The Honeymoon

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So this is gonna take place a little bit back in time. This chapter will be about Izuku, Ochako, and Momo's honeymoon. Warning, there will be a lemon in this for those that don't like them. Enjoy!

One week after the wedding:

Honeymoons for newly wed couples are a magical experience filled with romance and the entire experience is dedicated to the consummation of said marriage. Despite this being only for the newly wedded Shimuras, they had made the executive decision to bring their families on the vacation. Momo's parents had not had a vacation since the opening of their company and Ochako's folks couldn't afford to miss a day of work. Nana, Toshinori, and the Yaoyorozu's made this an all expense paid trip to Hawaii so that they and the newlyweds can enjoy themselves. Ochako's parents were over the moon upon finding out that they were going to Hawaii with no cost at all. Needless to say Ochako's mother passed out and accidentally broke a glass coffee table when she fell down. After coming to, she vanishes and before anyone can blink, everything they had needed for the two week vacation was packed and ready for them to leave that second. Aizawa Shouta, a family friend of theirs, had agreed to cat sit their kittens Mushu and Korin while they were away.

Though they were a little saddened they had to wait until that friday to leave for the vacation but as soon as that phone call came in that morning, they were already in their car and ready to go. The first flight from Mustafu to Tokyo was short at an hour at most with Momo and Ochako gushing over an ultrasound picture held by a pregnant woman aboard the flight. Nana knudged Izuku's ribs after catching a glimpse of the picture causing him to blush like mad and for her to laugh in response. From Tokyo international to Hawaii was a 12 hour flight with most of the time, in first class, spent either sleeping or watching movies. Izuku, Ochako, and Momo however made it a point to learn as much english and hawaiian as they could in the time it took them to get from Japan to Hawaii. Though nowhere near perfect, with the help of Toshinori their english was good enough to understand some of the colloquialisms and hawaiian words. Izuku and All Might were particularly amused by the King Kamehameha article they read on the flight over.

After arriving at the airport, the locals greeting them in Hawaii gave them leis and the aforementioned Aloha greeting. Then it was their trip through customs and baggage claim, granted All Might had joint citizenship in the US and Japan but being pro heroes didn't help in getting them through security any quicker. From there they were greeted with a Limousine at the entrance which took them to the two different hotels that they would be staying at whilst on the island. To avoid any awkwardness with having their entire family be in the same hotel they are going to break the bed, and possibly even floor in, their parents will be staying at a different hotel along the shoreline and a 5 minute walk from theirs from along the beach. After getting their belongings out of the limo they were about to enter the hotel when All Might stopped them. He placed a box in Izuku's backpack before tapping it twice. He gives Izuku a wink which instantly procs his selected successor to start hitting his older brother with a brochure he had rolled up.

"Finally! We've been awake since yesterday, I want to sleep." Ochako says as she slunks her way to the floor as they open the door to their penthouse suite of the main island's ten star hotel. She turns to look up at Izuku who's using his quirk to levitate the luggage with him and Momo who's simply walking with a small purse.

"Ochako I offered to take your bags and you can use your quirk here, quirk laws in america are a lot more lax than back home. We also passed the date line, yesterday is today so technically speaking we have been awake for -3 hours now." Izuku explains as he levitates the contents of the bags to the drawers of the massive dresser in their room.

"Yours and Ochako's quirks are very handy for moving things, if we didn't have heroes but had quirks you two would be amazing for any moving company or construction." Momo replies as she sets her purse down on the quartz countertop of their kitchen.

"My parents save a fortune on heavy machinery since both of them have gravity quirks and most of our workers have strength based ones. We only use a cement truck for heavy machinery." Ochako explains before levitating herself to the bed and slowly descending into it like a busty brunette feather.

"Something about that looked very relaxing. Let's skip the formalities of the honeymoon night and take a nap to get used to the layover. It's 8pm here and I need sleep." Izuku says as he strips off his shirt.

"Are we still sleeping naked?" Ochako asks looking up to Momo who's already out of her top.

"Is Izuku hot?"

"Dumb question?"

"Dumb question."

