Destined Nemesis

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Muscular's burned corpse fell to the ground still smoking from having millions of bolts enter his body. His glass eye shattered with it being the only hint who he was if one were to see what the villain is now. "We should get back to everyone. I don't think these guys were alone."

"Gotcha." Izuku and Kaminari started running back with the smell of burnt flesh being more prominent. "How can you stand that smell man? It's disgusting."

"You learn to live with it." Not wanting to ask anymore, Kaminari just shut up and waited for them to return to the group. As they traveled back, Izuku couldn't help but have the unsettling feeling as if somebody was watching them. 'I don't like the feel of this.' Out from the side, Izuku noticed a blond come charging at Kaminari with a knife in her hand. "KAMINARI! GET BACK!" Grabbing him, Izuku threw the blond electric quirk user to the side and took the butterfly knife to his side.


"Kinda a dumb thing to do. You just got a knife to your side cause you wanted to save your friend. I wonder what your blood looks like-" The blond stopped when she saw static come off the red fluid on the knife and immediately sent a shock to her revealing her skeleton for both to see as she rambled gibberish in pain. She immediately was thrown back into a tree from the force of the current and knocked out cold.

"She's...she's not dead, right?"

"Fortunate for her, no." Izuku looked down where the knife was to know it wasn't good to leave in and was most likely gonna bleed out if the knife was removed and left alone. "And this is the part where I hate the most of doing stuff like this." Pulling the knife out immediately, Izuku placed his free hand on the open wound to release a current over the opening and forcibly sear the injury shut. "MOTHER! NNGH!"

When he pulled his hand away, Kaminari noticed the burned area from the electricity to feel some relief that this didn't happen to him. "Thanks a bunch. I owe you for that."

"Just get Ochako some high quality mochi, pay for a nice tea for Momo as well as get a sack of red delicious apples for Eri to eat and we'll call it even."

"...Send me the bill man." The two laughed a bit before continuing back to the area with a message being given to them by Mandalay through her telepathy.

"Everyone! Villains have infiltrated the camp. As of right now, the pro hero Eraserhead has given you all authorization to use your quirks. Use them to defend yourselves against the enemies!"

"Hopefully they'll count the Muscular thing as me using my quirk in defense. Orange does not look good on a father."

"Eh. Who's gonna know the difference? The only people that actually know what happened are you, me and some burnt pile of what was a guy."

"And what do the two of you know that we don't?" Momo spoke up with Jirou and Ochako beside her, somewhat irritated. "You have five seconds to tell me what you did Izuku or you're not getting to grope Ochako's ass or touch my boobs for a week."

"I fried Muscular." Kaminari looked at him confused. "What? You think I'm gonna give up grabbing a fine ass like Ochako's and groping those luscious mounds on Momo?" The blond tried to find a reason to argue before stepping away from the argument.

"Alright. Any chance we can head back. I don't wanna fight any villains or smell burned humans for a second time in my life." Ochako asks for the girls to agree.

"Alright. I'll go make sure everyone's ok while Kaminari takes you three back. He also promised to treat all of us to a little treat when we get back from camp."

"Wait, I said I'd take the bill for your wives and daughter, not you-"

"Later." Izuku jumped away with the girls turning to Kaminari for answers.

"He took a knife for me. I offered to pay for the two of you and Eri something nice as a way to repay him." Ochako and Momo opened their eyes wide at this comment. "He's ok now. He burned the cut shut."

"....He's getting hell when he gets back."Both women stated about their husband before returning to the campsite.

With Izuku

Izuku jumped from tree branch to tree branch in hopes to find his classmates. When he came face to face with a giant monster of a shadow, he immediately made a giant flash of light for it to dull down and reveal Tokoyami who was panting for air. "My thanks Shimura."

"Don't mention it. What happened to make you lose control though?"

