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The word 'Assassin' derives from the Arabic term 'Asasiyun', meaning 'those who are faithful to the foundation of the faith'. In medieval times, they were an order of Islamic disciples carrying out political killings that included rival caliphs, sultans, and western crusaders looking to take the holy land. Though vastly outnumbered by enemies, they managed to sack key fortresses, hiding away in the mountains from potential threats. Slowly, their order waned, and in 1275 it was eliminated by the encroaching Mongol Horde.

But although the order vanished, its legacy continues to this day...

"Her performance was about average," Damien says, standing before a council of shadowy men. "Few mistakes were made, though she did express concern for the target's grandchildren. The painting was obtained, and the children were silenced for being potential witnesses."

"...Splendid," an old man says.

"Indeed. Another flower blooms in our garden of death," another says.

"We've sent her her next task. Here's your copy, Novice Damien," a third man says, handing him a scroll.

Damien looks it over, at once raising a brow. "...My lords, with due respect, this seems rather difficult for a new recruit."

"We're sure that she'll succeed."

Damien raises his head. "...It's too soon. She's not ready for this."

One of them gives a shrug. "If not, we'll just find a replacement who's up to the task."

"Run along now, child. We have matters to discuss."

As the men busy themselves, Damien grows concerned, leaving the dark, circular stone room.

Later, back in England, Daphne reclines in a large, luxurious bath. The room smells like roses, scented candles burning nearby. She sits with her eyes closed, hair tied in a bobby pin. As the girl quietly relaxes, her smartphone suddenly rings nearby. She grabs it with one hand, realizing she has a new contract.


Nice work. Our client was most pleased with the painting. Though honestly, I have no clue why someone would pay for such drivel.

Your next job may require some finesse, but we're sure you'll be successful. We need you to eliminate two Russian generals, both of them highly decorated.

The first, Boris Tupikov, is currently stationed in the war torn country of Ukraine. As you may have heard, Russia's invaded the country, and the Ukranians are giving them all that it's worth. They're fighting a losing battle, but our client still seeks a strategic strike against Axis forces.

The second, Vladimir Zotkov, is currently posted in Lebanon, yet another country sacked by the Russians. Zotkov is a bloodthirsty general, and as Russia makes its push into Africa, it's become clear that they plan to take no prisoners. Observers are calling Zotkov's actions genocide, and our client wishes him an expedient death.

Best of luck, Daphne. You'll be paid handsomely for this one.


Daphne reads the screen, growing paler by the second. Surely they can't be serious. Her fourth job out of the box and they already want her to kill a pair of Russian generals? The girl gives a frown, realizing this job sounds highly dangerous. She warily leaves the bath, knowing damn well she can't relax now.

Daphne towels off, leaving the bathroom and entering her second floor bedroom. It used to be her grandmother's house, but things have been cleared out now and the place belongs to her. When she's good and dry, she throws her towel on the bed, removing her pin and letting her hair hang down. As she eyes herself in the mirror, she suddenly screams, swiftly turning around.

"...Damien!" she says, standing there completely and utterly nude.

"Greetings," Damien replies, sitting on a chair in the corner. "Sorry to intrude like this, but I simply had to get here before you left on this suicide mission."

Daphne blinks twice. "...Yes. I noticed how hard it sounded.'d you even get in?!" she asks, blushing.

"I'm an assassin. And there are ways," Damien replies. "Listen. Don't take this job. It's far too dangerous, even for a seasoned pro. Generals are well guarded. Especially Russian types. I don't know what Dawn is thinking... Since the war began, they seem to be handing out contracts at random."

Daphne gives a pause. "...How do you know I can't do it? I might be able to pull it off."

"...Heh. Don't be ridiculous. A team of assassins would have a hard time with this one, let alone just one girl."

Slowly, Daphne curls a lip, her pride wounded by his words. "...Hmph! The 'just a girl' routine, is it? I'll show you! I'll kill them both and be back with time to spare!" she declares.

Damien looks on, surprised by her sudden boldness. She stands there butt naked, Damien eyeing her pale yet pleasant frame. She's thin with smallish breasts, green eyes and dark brown hair. She's shy, but has a nice figure, and a well-trimmed lower half.

"...Daphne. I admire your courage. Truly. And I didn't mean to patronize you in any way. You are a fine assassin, as you've proven several times before."

"...Damien...!" Daphne replies, giving a full body blush.

"Maybe you can pull it off," Damien adds. "But you're not going alone. I'll come with you. Not as your evaluator, but as your bodyguard."

Daphne falls silent. "...Why would you do that?"

He shrugs. "...Guess I'm just worried about you."

Suddenly, Daphne pauses, starting to turn beet red. Damien rises to his feet, giving a smile. "Sorry to barge in. Nice body, by the way."

Daphne stands motionless, heart thumping in her chest. As Damien turns to leave, Daphne darts forth, suddenly catching his wrist. "...Wait," she says quietly.

"Daphne...?" Damien replies.

"...Don't leave," she says shyly, looking into his eyes.

The duo stand in silence, lost in each other's gaze. The room is cool and dark, light peeking in through the curtains. After a lengthy pause, the two lean in, lips meeting with a gentle kiss. They quickly start to make out, kissing and groping and feeling each other up. Passion overwhelms them. At once, Damien strips off, the two proceeding to make love.

Back in Warsaw, Poland, Phoebe and Jade's former condo stands scant and empty. They board a flight to Norway, deciding to move there after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. They settle in the region of Arendal, a small, coastal town on the southeast tip of the country. They purchase a new abode, a two story black and white bungalow near the waterfront.

"Heck of a view, huh?" Phoebe asks, eyeing the North Sea through the front windows.

"Yeah. But are you sure this place is safe?" Jade replies.

"It should be. Arendal is small. No one would think to look for us here."

"Hope not...," Jade replies, unpacking the last of her things. Phoebe looks to her, noticing her slightly odd behavior.

"...Hey. Are you okay? You hardly said a word during the flight."

"...I'm fine," Jade replies, sounding less than convinced. The two sit down on the sofa, sun shining in through the blinds.

"You're not blaming yourself for the war, are you? I told you, it's not your fault. The world was in turmoil. It's a wonder peace lasted for as long as it did."

"I know," Jade replies, remaining quiet as she stares at the sea.

Phoebe gives a sigh. She's seen that look before. She's lived with Jade long enough to know when she's in 'whatever' mode. Quiet passivity usually means there's something on her mind.

"...Well don't be too hard on yourself. We've got less worries now that that CIA guy's dead, but this is no time to get careless."


"They could easily send replacements. And if the Bureau or Dawn find out we're playing them both, we're in big trouble."


Phoebe raises a brow. "...Are we back to that again?"

Jade turns to her. "...What?"

"The one word thing. It was cute for awhile, but got annoying fast."

Jade gives a smile. "...Maybe," she says, returning her eyes to the sea.

Several days later, Johann and Cordelia search the town of Yishun, Singapore. They travel through the streets, Cordelia at the wheel as Johann reclines in the passenger seat.

"...Who do you think's stronger: Faye or Jade?" Johann asks, eyeing the busy streets.