Izuku lets out a chuckle to himself as he takes off his pants and boxers before climbing into the bed with Ochako with Momo joining soon after. Momo curls herself around his form and begins to get comfortable before realising that they never turned off the lights. She groans before standing up to go and turn them off, seeing as Ochako is sprawled out on top of Izuku and is already asleep. As she does, she feels a slight static shock on her butt which causes her to yelp and turn around. Izuku is snickering to himself with a cheeky grin seeing as he's the culprit to the flirtatious zap. She gives him a squinty eyed look and pouts slightly before turning off the light. Izuku creates a small Jacob's ladder arc with his fingers creating enough light for her to see. She climbs back into bed and gets comfortable once more before kissing both Izuku and Ochako good night.

Waking the next morning the three of them restrain the urge to smash their alarm clock seeing as they are in a hotel. Ochako laughs seeing Izuku's fist stop above the alarm clock and gently clicks it off. "Can't smash it while we're on vacation now can you? It's a shame because that's always entertaining to see." She says. From there the three of them take a quick shower with Momo seeing it as a point to blind fold Izuku whilst showering to prevent any urges from their husband. After finishing up their bathroom ritual and getting dressed they head down stairs after locking their door before being met by Nana and Toshinori. Nana sees the girls walking up and is slightly saddened by something for a moment before making it a point to tease Izuku about the previous night. "I see you didn't break the bed last night, you all just go straight to sleep?" She asks with a smug smirk on her face. "Yeah, we were awake for -3 hours yester- wait- today and just unpacked before turning in for the evening." Izuku explains as they exit the hotel.

"What do you have planned for us today Nana?" Akito Yaoyorozu, Momo's mother, asks as they pile into the limousine destined for an unknown place.

"I have a lot planned today, we're going to eat first then go hiking on the volcano's south face, then the beach for sunbathing and scuba diving before eating a late lunch and returning to the hotel. Momo Ochako and Izuku aren't old enough to drink yet so while we go to a luau this evening they will stay here and... break in their marriage." Nana replies as the driver looks at the GPS before driving away from the hotel.

It wasn't a long drive from the hotel to the hiking lodge on the south part of the island, maybe a 20 minute drive at most. Along the way Ochako and her folks were mesmerized by the beauty of the island. From the native birds to the coconut palm trees littering the island's shore every detail was being absorbed by them as they drove to the lodge. After arriving the poparatzi swarmed Nana and Toshinori after learning of their presence on the island. They did a quick photo op before telling them politely that they were there celebrating the marriage of Izuku to his two wives. The main reporter was a nosy one and asked a few more questions but soon enough buggered off to go bother another hero on the island. After getting their equipment and guide they set out on a hike along the volcano, collecting the volcanic glass and other interesting rocks along the way. Izuku had actually used some of his magnetism abilities to mold a flow of lava into a sculpture of him as a hero then two more of Momo and Ochako before dropping the lava back into the small stream. As they walked along the side of the mountain they witnessed a small eruption pour into the ocean and create more landmass for the island. Nana made it a point to show off her quirk to the tour guide as she floated a small sphere of lava from the lava flow, that was pouring into the sea, and manipulated it into a small sphere with a ring system around it before floating the miniature planetoid around herself and dropping it in the water. This action solidified the lava to an obsidian ball which she gave to the tour guide who was unfortunately quirkless.

After leaving the hiking lodge, their next stop was the beach and some scuba diving to see the coral reefs on the island. A few annoying chads on the beach tried to pick up Momo and Ochako but gave up upon seeing their wedding rings and the fact that they pretended to not know english. They took a small boat offshore to the reef itself and geared up to take a dip into the underwater world below them. Before going in, Izuku asked if he could catch any lobsters they could eat to which the captain told him to get some for the crew as well. For Momo this part of the trip was especially enjoyable, all the colors and wildlife she hadn't gotten to experience growing up in a sheltered homelife, despite the fact she came from wealth. A particularly nosy crab had snipped off one of the strapps of her bathing suit while under water which caused Izuku and Ochako to laugh in their full face masks as she created a new top for herself. The next few minutes or so were spent swimming away from Momo as she chased them with a pair of crab claws she had created. The parents of the three laughed hysterically at their antics before going deeper and studying the wildlife of the reef. After the crab incident, Izuku started collecting all the lobsters he could find, being able to magnetise them together in a ball of claws and pincers before levitating them out of the water and onto the boat. The fishermen on the island were quite impressed by the yield and even offered to cook the lobsters for them for lunch.

