Possible Trouble

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Izuku had gotten out of bed to make breakfast as well as change Eri. Trying to avoid showing concern for what happened, he kept his thoughts to himself. Once downstairs, he was met by Jirou and Todoroki who looked as if they had a hangover. "Morning you two." "Urgh. Morning." Jirou kept her head on the table in pain while Todoroki looked as if he was half dead. "So anyone remember what happened? All I remember was we had a party last night and don't remember much after putting Eri to bed." "Sorry. *yawn* I can't help you." Izuku made a few cups of coffee and placed them on a tray. He passed a few to his classmates before having one himself. "Chances are, someone spiked the drinks we had. Who was on drinks yesterday?" "Uhh...I think it was Mineta and Kaminari." Izuku walked into the kitchen again to see an empty bottle of vodka in the recyclables with some electricity going through his head. "They got us drunk." "How do you know that?" "Cause I see an empty bottle of vodka and I don't know anyone who drinks this that lives in the dorms."

The electricity user walked back with Eri reaching for Todoroki. "Seems she wants you to give her attention." Izuku passed the little baby to his classmate as he just stared blankly at the snowball. "Uhh, hello." "Ga!" Eri grabbed Todoroki's nose with him not sure what to do. "Does she always do this?" "Occasionally." Not long after, the four heard screams from upstairs that sounded like Ochako and Momo. "What was that?" "Sounded like the other Shimuras." "*sigh* I need more coffee before they freak at me over how they woke up." "Wait, how did they wake up?" Todoroki questioned this as Eri began grabbing his red hair. "Let's just say, Eri may get siblings in the year." "Uhh....Ooooohhh! Ooohh." "Exactly." Izuku slammed his head on the table before Ochako and Momo revealed themselves in Izuku's shorts and shirts. "Hey Izuku, what happened last night?" "To be honest, I'm not entirely sure since the idiot duo got us all drunk. The only thing I know is I woke up between the two of you in a similar situation." Both were trying to find words to say what they felt to only hold their heads down in annoyance. "It's too early in the morning for this." Izuku passed two cups of coffee to the duo with cream and sugar in Ochako's, and just cream in Momo's.

The lot sat quietly as their classmates slowly got up one by one. The Shimura family gave a death glare at the perverted duo when they came down making them know that their little stunt was known to them. "So what happened last night?" Kirishima asks this without a shirt and hickeys all over his body from someone. "Let's just say, someone thought it was a good idea to get us all drunk." "Two somebodies to be precise." Jirou adds to Izuku's answer for everyone to slowly turn to Mineta and Kaminari. "What?" "Tell them the truth or I'm sending you into orbit pervs." Ochako says this with a rather splitting headache before grabbing Eri from Todoroki. "I didn't do anything." "Me neither." Both backed up before bumping into Bakugou who was tired and even more irritated than before who heard everything. "What did you losers do?" They turned pale at the sight of a clearly pissed ash blond with Izuku not wanting to keep in his place. "I asked you a question, now answer it!" "We-w-w-we...It was Mineta's idea!" "You got me the vodka!" Both were grabbed by Bakugou before being brought outside. All that was heard after was their screams and a massive explosion that shook the dorms and sent shivers down everyone's spines. When Bakugou came in, he had a happy smirk before going into the kitchen to get some coffee. "I don't feel bad for them." "Me neither." "They called this upon themselves." The Shimura trio stated this while sipping their coffee in unison.

Few hours later

After everyone regained enough sobriety to not have a splitting headache, Izuku, Ochako, and Momo decided to go out for lunch contemplating what had happened the night before They entered a small diner where a blond waitress had sat them. As she did, the woman realized the three were from UA and the winners of the first, second, and third place mantles. She began fangirling a bit with some other people beginning to get the picture to give the family a thumbs up in congratulations. To say this was awkward for the family was clearly an understatement, but they dealt with it the best they could. Right now, they had even larger issues to deal with than a sudden gaining of a fan club. Each ordered what they wanted along with a bit of mashed potatoes for Eri so she could eat as well. The silence between the three was almost as if they were complete strangers sitting at a table.

"Ok, I'm gonna say it. We may have kids because of last night." Ochako said this as bluntly as she could with Izuku and Momo holding their heads. "To be honest, I'd rather have prepared a little more considering this mess we may have gotten ourselves into." Momo stated this as Eri began reaching for her father's hair. "I'm sorry." "Huh?" Izuku pulled his face up before explaining. "If I had found this out sooner, I would've found a way to prevent all this from happening." "Unfortunately, we can't change the past. We can only work with where we stand right now." Their food came shortly after saying this with them starting to eat. "Before we jump to any conclusions, we'll have to be certain of this." Ochako and Izuku agreed with Momo who felt Eri's food to make sure it wasn't too hot for her to eat. As they continued, Izuku held a look as if he did probably the worst thing imaginable to the two with a very uneasy look being on the brunette and raven haired girls. Eventually, they finished and paid for their meal to walk out and look around a bit.