"How would I know?" Cordelia replies, annoyed by the heavy traffic.

"Come on. Don't be boring, Cordie. If you had to choose one, who do you think would win in a fight?"

Cordelia gives a sigh. "...That's tough. Faye's a higher rank, yet insists on using those silly throwing knives of hers. Jade, on the other hand's more of a traditionalist, yet has only been an assassin for a couple of years. It's a close call, but I guess Faye would win in the end."

Johann shakes his head. "...I disagree. I've watched Jade over the years. Her skills are noteworthy, and her career as an assassin has been nothing short of brilliant. That Stockholm job was art, and the Naples contract was the stuff of legends."

"Whatever. It hardly matters, now," Cordelia replies. "She and Faye are in Dawn, which means all we've gotta do is find them and take them out. This is a major job. We'll probably get promoted for this."

"Yes. Assuming we ever find them, that is. Seems like we've been searching for ages, now."

"Don't worry. I've got it on good authority that Faye lives in an apartment somewhere around here...," Cordelia says, eyeing her surroundings.

She pulls into a vacant lot, parking her tiny white car as she and Johann get out. They walk to an abandoned building, looking over the shoddy state of the apartment complex.

"...This building should be condemned. No way is she living in this squalid asbestos trap," Johann says.

"...That's just what she wants us to think," Cordelia replies, drawing her gun as Johann does the same.

The duo turn to each other, sharing a nod as they quickly part ways. Johann runs up to the door, Cordelia rushing to the apartment's patio entrance around back. At once, they burst inside, Johann breaking the door down as Cordelia sneaks in through the back.

They search the first floor apartment . It's cold and dark, with no signs of life anywhere in sight. Each room is emptier than the last. All they find is a calendar, a bedroll and some bottles of water in the fridge. Spiderwebs cling to the walls, the light in the kitchen flickering off and on, barely staying alight.

"Told ya there's nobody here," Johann says.

"But there's a recent calendar, and water in the fridge...!" Cordelia replies.

"Probably belongs to some squatter. Come on. Let's get out of here, already. We're wasting our time."

As Johann looks around, Cordelia bends over, slowly lifting the bedroll's sheet. As she moves the object aside, a small device reveals itself underneath. It flashes a crimson red, beeping the way a digital alarm clock would. Johann and Cordelia freeze, going pale as they realize it's a time bomb.

At once, it goes off, setting the entire building on fire. The explosion rocks half of the town, transforming the crumbling apartment complex into a blazing inferno. As police and fire trucks arrive, a girl stands on a rooftop far away.

"...Hmph. Looks like they actually took the bait," Faye says, watching the chaos unfold beneath. "I'm surprised. The Bureau's slipping these days. I'll have to move again. Too bad... I was rather warming up to that place."

Several days later, Phoebe and Jade head to an open air restaurant. Their table sits by the shore, Jade eyeing the sea as the waiter takes their orders.

"And for you, Madame?" he asks. Jade says nothing, staring out at the sea.

"...She'll take the filet mignon, same as me," Phoebe says.

"Very good," he says, bowing as he takes his leave.

Phoebe turns to Jade. "...Alright. What the hell's wrong with you? You haven't spoken a word in days."

Jade remains silent, eyes fixed to the late evening horizon. "...Phoebe. Do you ever sense that you've wasted your entire life? That everything you've done is pointless, and that your existence has no meaning?"

Phoebe gives a pause, soon flashing a knowing smile. "...Only every second of my life."

Jade slowly turns to her.

"Let me tell you something, Jade. I'll let you in on my little philosophy. It goes something like this: Everything in life is utterly meaningless. There is no god. No heaven. No hell. There is no divine plan; no karma or reincarnation. It's all mere chance that we're here, and when we die, we're gone forever. No one asks to be born, and no one can make sense of this senseless world we live in. But humanity, ever hopeless, tries to assign meaning to where there isn't any. This makes it feel more important, and less lost in the grand scheme of things. But it's all a big lie. All of it. Religion's a farce; a fairy tale for the simpleminded. The truth is, life is meaningless.

It's all a big nothing.

Existentialism had it right to a certain degree, although I'm not as optimistic as those people were. The idea of living 'authentically' is abstract at best and pretentious at worst. The bottom line is this: Life is pointless. There's no such thing as wasted time, as everything's a waste of time. And we can't waste our lives, Jade, since life's already been a waste since the day we were born."

Jade gives a long pause, absorbing all that Phoebe has said to her. "...You really believe all that?"

"I do," Phoebe replies, sipping a glass of Chardonnay.

"Then...why do you go on living? What's the point if you think it's all a waste?"

Phoebe gives a shrug. "...I dunno. Force of habit, I suppose. Or maybe the fear of death. It could be any number of things. Or perhaps I live for those little things in life. For instance, I enjoy this wine. And food. And books. And sex. Just because life has no meaning doesn't mean we can't find little pleasures from time to time."

Jade lightly frowns. "Phoebe... Your outlook's so bleak. I had no idea you felt this way."

Phoebe sighs. "Don't be so dramatic. That's the problem with you religious types: you love your melodrama. I have no problem feeling this way. In fact, I enjoy it. Beats the hell out of lying to yourself about 'god'.

But enough religious talk. I'd say we've beaten this topic into the ground, already. I want you to calm down, Jade. You've been on edge recently, and I fear for your mental state. We should be safe out here, but still, you can't let your demons eat you alive. Let go of this religious stuff. Morality is an illusion, and will only drive you crazy in the end."

Jade goes quiet, head in her hand. "...I'll try," she replies, staring out at the sea.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Lebanon, Daphne holds General Zotkov square in her sights. Damien watches nearby, the two crouched behind a dusty ridge. The general talks with his cohorts, standing in a makeshift camp roughly 600 yards away.

"...I see him. He's pretty far off. Should I take the shot now, or wait till he gets closer?" Daphne asks.

"It's your call. That rifle should handle this distance. Then again, its silencer may get in the way," Damien replies. "You should be safe from here, though. You had no problems killing Tupikov from a similar range."

Daphne gives a gulp, mouth dry as the desert terrain. She carefully takes aim, at once pulling back the trigger. The bullet leaves the barrel, traveling 617 yards to its destination. As Zotkov's head turns to blood, Daphne smiles. "Yes!" she exclaims.

"Nice one," Damien replies, eyeing the scene through a pair of binoculars. Zotkov's men scramble around, weapons drawn as they look for potential threats. "Looks like they don't see us. We'd best clear out of here before they do, though."

"Agreed," Daphne replies.

As the two turn around to leave, they suddenly spot someone standing on a rock. The duo tense up, squinting their eyes at the silhouette high in the sun.

"Not bad, little girl...," Esther says. "But snipers are such pussies. I prefer weapons like this!"

Suddenly, she raises an arm, revealing a bazooka strapped to her back. At once, she fires a rocket, the RPG screeching through the air toward the hapless duo. Before they can even react, the rocket touches down, striking the ground with a mighty blast. The air fills with orange and black. Body parts fly everywhere, painting the dunes a crimson red. Daphne's head bounces around, a look of terror locked to her face. As it rolls to a stop, Esther cackles wildly, jumping to the ground below.