After eating a very delicious lunch the families of the married trio say their goodbyes and head back to their hotels to relax before that evening's luau. They said their goodbyes to Izuku, Momo and Ochako as they dropped them off at their hotel before Nana said; "remember we want grandkids!" before laughing as they drove off. This caused them to explode in blush before making their way through the lobby and back up to their room. Once there they took a shower together once more to get the salt off their bodies and out of their hair before relaxing on their massive king sized bed. "Today was an amazing day don't you think? We got to go hiking and diving and I even made a fishy friend today!" Ochako says in a happy tone before draping herself on the bed and turning on the television in their room. "It's a good thing that they had already changed the language on the TV to japanese, not to mention we get all the good channels from back home too." Momo adds, taking a seat next to Ochako. A brief silence washes over them before Momo speaks again. "So... How are we going to start this? Do we kiss then Izuku joins or..." She begins being very nervous about the subject. "Your guess is as good as mine, though whenever we kiss each other Izuku stops whatever he's doing instantly to stare at us." Ochako responds before it gets quiet again.

Lemon Warning🍋

"That felt nice." Izuku walks in with only a towel on as the duo stares at him and gets a fun idea. "Izuku~." The two get his attention with them starting to make out with one another. Izuku watched as his wives started interlocking their tongues with Momo leaning over to stay atop Ochako. The two started to moan as Izuku just stared as this happened. They only stopped when they noticed something peeking up out of his towel to make them smile. "Maybe we should see about adding a certain someone in as well." Momo states this while looking down at Izuku's crotch and smirking. Izuku walked over to pull Ochako and Momo close to him before passionately putting the two in a makeout session with himself. He started to move down their lips to their necks to give small love bites on them and leaving marks. When he got to their towels, Izuku couldn't rip them off fast enough to stare at their voluptuous bodies. As he expected, Momo had a body that any woman would envy with an image that any man would lust for. Meanwhile, Ochako had a slightly smaller body proportion with a bit more meat on her than Momo. This was not as bad since it gave her a cute and desireful image.

Izuku moved to Ochako first and latched his hands on her plumb breasts to slide his tongue ever so slightly over her nipple. He guaged her attention and changed where he paid attention to as they went. While her breath began to grow heavy, he moved his right hand to Momo who was watching with desire and grabbed onto her ample ass to make her yelp. Izuku ran his hand lower until he reached her pussy to insert a finger inside. He glanced up to see Momo holding in her moans before inserting his thumb into her ass. The act made her shriek as her lower body was nothing but Izuku's plaything. She started to moan as Ochako was beginning to play with herself as well. This had gone on for a few more minutes until both girls orgasmed at the same time to spray over Izuku's hand and leg. He pulled away from them and laid them on the bed gently. "Are you both ok?" Izuku whispered to them as they nodded.

During this act, Izuku's towel came off to make Momo and Ochako move a little closer to him. "Somebody wants some fun." Ochako smiled as she said this. Momo latched her breasts on Izuku's lower self while Ochako began to suck his head. The duo made certain that Izuku was nicely lubricated before they were about to do what was next. Izuku grunted a bit and bucked his hips feeling the soft sensation of both his wives before they both stopped. Izuku glanced at them confused until they began to spread their legs. "If you want to keep going, we're ready whenever you are." Momo smiled as she said what they wanted. Izuku stopped to remember one important thing though.