Shoji came out of the bushes holding his hand that seemed to have one of his dupliarms severed. "A villain attacked us and I was hurt in the process. Tokoyami went into a blind rage afterwards because I was hurt pushing him out of the way and Dark Shadow went ballistic."

"It pains me to say it, but I had let a moment of weakness come upon me." The bird headed man held his head down before Izuku patted his shoulder.

"Don't put yourself down so badly man. You lost control because you were scared for your friend who did get hurt. To me, that's not the worst way to lose control of your quirk." Turning to their notably taller classmate, Izuku made sure Shoji wasn't too badly hurt. "While we're on the topic, you're gonna be ok, right?"

"Yeah. Think of my dupliarm like a tree branch. So long as my actual arm is still attached to my body, I can regrow it. It doesn't mean I don't feel pain when I'm faced with a dupliarm being severed. That still hurts."

"Good point." The sight of an ice glacier caught Izuku's attention for him to smile. "Shoji. Tokoyami. Head back to camp. I'm gonna get a little payback for the both of you for what this asshole over here did." Izuku jumped through the trees and towards the sounds to see Todoroki and Bakugou fighting a villain being suspended in the air by what looked like his teeth. Todoroki tried to attack the villain the best he could with him evading the ice attacks one after the other.


"Sure. Cause a villain will willingly fight you on level playing fields. Take a tip Kaachan, and think before you speak."

"Flesh. Beautiful flesh!" The villain sent an attack at Izuku for him to dodge almost with no effort before sending a ball of electricity to the razor-like teeth to send a shockwave up and to the man.

"Sorry buddy, but you caused a circular pattern connecting down to the ground with your teeth with these being strangely conductive." Izuku noticed the electricity go up and shock the villain before he collapsing on the ground with his teeth going dull as he fell. "Oh, and by the way." Izuku went up to punch the teeth out of the villain and smile. "That was for Tokoyami and Shoji."

You really know how to show no mercy. I don't know if I should be proud or happy about that." Todoroki walked towards Izuku with Bakugou scoffing.

"I could've handled that fine on my own."

"Without destroying the forest in the process?"

"UP YOURS!" Izuku laughed a bit at Bakugou's comment with Todoroki thanking Izuku.

"I appreciate the backup."

"Everyone needs it from time to time. You both were by Ragdoll at the midway, right?" Todoroki nods for the lightning quirk user to think about what's happening. "I'm gonna go give her backup and hopefully make it so we can help move our classmates closer in to strengthen the protective area we can."

"Like you're taking the spotlight again. I'm coming with you-" Izuku stopped Bakugou with a karate chop to the back of the neck to knock him out.

"Sorry Kaachan, but you're at a disadvantage here. At least with me, I can manage the problems I have better." Izuku took a running stance before looking back. "Tell Mr. Aizawa I'm going to help with the roundup on Ragdoll's side." In a flash of lightning, Izuku bolted to the midway part with intentions to help end this mayhem. Heading to the center point, Izuku looked around trying to find the cat pro. "Ragdoll! Most of the students are on their way back to the camp grounds. I'm here to help you out on your end." Izuku walked past the shrine that they were using to not find Ragdoll at all. "Ragdoll?" The sound of footsteps came from the side for the electric quirk user to look and see Ragdoll unconscious being held by a man in a suit. His senses were on edge especially due to the sight of the headpiece the pro was wearing on the ground with a bit of blood around.

"Seems I have an uninvited guest to this. Hello young man. You must be that woman's son." Izuku saw the man turn to show a face piece with tubes going into his chest for him to know exactly who this man was.

"All For One."

"You know who I am? That saves some time and effort."

"I'm only going to say this once, let Ragdoll go and take your villains you sent here out now OR ELSE!"

The villain laughed at Izuku while responding. "You honestly think you can win? I'd like to see what you can do."