"Kya, haa, haaa!" she says, grabbing the head. "I say...what a nice souvenir. You'll look marvelous next to the rest...!"

"Oy! Stop right there!" a trio of soldiers shouts.

As the men open fire, Esther flashes a grin, firing a blast that turns the three into hamburger meat. "Die, you maggots!" she screams.

As a large group of soldiers approach, Esther turns around, hopping an old gold and white dirt bike. She quickly makes her escape, bullets zipping by as the rawkus engine purrs.

The sun beats down from the sky. As Esther braves the terrain, an enemy jeep suddenly appears from behind. It lets off several shots. Esther swerves left and right, narrowly dodging the oncoming rounds. She gives a frustrated cringe, knowing full well she can't drive and fire a rocket launcher at the same time. She hastens up the pace, increasing her speed as the jeep barely manages to keep up. Esther continues to swerve, bullets flying everywhere as her pursuers give chase.

Suddenly, they reach an incline. Esther maximizes her speed, at once clearing a 400 foot gorge. She lands on the other side, but the jeep isn't so lucky, its drivers screaming as they plummet to a fiery death. Esther speeds through the mountains, kicking up dirt as she makes a hasty escape.

Meanwhile, back in Norway, weeks go by as news of the war gets worse. Russia and China expand, eventually clashing with the forces of Germany and Italy. Both sides suffer heavy losses, but the Axis prevails due to China's sheer number of troops. Russia successfully takes Germany, and China sacks Italy, the Axis spreading like a plague over Europe.

Late one afternoon, Phoebe strolls through the streets of downtown Arendal. It is a pleasant town. Clean streets. Friendly people. Quaint shops and architecture. The land is fresh and pristine, and looks in every way distinctly Scandinavian. Phoebe walks through the town, overhearing gossip about the ongoing war.

"...The Axis is getting larger."

"Germany's already fallen."

"It's just a matter of time before they reach here..."

The whispers are all disturbing, but Phoebe barely notices. She has other concerns on her mind. For just over two weeks now, she's noticed how Jade has become increasingly distant. She barely says a word, and when she does say something, it's usually reactionary. Yes. Sure. Indeed. Rarely more than one word. Such was her old habit, but for her to stay shut in the house without taking any jobs is unusual. Even Phoebe's taken a few since Canada, but Jade's last job still remains the New Jersey contract.

Phoebe lets out a sigh, returning home as the sun begins to set. She goes into the house, immediately getting a chill as she enters the foyer. "...Jade?" she calls out.


Phoebe stands motionless. A sick feeling comes over her. "...Jade?" she calls out once again, getting no reply. As she nears the hall bathroom, she stops, noticing the door is cracked. The light is on inside. In fact, it's the only light on in the house.

Phoebe approaches the door. She then gives a pause, warily creeping it open. Suddenly, her eyes go wide. "...Jade!" she exclaims, quickly rushing to the bloody bathtub. "Jade! Jade!" she shouts, shaking the girl's shoulders. She looks around at the scene, realizing Jade's cut her wrist open with a razor. Phoebe gives a short pause, hesitantly feeling for a pulse.

...It's there. But barely.

Quickly, Phoebe grabs hold, at once hoisting her out of the bathtub. She runs to the living room, water dripping from Jade's soaking wet nightgown. Phoebe moves with great haste, surprised at how light and frail Jade's body is. It's almost like a child's. It's hard to believe this is the same girl who's taken countless lives. "Jade...hang on," Phoebe whispers, patting her head as she calls an ambulance.

As the duo wait in silence, Jade's world is darkness. She barely sees or hears a thing. Her senses are all muddled, lost in shadows, demons clawing at her feet. She peers through the darkness, recognizing a few of their sneering faces. Flax. Madigan. Natasha. All of them reach for her with looks of bloodlust. She faintly squints her eyes, barely making out Phoebe's silhouette standing above. Jade gives a vague smile, reaching out before abruptly losing consciousness.

Several days later, Jade finds herself in a psychiatrist's office. A man sits in front of her. Thin. Bald. Sleek glasses and a smart guy tie. He fiddles around with a pen, observing Jade as she sits in silence.

"...So. Miss Edelheim. Care to tell me what happened last week?" the gentleman asks. His name is Sven Orvik, PhD. So says the certificate hanging on the wall. "Your friend is worried about you. I understand you're new to Arendal. I'd welcome you, though I wish it were under brighter circumstances. What happened that day, Rose? Why did you slash your wrist?"

Jade remains silent, wearing a white sleeveless sundress and beige sandals. "...I don't know. I just...wanted to end it all, I guess."

Orvik turns his head, staring deep into her soul. "I think I understand. Given the state of the world, many people are giving in to despair. Is that what it is? Are you concerned over the war?"

Jade sighs. "...Sort of."

"That's understandable. No one would blame you for worrying. I have concerns myself, as do my wife and two kids. My youngest son keeps asking me 'Are the Russians gonna kill us, daddy?'. I don't know what to tell him. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. I don't have the answer, but I do know we have to cope," Orvik says.

He prattles on and on, using the alias 'Rose' that Phoebe gave her. "...Things may seem bleak at times, but you have people who love you. Audrey stayed by your side the entire time while you were in the hospital."

Suddenly, Jade feels flush. She knows he means Phoebe. Her eyes burn, heart filling with shame. She feels about to break down, but the tears won't come--especially not in front of this man. "...I see. I didn't know," she replies, a slight crack in her voice.

Orvik picks up on it. "...May I ask what your relationship with Miss Grunfeld is?" Orvik asks, referring to Phoebe's alias. "If you'd prefer not to answer, that's fine."

Jade pauses. "She's...a longtime friend. You might call her a business partner."

"I see. And what is your business, if I may ask?" Jade looks him over, suddenly suspicious. "...Again, you may pass on this question if you like."

"...We...we're freelance journalists. We were covering the war, but I guess it got to be too much for me

"...I see," Orvik replies, caught between surprise and disbelief. Jade remains silent. She suspects he knows she's lying. "Well that would explain all the stress. Still, there are ways of dealing with things. Coping mechanisms, if you like. For instance..."

The session drags on, continuing for just over an hour. When things are about to end, Orvik leans forward, giving Jade a warm, shifty smile. "...I think you should take a break. Go somewhere for awhile, far removed from all the noise of the world. I know just the place. It's called Crestview Heights.

I'm sure you'll like it there."

Jade pauses. "...Crestview Heights?"

"Indeed. A charming, top-rated psychiatric facility."

Jade's heart skips a beat. "You insane asylum?"

Orvik gives a smile. "That's an outdated term. You're not insane, Rose. I can tell just by speaking with you. Crestview is...a place of rest. Where people who've perhaps lost their way can find it again. Don't worry. You'll merely be there a few days. If you don't like it you can leave, or choose not to go entirely. But I want you to consider this, Rose. It's a top notch facility. They may be able to evaluate you better than I can. Here," the man says, handing her a pamphlet on the place. "...Please. Just think it over. I'd hate for our next meeting to be over your second suicide attempt."

Jade and Orvik stand up, the man smiling as he escorts her from the room. The girl moves through the hall, finding Phoebe in an empty waiting room. Upon noticing Jade's approach, she rises to her feet, giving her a look of concern.

