Chapter 30

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3 months later 

The months pass very quickly, after Grayson told us what had happened when he got to the table Rose was devastated, but he assured her his feelings for her wouldn't change. 

Aiden and Stella are finally a couple also Anthony and Lily.

The trial went fine and Wyatt will be in the dungeons for seven years since he was trying to protect and provide for his mother.

As for me I am single after what happened with Wyatt, I didn't trust easily but that is about to change.

"Better hurry Harry will be here soon", Aiden says. 

Yes Harry asked me out, well multiple times actually until I finally give in. He understands why I rejected many times before, I was still getting over Wyatt even though in reality I really didn't feel anything with Wyatt.

"Calm down dude, its my date not yours", I chuckle as the maid zip up my dress which meets mid thigh and my blonde hair in a messy bun.

"But this is your first date after the incident of course I am excited", he grins and I roll my eyes.

Dad enters my room,"your.. um.. date is here", he coughs he isn't use to his only daughter going on a date.

"Thanks and I hope you didn't scare him off", I giggle.

"I actually like this dude, but your bodyguards will be near so no worries about him dragging you off into a dark alley to get a kiss", dad winks and I blush.

I leave my room as my brother and father laugh at a joke Aiden cracks.

 I meet Harry in the courtyard,"you look so beautiful princess", he smiles as he takes my hand and kiss it lightly.

I blush,"thanks you don't look bad yourself", he is in a short black pants with a dark blue long sleeve shirt, his dirty blonde hair comb back.

"Shall we?" He holds the door open for me as I get into the backseat of the black car, then he comes in and close the door,"to this address please", he hands my driver the paper.


When we arrive at the beautiful restaurant I couldn't help but gasp,"don't you think this is a little expensive?" I frown.

"You're a princess and have paparazzi following you around, I can't make our first date look like a commoner's date since I am a commoner", he holds the door open for me to enter.

"Well I don't care, we can have a date even in a small cafe and it still would be romantic", I shrug as I walk into the restaurant.

"Don't worry my parents help me with the money although I was saving since three months ago."

"Wait you was saving since that time? You was going to ask me out long time?" I look at him.

"After the incident  yes, remember I asked you more than six time until on the eighth time you finally give in."

Yeah because my brother told me to give you a chance.

"Your highness, your table is ready", a waitress bows as Harry leads me to a table in the corner where the lights are dim and have candles on the table over viewing the  town.

"Wow Harry, are you sure you didn't bankrupt your parents?" I chuckle.

"Let me tell you a secret, your dad also help", he whispers.

"More like he paid for the whole thing and let you keep your money", I tease and he nods.

"I wish I knew my father that good as much as how you know yours", he sighs as he pulls the chair for me to sit. 

I pick up the menu and scan as Harry sits opposite me and picks up his menu.

"When are you going to publicly announce who is your mother?" He asks and I put down my menu.

"Well she wanted to announce it after the new year before spring since that is when the coronations for earth, water and fire nations' heir are going to be crown", I explain.

"Have you made up your mind which nation you want to rule over?" He looks at me with his gray eyes.

"I'm still thinking, but mom really want me to rule over the water nation since dad didn't chose me over his wife when I was conceive", I shrug.

"But what do you want?"

What do I want?

The right thing, Aiden was devastated when he learnt that he wasn't the heir although all these years he think it was and then some girl all of a sudden comes out of nowhere and take it form him

"I want the right thing", I reply and sip my champagne.


After the dinner we walk around town and check out the park whee some couples are talking a stroll too, I even autograph a little girl's flyer with my picture on it.

"Thanks for the lovely night", I say to Wyatt as we are next to the car. He has to go home and couldn't drop me back off at the castle.

"We should do it again soon", he kisses my cheek which turns red.

"Y- yes s- sure", I stutter and he laughs.

"You're cute when you blush princess", he taps my nose and blush even more,"night", he kisses my hand lightly then I get into the car and he shuts the door.

My driver drives me back to the castle, I couldn't wait for another date with Harry.

I close my eyes and smile thinking about him give me butterflies.


2 week later

"What do you mean I can't see him anymore?!" I shriek at my mom.

"Adrianna you are future queen and the rules state that your future husband must come from a noble family", she reasons.

"Do you love your husband?" I demand as I cross my arm.

"That is not the point Anna, this is about you and your future. What do you think the elders will say when they find out you're dating a commoner and worst yet doesn't have water element?"

"But your husband doesn't have water element", I snap, "even Nolan hasn't develop his own, heck we're not even sure if he will ever get it."

"That's enough!" Mom yells, "I married my husband because he was a dutch and came from a rich family, I did it to save my nation and make my father proud, what are you willing to do for your nation?"

"Mom I am not even crowned princess yet, why stress out about marriage and queen that's like ten or more years into the future?"  I sigh.

"The coronation is in three months and you must be escorted by someone from a noble family, you have three months to find a decent guy from this nation to escort you."

"No I like Harry and I'm going with him!" I snap and leave.

"Anna come back here!" Mom yells and I slam the door shut and run as the tears came.


Drama at the end, what do you think would happen now?

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