"Fuck! I forgot condoms!" Izuku held his head down before seeing a box in his bag he forgot to unpack before to see a box. 'When did-Toshi." Izuku internally thanked his older brother before grabbing them and returning to Momo and Ochako. He placed the first condom on and looked at the girls with Momo motioning to Ochako first. They smiled as Izuku positioned his dick to her entrance. He entered in slowly with Ochako starting to cry a little. He stopped when he was half way with her catching her breath. "You wanna stop here?" "N-no. I wanna keep going." Ochako held the sheets and her breath as Izuku prepared to put the rest in with one go. He thrusted in and shoved the last to the base with Ochako holding in a scream. She literally had a foot long in her and was panting for air. As she calmed down, she let Izuku move to which he started slowly. Izuku felt the warm folds inside rubbing against him to which he could barely stand it. Minutes passed with Izuku moving faster and faster. Once 8 minutes went by, Izuku was slapping into Ochako to make her scream in excitement. She held onto Izuku with her chest pressed up against his to feel his warmth. As Izuku neareed his end, he warned Ochako who jumped off him. She pulled the condom off and put his dick into her mouth. Izuku silently shouted as trails of semen erupted out of him to cover the inside of Ochako's mouth. She moved it to her tongue to show Izuku before slowly pulling it to the back of her throat to swallow in one gulp. This had aroused Izuku to a point he was up solid again.

"Guess it's my turn now." Momo moved to have herself on all fours and shaking her ass at Izuku. He got the message and placed another condom on before moving into Momo. Ochako was like a soft smothering feeling to him, while Momo felt as if her body was pulling him in and keeping him from escaping a tight crevice. Izuku felt extremely sensitive after the first round and tried to keep his composure. As he went to the base, Momo was biting down on the sheets from pain with Izuku holding back his urge to slam into her and make her ass jiggle as much as possible. When she was used to the feeling, Izuku started to move into Momo slowly and give her the feeling Ochako had before. As he did, Momo started to lose her mind and drool a little at this new sensation she felt. Minutes went by with Izuku only lasting 6 this round before slamming into Momo while lifting her up and watching her breasts jiggle and her large ass cushion her fall. Izuku warned her he was close with Momo letting him keep going until the end. Izuku shouted as he released everything into the condom and had Momo scream in pleasure. As he pulled out, Momo took the condom to drink it's contents with a bit of a disgusted look on her face. She wasn't a fan of the flavor, but swallowed Izuku's essence nonetheless. Izuku laid back as Ochako and Momo came beside him to relax alongside him. They started to fall asleep before Izuku said one last thing to them. "I love you girls." "We love you too Izuku." They fell into a blissful sleep afterwards to only be woken up by a knock on the door.

Lemon end🍋

As they woke up, Izuku grabbed a pair of boxers and shorts to put on before opening it to see Toshi at the door.

"Hey Toshi, what's up?"

Toshinori looked at him and noticed his brother seemed to be a little red. "Nothing much. Did you just get out of the shower or something?" It took the pro a minute before realizing what happened. "So did you use my gift?" Toshinori smiled as Izuku went red.

"I-I might've used one or two of it."

"Izuku, come back to bed. It's cold." Ochako whined as Momo started to groan as well.

"Well I gotta go. I'll talk to you and mom later." Izuku shut the door with Toshinori smiling at his brother's act.

"The joys of being young." Toshi walked down the halls thinking of Inko who had to stay behind like Izuku, Momo, and Ochako. 'I should see her before she falls asleep. Maybe the stores around here have some nice mint ice cream.' Toshi thinks this to himself as his wife has had a strange craving during the day for mint ice cream and sauerkraut. He didn't understand it, but accepted his pregnant wife's desire to not question it at all.

The trip continued with Izuku, Momo, and Ochako regularly doing this act for the nights with them feeling satisfied with each other. When the trip ended, they weren't exactly proud they had to leave. Though they were happy to return home after a well rested trip that made all their batteries recharge. While leaving, Ochako and Momo noticed Inko being helped to her seat by Toshinori and had similar fantasies that they may be in that same situation one day with Izuku. Ochako went fully red at this with Momo having a small nosebleed with a smile slightly making itself known on their faces. Nana pointed this out to Izuku who had gone red himself and hid his face while a similar smile fell on his. A similar thought fell through their heads as the plane started lifting off. 'What is gonna happen when that time comes?'

And that finishes this chapter. Next one will take place back in normal time with a little cute family bonding. Hope you all enjoyed this and thanks for reading.

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