"...How'd it go in there?"

"...Alright, I suppose," Jade replies, the two heading for the lot. They enter Phoebe's sedan, Phoebe noticing the pamphlet in her hand.

"What's that?"

"...Oh. I'm not really sure. Some kind of psych ward, I think. Orvik recommends I stay there a few days. Says it's top of the line."

Phoebe turns her head. "What? He wants you to stay in a loony bin? Damn fool. Sorry, Jade. That guy came well recommended, but I guess he's just another quack."

Jade looks out the window. "...I don't know, Phoebe. He seemed legit to me. His diploma was on the wall. Maybe he's right. Maybe I do belong in a place like this."

Phoebe shakes her head. "No. You're not crazy, Jade. You're simply under a lot of stress. Both of us are. It's a wonder we manage to keep our shit together at all. I'm sorry to have dragged you to a shrink. I'm just...worried about you is all."

Jade slowly turns her head. "Phoebe...!" she says, voice lightly trembling.

"I thought a therapist might help. But as it turns out, they're just scam artists. They're all in it for the cash. I figured as much, but hoped an expensive one would be different. Guess I was wrong.

Listen to me, Jade. I don't blame you for trying to kill yourself. The world's a sea of waste--increasingly so as time goes by. And you're not the only one suffering. If I had a dime for every time I considered suicide, I could buy a small country. But the thing is...if you die, there's no coming back. So long as you're alive, there's at least hope that you'll be able to salvage some happiness. The Buddha wasn't lying when he said life is suffering. I don't believe in karma, but that's one thing he got right.

Please...don't scare me like that. Don't kill yourself and leave me alone in this world of shit."

Jade sits motionless. She stares in silence, a tear streaming down her face. She then gives a warm smile. "...You got it, Phoebe. I promise. That's one job I'll have to pass on."

The girls return to the house, feeling closer than they've felt in all the years they've known each other. They spend quality time together, Phoebe keeping a close eye on Jade all the while. There's a sad truth about suicide. Those who attempt it usually try again. And Phoebe isn't about to let her best friend go out that way. Part of it is selfish. She doesn't want to be left alone, but just as much, Phoebe genuinely cares for Jade. She wants the best for her, and believes the whole incident was simply a cry for help. After all, Jade needn't use razors. If she really wanted to die, she could've easily used one of her guns.

Over the coming days, Jade expresses more and more interest in the psychiatric ward. Phoebe tries talking her out of it, but Jade's mind is made up.

"I want to go," Jade says. "I know you hate psychiatry, but I think Dr. Orvik was onto something. He kind of opened my eyes. Psychiatry's all about self discovery. Maybe I'll learn something new in there."

Phoebe heaves a sigh, reluctantly taking Jade to Crestview Heights Medical Center.

As the two drive through the mountains, a girl with crimson red hair strolls through her manor. Bloodstains adorn her clothes, her white goth dress looking like something pulled out of a horror film. She heads to the dark basement, eventually reaching a massive meat freezer. Casually, she walks inside, a teal luminescence barely lighting the place.

"Ahh... Hello my pretties," Esther says, passing by rows of severed heads. Each of them line the walls, rotting and skewered by meat hooks dangling from above. "Did you miss me while I was gone? Sorry to leave you again, but mama's gotta pay the bills, you know. Don't worry... I've returned with two friends you can chat with."

Esther hoists Damien's head up, shoving it through one of the few remaining rusty hooks. It gives a vile squish, blood dripping down to the tiled floors below. "Ah...such a handsome lad. Don't you agree, Fran?" Esther asks, eyeing a nearby head. Fran gives no reply, holding the same look of fright she held when Esther shot her in the neck.

"And you, my little dear...," Esther says, raising Daphne's head and taking a look. "...You would look good next to Ian over there. You're both British, you see. Your pasty white flesh will accent each other well," Esther says, cackling as she skewers Daphne. Her head hangs down from the ceiling, frozen with fear as Esther eyes her collection with pride.

Some girls collect Barbie Dolls. Others collect jewelry, or perhaps antique figurines. Esther collects human heads. She has 160 in all, not counting the ones she's turned into bloody mist. Esther gives a wry smile, casually humming as she leaves the dark basement.

She returns to the first floor hallway, locking the hatch to her basement good and tight. Upon passing a rainy window, her phone goes off, playing 'Maneater' by Hall and Oates.

"Hello?" Esther says.

"Yo," a female voice replies. "I got Johann and Cordie. How's things on your end?"

Esther gives a grin. "Damien and the brat are no more. Their plans have been blown to smithereens."

"Excellent," Faye replies, twisting the cord of her phone around.

"Things are going as planned. But there's still Phoebe and Jade left to deal with. Who knows where the fuck they've gone..."

"Don't worry. Just give me some time. I'm sure I can track them down again."

"Once they're out of the way, we just need to get rid of the old farts and the Bureau will be ours."

"Yes. At long last...!" Faye replies.

As the duo hang up, Esther grins. "...And then you're next, cunt lips."

Over in Arendal, Jade arrives at Crestview Heights Medical Center. "Ah. Welcome, my dear," a friendly old woman says. "You must be Miss Edelheim."

"Yes," Jade replies, eyeing the spacious front lobby. Its decor is cold and bleak. Gray walls. Blue carpet. Black and white ceiling tiles. "We've been expecting you. If you'll sign in here, we can start your tour of the compound."

Jade blinks several times, no less than three nurses watching her every move. One behind the desk, one down the hall and one nearby. She picks up a fountain pen, signing the alias 'Rose Edelheim'.

"Very good," the nurse in the hallway says. "Welcome to Crestview, Rose. My name is Nurse Rindhal, and I shall be your guide."

Rindhal begins the tour, a tall woman with round glasses and an average build. She looks about forty-five, having that firm yet friendly smile one would expect from a psych nurse. She shows Jade around the compound, visiting the back lobby, the halls, the cafeteria and the TV room. Jade catches eyes with some patients, most of them looking disturbed in one way or the next.

"Here are the bedrooms," Rindhal says. "This is your suite. Miss Grunfeld spared no expense, so you've received the largest room we have."

Jade looks it over. It's large yet plain, having a pleasant view of the mountains.

The tour takes twenty-two minutes. When it finally concludes, Rindhal wishes Jade well, leaving her alone in the TV room. It's sleek with a giant screen, leather sofas and chairs dotting the area. It's clearly an upscale facility, but Jade never forgets that it is indeed a mental institution. She heaves a small sigh. Her evaluation isn't for another three days. As she looks around, a trio of young patients appear.

"Hey," a slender girl says, wearing a pair of tight blue jeans and little else. Jade eyes her with surprise, the stranger smirking as her boobs hang free in the wind. "You the new chick?"

"...Ummm. Yes," Jade replies, standing to face her. "The name's Rose Edelheim. Pleased to meet you."

"Heh. Name's Maddie," she replies, stroking her straight blond hair. "This here's Kim and Petra. Pair of weirdos if ya ask me."

"Tch! Look who's talkin'!" Kim says, a girl in a black raincoat.

