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Yayyyyy another fluffy chapter kinda if you ignore the last part

Crease gripped his satchel tightly, glancing to Flare. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Friendly smiling faintly at the feeling of the sun on his face.

Crease swallowed the lump in his throat.

Sun. Sunshine. The bubbly clone they had been forced to leave behind.

Crease would never forgive himself for it. He would never sleep through the night again without nightmares of Sunshine's cheery smile changing into an open-mouthed scream for help.

"Hey." Adult tapped Crease's shoulder. "We have to go."

Crease frowned. "What happened?"

Adult started walking away, nudging Tricks to get him to start moving. "We found a lead. A group of clones was spotted in the market a few rotations ago."

"Really?" Moon grinned, dusting their hands off of the snow they had been playing with. "That's great."

Venom shot them a sharp look. "Well, there's a high chance they're with the Empire. Most clones are these days."

"This planet isn't allied with the Empire, though," Friendly reminded the group. 

Venom shrugged. "True. I still think we should be cautious."

"Agreed," Flare said. He rubbed at his face before sighing and facing the rest of them. "Let's find somewhere to stay the night. We can find the clones tomorrow."

"If they're even still here." Wiggle gently guided Friendly away from a patch of ice, muttering a warning under his breath. "For all we know, they could've left already."

Tricks pointed ahead. "There. That looks like an inn. Do we have any credits left?"

Venom cleared her throat, holding up a small pouch of credits in front of her face. "We do now."

"Did you steal those?" Moon hissed, shaking their head.

Venom laughed. "Yeah. So what?"

Flare sighed and herded the others along. "Let's just rest for the night. Let's go."

Crease was still examined a market stall when he happened to glance up at a very familiar face. His eyes widened and he frantically swatted at Wiggle's arm. "Look over there!"

Wiggle looked to where Crease was pointed before gasping. "Is that Commander Wolffe?"

Friendly whipped around. "It can't be!"

"I think it is." Venom squinted, trying to be sure. "And he's not with the Empire! It's our lucky day!"

"Sir!" Flare shouted, cupping his hands around his mouth. "Commander!"

They were getting weird looks from people passing by, but they were too busy pushing through the crowd to care. They were getting closer and closer and-

"Commander Wolffe!" Adult yelled, waving his arms in the air.

And he turned around.

He has the scar over his eye and the scowl that was instantly recognizable. As soon as his eyes landed on them, his eyebrows went up slightly.

"It's us!" Flare nearly sobbed. "We found you!"

Wolffe hesitated, walking over. "Flare, right?"

"Yes, sir!" Flare nodded, standing up straighter. "Over there is Tricks, Wiggle, Moon, and Crease. And there's Venom, Adult, and Friendly."

Wolffe smiled fondly at them. "How've you boys been?"

"Not all boys," Venom corrected before shrinking back sheepishly. "Sorry, sir. Just habit."

"No, no." Wolffe shook his head and gave them all a stern look. "What do I need to be caught up on?"

Moon blinked slowly, almost in surprise. "I'm they."

Wolffe patted them on the back. "Thank you for trusting me with this." 

"And I dunno what I am," Venom admitted. "It's she, today, though."

Wolffe smiled kindly. "And that's okay."

A loud commotion drew his attention and he rolled out his shoulders.

"What's that?" Friendly questioned, tilting his head.

Wolffe pinched the bridge of his nose. "That would be Sinker." He groaned before setting his jaw. "I'll introduce you to the others and bring you to Karina. I'm sure she can find a place for you all."

Crease's heart skipped a beat. This all seemed too good to be true.

Sunshine was alone.

Alone and by himself. By himself and all alone. Left to face the cruel galaxy on his own.

He had been left to die, after all.

At least that's what the Kaminoans had been telling him. He found it hard to believe that it would happen, though. Not when he lived the others so much, and he thought the feeling was returned.

But the Kaminoans had his best interests in mind, so he trusted them.

Venom has always said that he trusted too easily, but Sunshine knew there was no such thing.

And he couldn't wait to reunite with them.

The Kaminoans were planning it already, too!

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