"So, what do you girls wanna do?" Izuku asked with silence continuing to be something between them. Izuku noticed a mochi shop to bring both girls inside. As he did, he noticed a batch of fresh green tea mochi being placed in the display case. "Excuse me sir, but can I get a dozen green tea, a dozen red bean paste, and a dozen earl grey?" "Sure boss." The man did as Izuku asked and gave him three containers for them. "That'll be 1,705 yen($16.04)." Izuku paid before seeing the man had given an extra of each to make a baker's dozen. "Enjoy." "Thanks." Izuku walked over to his wives before passing the earl grey and green tea to both hoping they'd like them. "I think maybe a little comfort food is gonna go a long way with us." "Thanks." "Thank you." They walked out of the store before finding a place to sit down and eat their snack with a bit of shade for Eri.

While sitting, Izuku began thinking of what was happening. Right now, they were all confused. But Ochako and Momo were probably the ones more scared between the three. "I'm still going to stick by you two." Both looked at the electric user as he explained. "I made a vow to stand by you two through thick and thin. That has not changed. Whether we do become parents to more kids than just Eri sooner than we'd rather will not make a difference. I'm still here for you two." They smiled at this knowing Izuku was still on their side even after all this. "I'd be lying though if I'd say I'm not scared. But you two are probably going to have it worse than me, so I can't let that fear cloud my love for you two. I love you both, and I won't walk away just because of this. You have my word on that." Ochako and Momo hugged Izuku with the feeling of absolute content knowing this was prominent on their faces. Izuku smiled at this before feeling Eri reach for Momo's mochi.

"Are you trying to take mommy Momo's mochi? You little stinker." Everyone laughed as Eri kept grabbing before beginning to say something. "M..Ma...mama." "Aw, that's cute. She said mama-" Izuku stopped with Momo and Ochako realizing what happened. Eri was quickly grabbed by Ochako before Izuku collapsed to the ground hearing this. "And he's down. Looks like you made your daddy happy Eri." "Mama!" This comment made Ochako's heart throb in happiness being called Eri's mother by her. "Easy there Ochako. We've got one person unconscious, we don't need a second." "It's just...It's so adorable!" Ochako cuddled Eri in her arms as the small child didn't understand her one mother's act but smiled anyway. "Well, I guess we should call it here. If you turn Izuku weightless, I'll carry him." "Gotcha." Ochako tapped Izuku's back as he floated in the air. "And there we go." Momo tethered the electricity user with a rope she made. While walking back, the family obtained several questionable stares by onlookers, noticing Izuku in flight and unconscious while the two tied him down and carried a small baby.

Back at UA

The family returned to the dorms with a few being in the common space. Todoroki was the first to notice the family along with questioning what happened. "Why is he floating and unconscious?" "Mama!" Both girls pointed at Eri before speaking. "That's why." Jirou and Ashido fell back on the couch laughing their asses off knowing that villains who were ready to kill the symbol of peace couldn't do something the first word of the Shimura family's daughter could. "Urgh, what happened?" Izuku started to come to, noticing where he was. "When did we get back to the dorms? Also, why am I floating?" "Because you're too heavy to lug on either of our backs unconscious." Ochako pointed this out for Izuku to look down and notice Eri. "Hey Eri, do you think your daddy's silly like this?" Izuku laughed at himself while Eri spoke again. "Mama!" As the tone echoed in his head, Izuku passed out again to add more humor for the two girls laughing.

"HAHAHAHAHA! HE PASSED OUT AFTER HEARING MAMA! THAT'S FREAKING RICH!" "WAIT TILL HE HEARS DADA!" They eventually had to hold their sides. The scene was deemed that funny to them. "Ok, can you two please stop?" "I agree, it isn't as funny as you think it is." "BA!" The three stated this with the fact even Eri was telling them to stop cracking them up even more. "*sigh* I'm going to put Izuku down on the bed." "Might as well let Eri take her nap as well, she's looking a little drowsy right now." The two walked upstairs to their room where Ochako released her quirks effects on Izuku and placed Eri in the crib. Momo began untying Izuku before walking over to give Eri a kiss and placing the baby monitor beside her. "We'll see you in a little bit Eri. Also, try not to make your father faint again." "Mama." "I'll take that as you don't promise anything." Both laughed a little before seeing Eri slowly fall to sleep. They walked out while silently shutting the door and smiling at the scene.

When they were alone in the hall, both girls looked at their stomachs and placed a hand atop them. "I wonder if this'll happen when we actually have kids?" "Chances are Izuku will cry knowing he's a father most of the time in the beginning." "He may also faint when we finally find out." Both laughed a little at how much of a goofball Izuku can be even though he's rather dependable. "....We should probably take a pregnancy test within about a week. That way, we'll be certain and decide what to do afterwards." "Yeah. That'll be a fun story to explain to our parents." "Speaking about fun stories, I think I may end Kaminari and Mineta's." "Can I help?" Momo passed a mallet she created to the gravity quirk user as they smiled sadistically. "Mineta, Kaminari, can we have a word with the two of you?" Though they were without a doubt joking, the fact that the two almost believed they were going to pulverise them made for good humor for everyone.

And that finishes this chapter. So the trio are trying to manage this little hurdle they've come at the best they can with a little growth of their little baby girl. See how the group deals with this progression next time. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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