"Yeah. We're not the ones who go around topless," Petra adds, wearing a polkadot dress.

"Hey! It's hot outside! It is summertime, you know. If guys can do it, why can't we?" Maddie replies.

"You lucked out today, Rosie. Sometimes she walks around here buck naked," Kim says.

"There's nothing wrong with that! Just 'cause I'm comfortable with my skin doesn't mean you've gotta raise a stink about it!" Maddie says. "The truth is, though, I do this hoping they'll let me out. My parents locked me in here, you see, and management hates it when I go around nude. I'm hoping they'll eventually get pissed and release me. So far it hasn't worked, though..."

"Yeah right," Petra says. "You'd walk around like that even if you weren't in here."

"Would not!" Maddie replies, cringing as the other two laugh at her. Jade calmly blinks, a faint smile growing on her lips. "What's your story, chick? Your parents dump you in here as well?"

"...Not really," Jade replies. "I volunteered."

The three look to her in shock. "You what?!" they ask in unison.

"You're here by choice?" Petra adds.

"Yes. I wanted to be evaluated. I was hoping to learn something new about myself in here."

"Feh. Fat chance of that," Maddie replies. "The only thing you'll learn here is what the smell of piss and cleaning ammonia smells like. You've made a big mistake, Rosie. People seek to break out this place, not to get in."

Jade shrugs. "We'll see," she replies. Maddie's right. It doesn't seem like heaven, but at least the Bureau's not likely to find her here.

The next day, Jade wakes up with the sunrise. She leaves her giant suite, the other girls awed and jealous of her massive room.

"...Whew. Damn, sister," Maddie says, greeting Jade in the hallway without a stitch on. "That's the biggest room in Crestview. You must be loaded to afford that."

"Not really," Jade replies. She's lying, of course. Her career's made her a small fortune.

The two move down the halls, passing by rooms as they make for the cafeteria. They soon meet up with Kim and Petra, everyone apparently unfazed by Maddie's naked state.

"Hey there, nudist," Kim chides.

"What up, pyro," Maddie replies.

"...Pyro?" Jade asks.

The table falls silent, sharing looks of unease.

"...Yeah. Kim burned down her parent's house last year," Petra says.

"I did not! That was an accident!" Kim says, almost screaming.

"That's not what the police report said," Maddie says, casually grabbing a pear.

"They lied!" Kim shrieks. The room turns to them, several snickers filling the air.

"God... Must you cause a scene every morning?" Maddie says. "Chill out already, Kim. We've all got our problems around here. I'm naked, Petra's a nut, you're a pyro, and Rose...," she says. "...Well. We don't know what Rose is yet. But we'll learn."

Jade sits in silence, the others sizing her up. As they quietly look her way, Faye stands at a gun range, hearing the buzzer go off. As the targets start to move, Faye springs into action, suddenly drawing knives instead of guns. She tosses a swift dagger, impaling a target through the head. She then throws another, ripping one's neck open like a hot knife through butter. She then throws a third, skewering its paper thin heart from twenty yards away. She continues hitting targets, maintaining bullseyes until the last buzzer sounds.

"Oooh. Well done," a stoical boy says, clapping twice.

"It's all in the wrist, young Claus," Faye replies, smiling as she rubs his soft, messy hair. He gives a little blush, an albino boy with baggy clothes as white as his hair.

"What'd evil Esther have to say?" he asks.

"That she's killed Daphne and Damien. She's holding up her end of the deal, though I'm sure she's just using me," Faye says. "That's fine. I'm using her, too. I don't plan on sharing power with that lunatic for even one second."

"It's a world of users out there. No one's using anyone using no one...," Claus replies.

Jade smiles. "Indeed, little man. You're smart for a ten-year-old. Now I see where that 200 IQ comes from."

Back in Norway, day slowly fades into night. Jade stands by her window, her first day at Crestview officially complete. It passed with little ado, the others performing various activities with the doctors and nurses throughout the day. Jade chose not to participate. Being a voluntary patient, she has that right. She's considered a low risk patient, despite trying to kill herself less than two weeks earlier. She stares out at the mountains, the aurora borealis dancing high in the sky. As she stares at its neon glow, a quiet knock comes from her door.

"Yoo-hoo~," a sly girl says.

"...Maddie," Jade replies, watching her step nakedly into the room.

"I'm not interrupting, am I?"

"No. I was just watching the northern lights."

"Cool, huh? Beats the hell outta TV."

"Agreed," Jade says.

As the two stare out the window, Maddie looks sideways. "...Your English is very good. You're not from around here, are you?"

Jade pauses. "...No."

"Knew it. Where you from?"

"I'd rather not say."

"...Ah-ha. So you're a spy."

Jade smiles. "...Something like that."

"Well I'm from the US. Oregon to be exact. And judging by your accent, I'm guessing you're American, too."

"...Indeed," Jade replies.

"Might I ask what state?"

"...You can, but I probably won't answer you."

"Smart ass," Maddie quips. "Still. I'll bet I can guess. Let's see... There's no southern in your voice, so you can't be from the south. You're also calm and reserved, so New York and Texas are out of the question. You sound too smart for Illinois, and too cultured to be from anywhere in the midwest. Hmm...Seattle, maybe? Nah. You're not a snob. I'm guessing you're from California. Am I right?"

Jade blinks twice, surprised by her deductions. "...Maybe."

"Ha! Knew it.~ That little pause gave it away."

Jade sighs. "...Very good. You've got a pretty smart ass there yourself," Jade says, staring at her nude one.

"Hee, hee. Thanks," Maddie replies shyly.

"Keep this to yourself, though. I'm trying to lay low in here."

"Ah... So you are a spy!"

"No. But if I told you what I do, you'd be in big trouble. So just...don't ask too many questions."

Maddie's eyes light up. "...Maaaaannnn! I just knew it! From the moment I saw you, I knew we were gonna be friends. You're not like the bores around here. Norwegians are so lame. You give off good vibes, Rosie Cheeks."

"Umm. It's just Rose."

"...Err. Right. Rose," Maddie says, awkwardly scratching her head.

The girls talk back and forth, Maddie sitting on a hope chest as Jade sits by the window. Jade listens on as she talks, realizing that Maddie is actually quite smart. She graduated high school with honors, and was attending college when her parents suddenly got a divorce. Things went south from there. Maddie dropped out of school, staying out late and doing drugs like ecstasy. One night, she overdosed, and that's when her parents decided to sign her into Crestview Heights.

"You're lucky...," Maddie says, hugging her knees. "You can leave whenever you like. I, however, am stuck in this place."

"Maddie...," Jade replies, looking to her with concern. "...Trust me. There are worse fates. This place may seem bad, but the world outside's a scary place, especially now."

"...Yeah. That's what mom keeps saying."

"She's right. What brought you to Arendal if you're originally from Oregon?"

"My dad's dumb military job. He's a big wig in the navy, and was stationed in Norway for a long time. We originally stayed in Oslo, but Mom liked Arendal so much that we eventually moved here."

"Why didn't you stay behind in the US?"

"I was too young at the time. I was a freshman in high school and had no say in the matter. All I wanted was a normal life. Now, I'm locked in some insane asylum halfway around the world. Life's funny, isn't it?"

