Our OCs

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I made this because the Forums page has way too many words due to the characters listed on it.... So I moved them here! XD

Owl's OCs
((Note: If someone called CheshireKitty0918 roleplays as my characters, that is still me))

Name: Erica Springs
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Creature: Human
Rank: Student
Appearance: Long red hair and emerald-green eyes; fair skin with a small splash of freckles across nose, and she's a little taller than average.
Clothing: Loose shirt of some sort with a tank top underneath it, skinny jeans, and tallish boots. Also wears a silver pendant with a swirl on it due to the fact that she can control the element of wind. Feather earrings.
Personality: Fierce and fiery, defiant, tries to be gentle and patient around those she cares about but normally fails to do so, quick-witted, clever, sarcastic, nimble, stubborn, swift, aura of leadership in spite of younger age, true fighter, teasing, playful.
Element: Wind
Crush/Dating: Open
Backstory: Received letter a year ago and mom brought her here; father died when she was young.
Other Details: Is good enough and climbing and channeling her power that it's almost like she's flying, even when she's out of falcon form (because
she can Shapeshift into a falcon).


Name: Stella
Age: 150 (but appears and acts+brain functions like a 15-year-old)
Gender: Female
Creature: Fairy
Rank: Student
Appearance: Golden hair, delicately pointed chin, pale blue eyes, light blue-and-green wings, slender, pretty.
Clothing: Creamy-colored dress made of lily petals (which of course changes to her size when she goes to human-size) and ballerina-styled shoes of the same material. Also wears a light green amulet with a flower on it.
Personality: Energetic, melodic, cheerful, charming (usually without realizing it), elegant, very occasionally shy, dramatic, smarter than she lets on.
Element: Earth
Crush/Dating: Open
Backstory: Grew up near the academy knowing she had this ability, and actually enrolled a few years ago.
Other Details: Just like all fairies, she can transform from miniature size to that of a human.


Name: Alwin Elphyra (Professor Elphyra)
Age: 320 (but looks and acts+brain functions like a 32-year-old)
Gender: Male
Creature: Elf
Rank: Teacher (Fire)
Appearance: Tall, long and pointed ears, ginger hair, sharp green eyes, tan skin.
Clothing: He wears a dark green cloak and pants as well as a shirt made of large leaves. Leather shoes.
Personality: Stern, brisk, determined, encouraging, friendly, welcoming.
Element: Fire
Crush/Dating/Kids: Open
Backstory: Has been teaching at Elemental Academy for several years.
Other Details: None yet


Name: Wisp
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Creature: Nymph
Rank: Student
Appearance: Tall, slender, pale, shiny and flowing and silky black hair, dark blue eyes.
Clothing: Slightly short dress made of dark blue rose petals, and also wears a dark blue lily in her hair all the time.
Personality: Breezy, casual, kind, cheerful, energetic, dreamy, giggly, playful, can be very random, sometimes just states the obvious (something that normally goes along with her randomness).
Element: Water
Crush/Dating: Open
Backstory: Used to live in the lagoon near Lia, but then she roomed with the rest of the academy.
Other Details: Currently none


Name: Connor Tamber
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Rank: Student
Creature: Human
Appearance: Short and very dark brown hair, dark skin, brown eyes.
Clothing: T-Shirt and hoodie, jeans, sneakers.
Personality: Friendly, casual, energetic, TBH....
Element: Shapeshifting
Crush/Dating: Open
Backstory: Very recently joined academy.
Other Details: None yet.


Name: Chloe Harrilenn
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Rank: Outsider
Creature: Neko (human-cat)
Appearance: Long blond hair, slightly pale skin, glowing green eyes, slim, average height, has several cat body parts (ears, tail, claws, etc.).
Clothing: Usually dresses in silver and colors similar to that, tall-ish boots (often gray), leggings, and normally wears similar shirts to Erica's.
Personality: Intelligent, sharp-tongued, usually quiet but isn't exactly shy, nimble, stealthy, teasing, playful, often rather casual, confident, sometimes appears cold in general.
Element: Water (but ONLY uses it as ice), and can also has the strange ability to Shapeshift into any feline (because of being a neko, a half-feline).
Crush/Dating: Open (my characters really need this stuff ;-;)
Backstory: Joined academy about a year ago.
Other Details: Loves reading.

(Also jadewolf340 )

Name: Lilith Emery

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Rank: Student

Appearance: Straight black hair, tall, pale, brown eyes, black dragon wings, black dragon tail

Clothing: Black sweatshirt with hood and pockets, camo cargo pants, army boots, gray t-shirt.

Personality: Loves to read and write, is very intelligent and creative, used to play piano and loves music and art. Is an introvert, but not extremely antisocial. Isn't comfortable around new people, but is perfectly normal around friends.

Element: Fire

Creature: A dragon hybrid

C/D/K: None

Backstory: Was raised by a dragon (who was also her father, don't ask lol) and came to the academy when she was 15.

Other: Can breathe fire, but only on rare occasions.


Name: Anima Aurelea (Professor Aurelea)

Age: 973 (But looks 28)

Gender: Female

Rank: Teacher

Appearance: Has a tiny bit of a tan, long, wind-blown white hair, and ice blue eyes. Has an aura of elegance and mysteriousness.