"Your funeral." Izuku started generating several thousand volts of electricity to be held in his hands. "TAKE THIS! AUGE VON ZEUS!" The bolt came directly at the pro for him to hold Ragdoll's unconscious body in front as a shield before seeing the electricity make a half circle around her and hit AFO right in the metal plate on his head. This brought the villain back a bit for Izuku to use his electromagnetism to pull Ragdoll near him and away from danger. "You should've left when you had the chance. I'm on a completely different league than my mother and brother."

"So it would seem." AFO stood up with electricity coming off his body in a similar fashion to what Izuku does. "You truly are a very powerful one. I guess that weakling Nana Shimura and her even weaker husband made something worthwhile with the gift she had been given."

"Keep my mother's name out of your fucking mouth." Izuku gritted his teeth while holding his hand up ready to attack.

"But then again, that foolish brother of yours is just as much a weakling as them. Could you believe he started at zero before even achieving OFA. How pathetic he must be. Perhaps that's why I was so easily beaten by someone the quirk was wasted on."

"SHUT UP!" Izuku let a bolt of lightning out at immense speeds for AFO to hold one hand up.

"Electromagnetic Repulsion." The attack sent an electric wave back at Izuku's for the act to push him back a bit. "Adorable this truly is. The quirk I just used was the same your father had. Compared to most quirks, this one is quite useless unless you have an opponent with electricity to rebound back. I'd laugh if the fact your father's quirk is your natural opposite wasn't so pathetic....Oh what the heck, AHAHAHAHA!"

Izuku finally lost his cool and activated OFA with his electricity quirk to send a huge amount of electricity towards the villain. In response, AFO activated the Electromagnetic Repulsion to force the electricity back. "YOU SON OF A BITCH! WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO INSULT MY FAMILY AND THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH IT." Izuku started forming a storm above him with electricity striking him to increase the lightning power he had as well as make a small funnel cloud to try and pull AFO off the ground. This did little as he used an air pressure attack to send a spiraling wave of wind in the opposite direction to dispel it. Both continued to increase the lightning they were using for a mass of electricity to form between them.

"What gives me the right? Your family is nothing but weaklings after weaklings. Your mother wouldn't be half the hero she was if it wasn't for OFA, All Might wouldn't be a hero to begin with. Even your quirk would pale in comparison if OFA wasn't inside your mother before you were born." Widening his eyes a bit, Izuku holds a bit of surprise at him finding this out. "Yes. I knew all along about you. You're quite the powerful holder of the quirk. Not even All Might could've done a better job. But you're still no match for me."

The ball of electricity grew bigger and bigger until it was larger than both men. "You...I. Won't. Let you...WIN!" The electric orb ruptured to create a massive shockwave that sent both Izuku and AFO in completely different directions. To help avoid injury, Izuku grabbed Ragdoll and used his back as a way to avoid serious damage to him or the pro. Hitting three trees and shattering two, Izuku grunted in pain before looking up to see AFO facing a similar problem.

"....My my. You're quite a powerful one. You almost ended me there if I wasn't cautious and destroyed that ball of electricity when I did."

Izuku tried to stand, but felt his body unable to move so easily. 'Dammit. Did the shockwave increase the effects of my drawback?' AFO walked over to Izuku with his top half of his mask blown off. "And I thought you were gonna be an ugly mother fucker before, but this is ridiculous."

"Joke all you want, but you are weak right now with no ability to do anything to stop me. Now, we'll end this once and for a-" AFO knelt in pain holding his chest in agony. "It seems we will have to prolong the results of this battle. Never has a holder of my brother's quirk given me an actual heart attack." He created a portal leaving for an unknown location before looking back at Izuku. "I won't fall back next time boy. So be prepared for our next encounter."

He leaves into the portal for Izuku to feel a bit of shock. "Yeah... you better run... you bitch... ugh." He pants recovering from their bout. 'If he didn't have problems, I might've actually been a goner there. Call that shit lucky.' Izuku lays back for a moment looking at the sky. 'Just need a minute to catch my breath.' The electric quirk user passes out with the madness of the night finally over.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time when the after effects of the training camp are shown. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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