Jade pauses. "...Tell me about it."

Just then, the door cracks open. "Checks," a nurse says, smiling as she holds a clipboard. She then leaves the room.

"...What's that all about?" Jade asks.

"Oh. It's called 'Checks'. They do it for all the new girls," Maddie says. "Don't worry. They'll quit after awhile. At least they did for me. Half the staff probably wants me dead by now."

Jade frowns. "...Don't say that, Maddie. After all...death is no laughing matter."

Maddie blinks twice, soon giving a warm smile. Slowly, she stands up, walking naked over to Jade. She stops in front of her, the light of the moon making her skin a milky white. "...Rose. You're very sweet," she says. "Tell me..." she leans forward. "...Have you ever been with a girl before...?"

Jade sits stoically. "...I've never even been with a guy before."

Maddie grins. "...Guys are overrated. No one knows a woman's body better than we do," she says. Slowly, she raises a hand, cupping Jade's cheek as she gives her a gentle kiss.

Jade sits motionless, half surprised, half curious. Jade is attracted to guys. She's certainly no lesbian, but wonders if Maddie might be. Maybe she's bisexual. The kiss goes on, Maddie straddling Jade as she feels her body up. Jade doesn't fight her off. It doesn't feel good, but it doesn't feel bad, either. Suddenly, she remembers Phoebe. She gives a weak frown, slowly pulling away.

"...This is wrong," Jade says quietly.

"...Why?" Maddie asks, voice filled with passion.

"Look...I like you, Maddie. But we just met. Maybe we shouldn't dive into this just yet."

Maddie breathes a sigh, leaving Jade's lap as she shrugs. "Hmmm. Maybe you're right. Sorry if I was too forward. I just get horny cooped up in this place."

Soon, Maddie leaves the room, and Jade eventually calls it a night. She tosses and turns for awhile, recalling her lusty encounter with Maddie. She still feels her gentle touch, her tender lips and body heat. She's not sure what to think. Maddie's certainly cute, but Jade's never had feelings for a girl before. Not even once with Phoebe, and they were as close as close could be. Jade slowly closes her eyes, eventually drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, Jade wakes up rather late. She rubs the sleep from her eyes, leaving her room and entering the hallway. As she heads for the cafeteria, a familiar voice greets her from nearby.

"Hey," Maddie says. She's not naked this time, instead wearing a loose red hoody and nothing else.

"...Hi," Jade says in reply. Already, the vibe between them's changed.

"Listen. About last night..."

"...Forget it. It's fine. And besides, we shouldn't speak about it here."

"...Yeah. I guess you're right," Maddie says. "By the haven't seen the upper floors yet, have you?" Jade looks up at the stairs, soon shaking her head. "I'll give you a tour. It's quite a spectacle--especially the third floor."

The two head up the stairs. Jade looks around, finding the second floor emptier than the first. In fact, there's no one around. Just endless stretches of white walls and blue carpeting. "These are the shrinks' offices," Maddie says. "The nurses have rooms up here, too. We're not supposed to be here, but I've run into a few quacks and they never say a word."

"...This place is larger than I thought."

"I know. It looks small from the outside, but that's just because the compound's longer than it is wide."

The two continue through the halls, eventually reaching a second staircase. Maddie flashes a grin, immediately putting Jade on edge. "...Alright. The second floor's pretty boring, but the third floor's where all the action starts. You see, this is what they call the 'haunted floor'."

"...'Haunted' floor?"

"Yes. You see, this is where all the psycho patients go. The crazy of the crazy. The maniacs. The scary ones. Screams often come from up here, and the living conditions are absolutely horrible. Occasionally, someone breaks loose, running through the halls as five orderlies chase them around. It's so funny...," Maddie says. "Sometimes they reach the first floor. The girls always cheer them on, hoping they'll break free so at least we won't have to deal with them. They never do, of course. The orderlies grab them up, pumping them full of sedatives to calm them down."

"How horrible...," Jade replies.

"Welcome to Crestview Heights," Maddie says. "The third floor's basically the compound's dirty little secret. Used to be the poor patients who stayed there. Now, there are no poor patients--all asylums are expensive. They say it's harder to get in one than get into college, and I tend to agree.

...So? What are we waiting for? Care to start the tour...?"

Jade gives a pause, warily eyeing the staircase. "...Hmm. Might as well," she says. She's hesitant, but doesn't want to wimp out in front of Maddie.

"Heh. That's the spirit," Maddie says, starting up the stairs.

Upon reaching the third floor, the two are immediately greeted by the smell of ammonia. "Whew...," Jade says, quickly holding her nose.

"I know. The nuts often piss themselves, so the orderlies have to clean up after them. I don't envy them one bit."

The two sneak through the halls, eventually reaching a large metal door. Maddie points inside, smiling at its barred window. "...There's my future cell," she jokes. Jade blinks, taking a look inside.

A lone girl stands within, circling the room whilst wearing a straitjacket. She mumbles incoherencies, giving a smirk far removed from sanity. "That's Crazy Janice in there," Maddie says. "Word is, she smothered her kid sister with a pillow. Claimed she was possessed by the devil, and that her soul needed release. Ironic, isn't it? I'd say she's the one possessed."

As Maddie continues on, Jade stares through the window, feeling nothing but pity for Janice. She then follows Maddie's lead, eventually reaching a second door.

"Next we have Psycho Susanne. This one's a real piece of work. Supposedly, she killed some guy all the way in Finland for calling her a nasty name online. He thought he could get away with it since he was anonymous, but Susanne traced his IP, and the following week his head was found mounted on a telephone pole."

"...Hmph. Serves him right," Jade says.

"I agree. But the police didn't. They tried her, found her insane and locked her up in here."

Maddie continues on, showing Jade around the third floor. They pass a number of rooms, each containing its own unique mental patient. Some of them are bound up. Others are naked. Others still stare blankly ahead. Jade looks on with concern. With all the horrors she's seen, it's little wonder they wound up here. And now, Jade walks among them: another cuckoo in a bird cage. The thought depresses her. She's not as bad off, but wonders if someday she will be.

"These are the bedrooms," Maddie says, the two passing various roughshod rooms. "Looks like a dump, I know. The whack jobs get the shittiest living quarters."

"Stop calling them that," Jade replies.


"Because. It's pissing me off. They may be touched, but they're still human."

Maddie raises a brow. "...Testy!" she replies, flashing a dry smile.

The tour continues on, Maddie leading Jade into an observation room. "This is where they test patients out. Ya know. Poke and prod them. Kind of like lab rats. Only the real psychos get brought in here. Or... Excuse me. The 'truly troubled ones'."

"I think I've seen enough," Jade says, feeling increasingly tense.

"Wait. You haven't seen the best part," Maddie says. "There's a way to reach the roof. They keep it locked tight, but I found a spare key."

The girls reach the back of the building, Maddie producing a key from inside her hoody. She unlocks a metal door, eventually reaching a short black staircase.

The two climb up to the roof, taking a look at the picturesque scenery. Suddenly, Jade gives a pause, at once taken by the crisp landscape. Clear skies. Gray mountains. Blue seas stretching out for endless miles. "Nice view, isn't it?" Maddie asks.