Clothing: A long, flowy white gown that seems to be constantly rippling with wind, a silver necklace in the shape of a spiral, and a silver anklet that is also spiral-shaped. Bare feet.

Personality: Mysterious, wise, quiet, not easily angered and is usually a peacemaker.

Element: Air

Creature: A wind nymph

C/D/K: None

Backstory: Formed out of the air, unknown why or how

Other: Represents gentle breezes, unlike some other wind nymphs who represent violent gusts.


Name: Casmir Lupere

Age: Unknown (but appears 16)

Gender: Male

Rank: Outsider

Appearance: Is tall, has color-changing eyes, black hair, and a black tattoo in the shape of a wolf's head in tribal design on his arm.

Clothing: Wears a faded light blue t-shirt and an old pair of dark brown cargo pants.

Personality: Focused, can sometimes get reckless, will sacrifice anything for friends, but doesn't know what's right or wrong because he has lost his memory, and could potentially be easily manipulated to the wrong side of the battle.

Element: Shapeshifting

Creature: Unknown, but appears human

C/D/K: None (as far as he knows)

Backstory: He had his memory wiped for whatever reason, and doesn't know who he is or where he's from.

Other: Had his memory wiped. For some reason hates crows or ravens or any other large black bird. Also, is not a student in attendance of the school.

RAVEN'S OCs (Also known as dragonfriend410 )

Name: Mei Ling

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: Medium fiery red hair tied in a pony tail, tan skin, sunset colored eyes. She has red fox ears and a tail.

Wardrobe: A red kung fu outfit with a golden flower embroidered into it. She also wears a strange necklace that looks like a pearl, but is called a star ball. She has pair of golden flats that have spiraling rods connected.

Personality: She, like most kitsunes , hates being locked up or kept under confines. She is also very independent and intelligent, and loves to run, climb trees, and write/read. She is very loyal to her friends, as well as brave, kind, and selfless. She will give her life to protect those she is close to.

Element: Fire/light

Creature: Kitsune

C/D/K: None

Backstory: Hidden

Other: Has two tails, and can occasionally enter the dreams of others.


Nickname: Lia

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Has long, flowing pale blue hair down to her waist, crystal blue eyes, and pale skin. Blue tattoos decorate both of her arms and her legs.

Wardrobe: A long, flowing dress down to her ankles made from pale blue rose petals. It is speckled with dew drops, and she wears a headband carved from silver wood with ice shards decorating its branches.

Personality: She is very calm and peaceful, and dislikes it when others begin to argue or fight. She usually stays out of such conflicts, but if it is a war between her friends and the enemy, she will help. She is very loyal to her friends, and would go so far as to give up her powers or life for them to be safe. She is also observant, stealthy, brave, and she can be humorous every now and then.

Element: Water/Ice/Snow

Creature: Nymph

Backstory: She doesn't remember anything from when she was 7 or younger.

Other: Lives in a giant rose on the banks of the lagoon.

~Azalea Dawnwind (Headmistress/master Dawnwind)~

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Creature: Nymph

Rank: Headmaster

Appearance: Medium lengthed golden hair, light green eyes, pale skin, 5'7.

Clothing: She wears a long dress made of sunset orange rose petals that seems to always flow and move with the wind. She wears a golden necklace shaped to look like a bird.

Personality: She is very calm, and tries to calm other people in a dark situation, tries to be their guiding light. She is very patient with others, as well as brave, loyal, and compassionate. She believes everyone deserves a second chance.

C/D/K: None

Backstory: She was taken from her home by a tornado and brought to the school, where she learned to use her powers.

Element: Air

Other: Can turn into a falcon.

~Lilia Sombrea~

Nickname: Lily

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Creature: Nymph

Rank: Student

Appearance: She has dyed her hair pale green and cut it in a pixie cut. She always wears a goldenish greenish lily in her hair, and has peridot colored eyes. Pale skin.

Clothing: She wears a pale green dress made of lily petals, a peridot necklace shaped like a lily, and light green leggings.

Personality: She is very mysterious at first sight. She is most active at night, and will often stick to the shadows. She is incredibly silent, and can move unseen for a rather long time. Once you gain her loyalty, she would lay down her life for you. She is also brave, intelligent, and observant.

C/D/K: None

Backstory: Hidden to all but her

Element: Earth/Nature

~Professor Thea~
Age: 23

Gender: Female

Rank: Water Teacher

Creature: Fairy

Appearance: She has long, silky silver hair that frames her sculptured face. Her eyes are a crystal blue, and her skin is rather pale. She has a willowy build, and can easily maneuver. She uses her size and speed to her advantage in battle. She also has a pair of wings the color of moonlight.

Clothing: She wears silver armor with a blue and gold chestplate, and silver fingerless gloves. She also wears blue and gold shoes, and carries a silverwood staff with her, as well as a vial of sacred healing water.

Personality: Thea is calm, and tends to go with the flow. Her personality is much like that of a river. She is kind to all creatures, except those that have hurt one of the students, her family, or her friends. She is also very patient with her students, and offers guidance to all who seek to learn.

C/D/K: None

Backstory: She doesn't talk about her history much, only saying that it was a tragic tale and not one that should be told again.

Element: Water


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