. "Please help!" She cried.

The laugh continued. "I told you, it's hopeless! Who would want to help you?"

"I do."

Luckily, SuperNathan is here to help! The villain immediately smirked and challenged him to the fight.

Marinette watched the hero mightily defeat the antagonist of the story. She watched in awe, clearly amazed of the hero who saved her life.

The fight came to an end and she took this cue to run towards him. "Mister, are you okay?"

"Call me 'SuperNathan'-" he suddenly coughes out blood. Marinette just noticed the superhero was battered but she should see the other guy.

"Oh no!" She exclaimed dramatically, placing a hand on her chest. "SuperNathan, you're hurt."

"It's fine." He gave her a heroic smile.

Marinette smiled back and then placed her hands gently on the either side of his shoulders. "Thank you for saving my life, SuperNathan. What can I do to repay you?"

"Perhaps... a kiss?"

She smiled more, leaning in, making SuperNathan lean in as well. They shared a lovely kiss-

Nathaniel giggled quietly like a Japanese schoolgirl. He stared at his masterpiece in amazement. So surprising he did this comic in just one go because of his inspiration. He continued to draw more until it was midnight.

Finally, he closed his green sketch notebook that has the number 24 on the cover. He sighed happily and stretched on his chair, because he was thinking about his moment with the girl he really likes.


Morning came.

He was sleeping like a baby, with a dopey smile on his cute face. He reached for his phone with closed eyes. Eventually he opened his eyes.


He quickly got up and ran towards his window, sliding it open. He saw an electrician standing on a ladder, working on an electrical post. "Kid, you're late."

No shit, Sherlock.

Hastily, he pushed all the things in his desk into his bag, including his sketch notebook.

10 minutes passed and he was running with big steps. He didn't want to be late and do squats or boring community services. He also have homeworks he needed to pass to the teacher.

Nathaniel finally entered the school grounds. On the way to the faculty's office was the bulletin board, and it was damn crowded.

"Yeah, I know." He heard one of the younger students said. "It's so upsetting that Adrien's picture on the board was lost since yesterday."

Nathaniel didn't care about Adrien. Because of him, he had to squeeze himself with these people.

Finally, he saw Ms. Bustier outside the door, looking like she's going to lock it.

"Miss!" He called. He eventually reached her. "Can I put my homework in there, please?"

Without another word, Bustier willingly opened the door for him. Nathaniel rummaged his bag for the green book that contained his homework.

He then went to find his classmates' notebook to put his own notebook over it, quickly turning around, making his exit.

But she stopped him. "Wait," she said. "Go to the school's yard. You're late."

Nathaniel sighed but he obeyed. He made his way to the yard where his fellow  latecomers are in line. Mr. Damocles was in the front, speculating each and everyone of them.

"Nath, take out your homework for a bit," Aiko requested, as she was also late. Without hesitation, she opened the bag and searched for Nathaniel's notebook.

He turned around a little, feeling anxious from Damocles' stares. "But I already submitted it, Aiko. It's not there anymore."

But she took out said green notebook, with his name and year on it. She glared at the back of his head. "'Already submitted it' my ass. Liar."

Nathaniel turned around, confusion in his features. It was until Aiko showed the notebook in her hands and his expression shifted into a horrified one. He briskly shrugged off his backpack and opened it wide enough to see all the contents inside.

With a panic look on his face he realized...

He just passed his green sketch notebook filled with his sketches of Marinette and the comic he drew last night!

He really thought it was his homework...

He's doomed. He wanted to die right then and there. Unless, he could just-

He carefully slid away, Aiko trailing behind him because he used his back as a table for copying.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Mr. Damocles scolded. "Where do you think you're going?" Nathaniel went back in position, looking defeated. "All of you will do squats, 50 times! Now!"

50 times?!

He has a long way to go. He looked at the second floor window where his sketchbook lies.

He just hoped it would still be there.


end of chapter one


oooh what will happen next?



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