"...Y--yeah," Jade replies, lost for words.

"Crestview's interior is such a shit hole. I come out here to clear my head. Or try to, anyway."

"...Yes. It's a very nice view. Such a juxtaposition to the third floor."

"Totally," Maddie replies, producing some cigarettes and lighting one up.

"...They let you have matches in here?"

"No. I got these from Kim. Swiped them from her nightstand before she burned the place down."

"I see. So she really does like fires."

"...Yeah. She's a peculiar duck. I'm surprised she's not on the third floor to be honest."

Soon, the duo return to the first floor and the sun eventually sets. Jade goes back to her room, knowing her appointment with Dr. Tandberg is tomorrow. He's Crestview's lead psychiatrist, and one of Europe's top mental health physicians. He's the one Jade wants to see. She feels increasingly tense, wondering what his diagnosis will be. It's just one day away.

...But unfortunately, that day never comes.

As the northern lights dance, a gentle rain begins to fall. Police vans head through the mountains, arriving in the parking lot of Crestview Heights Medical Center. Armed SWAT teams emerge, equipped with SMGs and SPAS12 combat shotguns. Snipers take their positions, the storm worsening by the second.

"You're sure the target's in there?" Chief Paulsen asks, standing defensively behind his squad car.

"Positive," Dillmore says from nearby, Deputy Director of the CIA. "Surround the entire compound. Prepare to storm the building. You have no idea how long I've searched for this woman."

Paulsen grabs his radio, relaying the message to his men. They communicate via earpieces, each SWAT team member armed in riot gear. They cover all three entryways: the front, the side, and the back entrance near the trees."...Alright. All teams in position. We're ready to go, but some civilians may get caught in the crossfire. Is that okay?"

Dillmore stands in silence, a burly man in black glasses and short blond hair. "...Yes. Use whatever means necessary to capture the suspect. Remember: I want her alive. I have too many questions for this renegade to let her die."

"...Very well," Paulsen replies. He raises his radio. "...Attention all teams! Charge the building!"

The SWAT teams spring into action, proceeding to blow off the hinges of the compound's locked doors. Each of them storm the building, save for the snipers hidden in the trees outside. "Move! Move! Move!" Team A shouts, entering Crestview's front doors. They debut in the lobby, guns raised as they move with pinpoint precision.

"W--who's there?!" an orderly shouts, eyeing the five with fear.

Spooked, the SWAT team shoots, riddling the portly man full of holes. Bullets tear into his flesh, causing him to twitch as he crashes to the floor.

"...Heh, heh. Oops," a SWAT guy says, the other four snickering as they move down the halls.

Back in Jade's room, the girl sits up, alerted by the loud noise. She jumps out of bed, familiar with the sounds of gunfire. "...Damn. Did they find me here?" she asks, grabbing her TEC-9 from under the bed. She rushes toward the door, peeking out at the chaos unfolding outside.

"Wha...?! What's going on here?!" Petra shrieks, panicked as the asylum girls run for their lives.

"Die!" a SWAT guy shouts, pulling his trigger as countless bullets fly through the air. Petra screams in pain, blood splattering against the walls as she falls dead to the ground.

"Fool! Don't kill the patients!" Team B's leader says. "Paulsen will have our asses if we kill the target by mistake."

"I know. But we're lookin' for a brunette. This chick's a redhead," guy two replies, kicking Petra's corpse.

"That doesn't mean we can just kill anyone we see."

"...Come on. Don't be such a pansy. Didn't we train for this shit? So what if civilians die? They're just collateral damage."

As Team B disappears from sight, Jade leaves her room, slowly approaching Petra's corpse. "Petra...," she says quietly. She looks around, eyeing several bodies lining the floors. "...I'm sorry. It's all my fault. They're here because of me. Once again, I've caused so much death..."

Jade looks on in sorrow. She then steels her resolve, readying her TEC-9 with a vengeance. Quickly, she hurries off, hurdling bodies as she follows the trail of destruction. "Such violence...they're worse than assassins. At least we kill with a mission. These SWAT guys kill just for fun."

At the other end of the building, Maddie avoids detection, wary of any and all signs of danger. She sneaks around in the nude, having been sleeping that way before being so rudely awakened. "Damn these noisy assholes, interrupting my beauty sleep like this."

As she peeks around a corner, she suddenly pauses, going pale as she sees a SWAT team coming. Quickly, she ducks from sight, all but praying that they didn't notice her. As they search around the first floor, Maddie breathes a sigh, watching as they slowly move away. "Phew... That was a close one. Gotta reach the roof. Maybe I can escape from up there."

Quickly, she turns around, sprinting up the staircase to the second floor and then to the third. She passes dark corridors, boobs bouncing around as she runs through the halls naked. Her heart pounds loud in her chest. She's got to escape. She can't die here. Not in a place like this. As she nears the rooftop doors, a pair of girls suddenly appear.

"...Well, well. What do we have here?" Esther asks.

"Oh my. I feel overdressed," Faye chides, the two of them eyeing the girl.

"...Who the hell are you two? More loons? Who let you out of your cages?" Maddie quips.

"We're not loons, my dear," Esther says. "I'd say that's your title. Or was."

At once, she aims her lupara. Maddie's pupils shrink as she pulls the trigger, turning Maddie's head into bloody meat. Her body freezes in place, then drops to the ground, chunks dripping down the walls. Esther smiles grimly, she and Faye stepping over her corpse before continuing down the hall.

Back on the first floor, a girl sits alone in the darkness of her small bedroom. She eyes a candlestick, smiling at the tiny burning flame. "Ah...the beautiful flame! So untamed...!" she whispers, lost in a trance.

Suddenly, the door breaks down. Armed men with rifles enter the room as Kim ignores their presence.

"This her?" Team C's leader asks.

"...Nope," a second man says, eyeing a picture of Jade.

"Kill her. She could be working with her."

At once, they open fire. Bullets rip through Kim's back, causing her body to fly forward and into the wall. The force knocks over the candle, igniting the curtains which quickly spreads to the sheets. As the room turns into a blaze, Team C's leader looks on in dismay.

"...Damn!" he says nervously.

"Nice one," guy two adds. "I told you we should've exercised some restraint."

"Shut up! I'm in charge here, dammit! This never happened. We didn't see a damned thing."

As they return to the hall, a figure emerges, stepping out of the inky shadows. She raises her weapon, ambushing the five of them with a flurry of shots. The men all wail in pain, three of them falling dead as the other two take cover.

Swiftly, they return fire. Jade jumps to the side, firing shots which kills the fourth guy. The leader then looks to his men. Realizing they're all dead, he starts to panic, fleeing like a frightened child. Jade stares in silence, hunting him down like a cheetah. She shoots him square in the back. The man yells in pain, twitching as countless bullets sink into his flesh. His armor stops a few, but most penetrate his skin, forcing him forward and into a trash bin.

"...Hmph. Poetic justice," she says, changing clips before vanishing once again.

"...Team A. What's your status?" Paulsen asks, standing in the rain next to Dillmore and his men.

