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Tw: Violence, threats, language.

lol sorry for all the POV switches in this chapter. It was mainly to put some things into motion.

Also hiiiiii I'm back.

Karina drummed her fingers along the armrest of her chair, staring blankly at the forms in front of her. She still hadn't sent her response back to the Empire, and Wolffe hadn't returned yet. He was supposed to be gone shortly to meet with some other clones, but it had been a week.

"We're running out of time." Mary smiled tiredly.

"I know." Karina pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm trying to think."

Nicky picked up a datapad and wrinkled his nose at it. "So what can we do? Do we join the Empire? They surely would protect us, but at what cost..."

"It's off the table. I will not stand for it," Karina firmly said.

"I have a solution," Benedict announced as he flung the doors open and strutted inside.

"Benedict," Karina coldly said. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard about your dilemma and am here to offer my services to get the Empire off your back." Benedict examined his nails. "It's quite simple, too."

"What's your suggestion?" Nicky stood slightly in front of Karina.

Benedict sneered at Karina. "Marry me."

The room burst out into cries of outrage. Mary lobbed a datapad at his head which he barely dodged, and another council member shook their fist at him.

Karina held up a head, bringing the screaming to a stop. "Why would I ever do? And I'm not sure if you've heard, but I'm pregnant."

"That's fine. I can't have kids anyway, so I'll raise it as my own." Benedict sniffled and wiped at his snotty nose with the palm of his hand. "As long as it's a son. You can take care of it ifs it's a girl."

"Get out." Karina pointed at the door. "Get out, right now."

Benedict smirked. "But don't you want the Empire off your back? My father is an important officer. If we got married, I could convince him to let you guys off the hook..."

"Absolutely not. And I already told you to get out!" Karina gestured to the door again. 

"You'll regret this!" Benedict yelled, his entire face turning red as spittle flew from his mouth. "I'll make you regret this."

"That's a threat," Nicky boredly remarked. "And it's a crime to threaten the ruler. So I'm just going to go ahead and imprison you."

"You can't do this!" Benedict screamed as he was dragged away by the guards. "I- I'll make you pay!"

Karina ignored him, picking up the datapad that had thrown. Her brow furrowed and her lips thinned as her eyes flicked over the screen. "Mary, can you send a message to Wolffe, please?"

"Of course." Mary nodded. "Is something wrong? Are you feeling ill? Should I call for a doctor?"

Karina waved her concerns away. "I'm fine. I just have a bad feeling about Benedict..."

Arnold, painstakingly slowly, carved the line into the wall. After the had finished, he stepped back to examine his work.

Five lines marred the otherwise pristine wall

Five lines for each day he'd been in prison. 

It had been six days since he was arrested for harassment. Seven days since he was kicked off the council.

"Arnold." A knock on the glass interrupted his thoughts. "There's someone I'd like for you to meet."

Arnold glanced up at the guard. He stood up, walked to the farthest wall of his cell, and leaned against it to show he wasn't about to attack anyone.

The glass slide aside, and a disgruntled looking man was pushed inside.

"This is Benedict. He's your new cell mate." The guard snickered as she walked away.

"Don't get too attached. I won't be here for long." Benedict puffed his chest out. "Once my father hears about this, he'll have that bitch arrested. Then she'll have no choice but to marry me."

Arnold grinned. "Benedict, it seems you don't remember me. My name is Arnold."

Benedict brightened. "Ah! Of course!" His expression fell and he pursed his lips. "Whatever are you doing here?" 

"Karina," Arnold rolled his eyes, "had me placed in here after some stupid woman rejected me. I only tried to prove that she was wrong in turning me down! I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Looks like we have a mutual enemy." Benedict's lips twisted into a cruel smile. "And I have just the right idea on how to do it."

Arnold held out his hand. "It sounds like we have a deal."

Wolffe was tired.

He had to deal with Rex and Kara (Holy shit those two were were a handful), he had to deal with Sinker's shenanigans, and he had to figure out a way to remove the chip in his brain or whatever the kriff was happening. 

Not to mention he had a baby on the way.

Which was still mind-boggling. He was about to have a CHILD. An actual human... (Right?) being that he created with a lot of help from Karina.

"Rex!" Wolffe shouted. "Keep the noise down!"

Rex grinned sheepishly as he poked his head up from under the table across the room. "Kara's fault."

"It is not!" Kara screeched and smacked the back of his head. "You're the one who challenged me to an arm wrestling competition!"

"And you're the one that's a sore loser!" Rex shot back. 

Wolffe pinched the bridge of his nose. Kara really was a terrible influence on his vod. "Shut up, both of you."

"Why don't you shut up!" Kara retired, sticking her tongue out at him.

Rex chuckled before Kara launched herself at him again, intending to rip the arm off that he used to win.

"G- Get off!" Rex grabbed her and pulled her off, dragging her out of the room for Wolffe's sake.

Wolffe sighed and turned his attention back to his datapad. He smiled softly when he saw a message from Karina, only to frown again once he read it. Apparently someone had threatened her.

So Wolffe grabbed his blasters, said goodbye to his brothers, and was out the door before you could say 'Wolffe don't overreact you don't have to kill anyone yet'.

Mando'a translations:

Vod~~~~~ Brother

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