"Team A here. Target has yet to be found."

"Team B. What's your status?" Paulsen asks.

"Team B reporting, sir. So far, no visual."

"Team C. Report your status," Paulsen says.

Silence is all he hears, and faint static from the line.

"...Team C. Report status," he repeats, eyeing his radio.

He tries several more times, repeatedly getting no response. He looks increasingly tense, but Dillmore stands stoic, knowing full well what's happened here. "...Damn you, Jade Rozenthal. Don't tell me you've killed an entire SWAT team."

As the man eyes the building, Jade runs through the halls, noticing the war torn state of the place. Fire rages on in Kim's room, spreading out to the halls and creeping toward the upper floors.

"Chief! Team B reporting! We've got a huge fire on the western end of the building!"

Paulsen grits his teeth. "Dammit! How'd it start? Did Rozenthal set the blaze?"

"I don't know! But it's out of control! What are your orders, sir?" Team B asks.

"...Alright. Pull out of there. Team D's keeping watch. So long as they're here, Rozenthal can't escape."

"Affirmative," B's leader says, all too pleased to hear those orders. "...Alright. We're off the hook. Let's get the hell out of here!"

"Ah, ah, ah... Not so fast!" a girl says. The team swiftly turns around, eyeing the second floor bannister. Faye tosses a grenade down. Before they can react, it goes off, blowing body parts everywhere. Screams erupt briefly, shifting to wails of agonizing death. As the shrill noise fills the room, Faye watches in silence, giving a serene smile.

"Oy! What was that noise?" Paulsen asks. "Team A! Team A, come in! Do you read?!" Fuzz comes from the line. Paulsen goes pale, turning to Dillmore in disbelief. "You've got to be kidding me. This is just one girl we're dealing with, right?!"

Dillmore shakes his head. "...No. She's a veritable killing machine."

Paulsen gives a long pause, soon raising his radio. "...Team A. Do you read?"

"Affirmative," A's leader says.

"I want you to pull out. A fire has started, and we've lost contact with Teams B and C."

"...What? Abandon the mission?"

"We have no choice. This woman is too dangerous."

A's leader gives a sneer. "...Just give us some time. I assure you we can find this chick."

Paulsen falls silent. "...Alright. But hurry up. It won't be long before the whole building is ablaze."

Team A continues its job, diligently combing the building for the fugitive called Jade. They search around the first floor, then head to the second, moving as one throughout the compound. The fire rages on, getting worse and worse with each passing second. Eventually, fire trucks arrive, sirens booming as they screech into the parking lot.

"Halt!" Dillmore shouts. "Tell your men to stay back!"

"This is a police operation! No firemen allowed!" Paulsen adds.

The fire chief raises a brow. "Are you kiddin'? Look at that blaze! We can't allow it to spread to the forest!"

Paulsen tries to stop him, but his men move in anyway, proceeding to fight the blaze.

As chaos ensues outside, the same happens inside, Jade racing for the building's back door. She arrives at the rear exit, finding that a burning pile of debris blocks her path. Quickly, she turns around, sprinting back to the second floor staircase. She knows she has little choice. The front's too well guarded, and the side is consumed by the blaze. She arrives on the second floor, plumes of smoke billowing out, Jade fighting her way through the haze.

Suddenly, a man appears. "Freeze!" he shouts, aiming his AUG SMG.

"Damn...!" Jade says in shock. She didn't see him coming due to the thick clouds of smoke. Several more men appear, two from behind and three more up ahead.

"Is that her?" A's leader shouts, the five holding Jade in their sights.

"...Bingo!" another man says.

"At last!" A's leader says. "You've led us on quite the little chase. But now you 're coming with us, bitch."

Jade clicks her tongue, realizing she has no choice. The SWAT team surrounds the girl, manhandling her as they lead her down the stairs. They hurry through the halls, eventually arriving at the building's front lobby. "Team A reporting, sir. We've captured the suspect, and are approaching the front courtyard."

"Excellent!" Paulsen says. "You boys have done well. We'll have to celebrate back at the--"

Suddenly, a bullet strikes him. He drops his radio, body crashing into a rainy puddle.

Dillmore pauses in shock. "What the?!" he says, nervously looking all around. He spots something to his right, realizing a pair of snipers lie dead near the trees. As the man goes pale with fright, a second shot rings out, peeling his skull back as blood sprays onto the car. Dillmore falls to the ground, the men outside killed by an unknown assailant.

Team A arrives outside, crossing the parking lot toward the police chief's car. Rain continues to fall, the darkness obscuring their vision. The five of them escort Jade, fire teams all the while combating the raging flames. As the SWAT team reaches the car, they suddenly pause, finding Paulsen and Dillmore dead.

"...The hell?!" A's leader says.

Just then, a shot rings out, killing the man with a bullet through the neck. The other four start to panic. Jade makes her move, snatching her TEC-9 from the dead man's hand. Quickly, she tumbles away, opening fire and mowing another three of them down. As the last guy lets off shots, Jade squats behind the car, eventually shooting him dead.

"Hey! What's goin' on?!" the fire chief yells out, emerging from the burning flames.

Jade coldly eyes the man, suddenly pointing her weapon his direction. The fire chief raises his hands. Jade goes silent, eyeing his men as they continue fighting the blaze. Slowly, she lowers her gun. "...You should leave this place. It's not safe around here."

"Heh. No fire ever is," the man replies.

As the rain continues to fall, a sudden bang comes from behind. The scruffy old chief yells out, flying forward from a shotgun blast to the back.

"You got that right," a naughty girl says.

"...Esther!" Jade replies.

The girls raise their weapons, pointing guns at each other from ten yards away.

"Impressive...," Esther says. "You've come so far, killing a whole team of snipers all by yourself."

Jade gives a pause. "...I thought you killed them."

"Don't try and trick me. I am beyond your mind games," Esther says. "I came here to kill you, Jade. Your head is so pretty; so innocent. It'll look lovely on my wall!"

Quickly, they open fire, strafing sideways as the fight gets underway. Jade ducks behind Paulsen's car, exchanging shots with the madwoman called Esther. They fire back and forth, but the distance and the rain makes Jade's weapon miss repeatedly. Esther maintains the pressure, her sawn off shotgun making mince meant of Paulsen's car. As the vehicle starts to smoke, Jade gives a cringe, jumping sideways as the car bursts into flames. As Jade gets stunned by the blast, Esther runs forward, aiming directly at her head.

"This is the end, Rozenthal," she says. "I came to destroy you, as I knew these police dogs were no match for your might. You've always been good at killing cops. In fact, I believe that's how we first met. But have to die. Faye and I have big plans, and Elegy is a pesky thorn in our sides."

Esther grins wickedly. As she's just about to shoot, a sniper bullet flies its way through the air. It makes for Esther's skull, finding its mark just above her left temple. The girl lurches forward, blood jetting out as she stands in disbelief. Suddenly, she drops her gun, wavering twice before falling dead to the ground.

"...Au revoir," a familiar voice says.

Jade turns around, eyeing a girl with a custom sniper rifle. "...Phoebe!" she says in shock.

"Let's get out of here, Jade. Looks like this place really is a madhouse."

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