The System

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Before you get started let me just set up how this all works.
Like wizards you're not just able to do stuff on your own, but are chosen by their gem. (Just like how a wand chooses a wizard), However, you don't get your gem until after you're enrolled and started school, because the sorting ceremony will sort you into an elemental house.

So, to be clear, here's what happens:

1. You accept your letter and gather up the necessary supplies. You board the train on time and make it to the academy safely.
2. You are sorted into an element. This consists of water, fire, earth, and air.
3. You go into your element's sanctuary. Here is where your gem picks you. The sort of ability you posses (within your element of course) will depend on the gem that picks you. You're welcome to just hold on to your gem, wear it as jewelry or attach to however you like, but it must be in your possession to do your casting.
4. You are officially part of the school and will begin your classes the following morning.

That all happens your first year of school, so if you have an older student, just remember that it already happened.

There are different types of abilities you can gain within each element, but you'll only get to choose the general element (the four elements; Fire, water, earth and air) and specific elements will be randomized upon acceptance. All I do is generate a random number 1-6 and give your character the corresponding element.

- Basic Fire
- Lava
- Temperature
- Electricity
- Explosives (Beginning is fireworks)
- Gas (chemical & poison)

- Basic Water
- Ice
- Slime (Includes things like honey & syrup)
- Storm
- Bubbles (Advanced is force fields)
- Acid

- Basic Earth (dirt, ground, & stone)
- Metal
- Plants
- Dark (shadow & undead)
- Animal Communication
- Summon Familiar

- Basic Air
- Color (and invisibility)
- Galaxy (includes divination, shooting stars)
- Ghost
- Gravity
- Light (Soul & emotions)

That's all the basic stuff about elements and I'll get into some deeper explanation, but first just a few more notes. Make sure to follow all the basic rules of being kind, censoring cussing, playing your own characters etc.
I do have a very advanced class schedule posted, so you could easily plan out your characters week.
There's no teacher positions, just created teachers that anyone can play to move their story along. Just try to stick to the brief character description I gave for each.
Class sizes are not very big. Your character would have basic classes with everyone in their grade (and you can see which elements are paired for which classes on my class schedule), so I just want to make it clear that unless we're dealing with first years or transfer students, they would already know everyone in their grade level.
Lastly, just because you start with one specific thing, doesn't mean you can't learn others. The first few years at the school are about mastering your personal element, but then expanding to learn more in your general element or even dual-elementing into other areas. You are a master fire elementalist if you learn all 6 of the fire elements, but you're a grand master elementalist if you learn all 6 of all 4 elements. Becoming a grand master is rare, but many people will go on to mastering one or even two full elements.

Okay, advanced element descriptions.

Basics: Cause I shouldn't have to say much about these, I'll just list it all together. Basic element powers means creation and control of your designated element. Fire for fire, dirt and ground for earth, etc.

I'm sure lava and electricity are pretty self explanatory under the fire category. We're talking creation and control. Easy enough. Lava is a good gateway for dual-elementing into earth and electricity works well going into water because it ties into storm.

Temperature just means control of hot and cold. Allows for easy dual into air.

Explosives and gas are a little more complicated. Explosives are small sparks and blasts, useful for moving around, but hard to master because you tend to set things on fire with no control of the effect. Many explosive elementalists try to learn fire skills to gain a better handle on their element. Explosives don't lead well into dual-elementing, but gas, which includes poisons and chemical control (creation only comes at a very advanced understanding of them), can easily lead into either water or air.

Moving on to earth elements, basic earth can lead into air through learning the gravity element. Metal can lead into fire through learning the electricity element, and plants ties into basic water fairly easily. All of these include creation and control.

Both animal powers (communication and summon familiar) are hard to dual-element from, but the closest relation is air through the light element.
However, both dark (earth) and light (air) are tricky elements to master. These students tend to either fall behind or show great potential very early on. These two elements are opposite ends of the same spectrum, making the transfer from one to the other not all too hard. It's not unheard of for a dark student to learn light and just those two, without even looking at other earth skills. Dark is the ability to move shadows, for see death and even deliver a fatal blow. Light on the other hand, shifts light, can read into the soul and emotions and in rare special abilities, breath life into something dying.

Continuing into air, color is the ability to change somethings colors, turn invisible and create rainbows. This is easily transferred into water through bubbles, acid or even slime.
Galaxy is also an easy element to dual-wield out of. The solar aspect touches into basic fire, temperature, gas and storm easily, along with meteor touching on basic earth and metal properties.
As mentioned before gravity is close to basic earth. It's the ability to control pressure, create gravitational pull and on more advanced letters basically become telekinesis.
Ghost is the ability to phase through walls, heighten senses (most students discover different heighten senses), and easily connects to dark and light elements.

Lastly, we have water elements. Ice can lead into temperature and makes dual-wielding water and fire easy. Slime can lead into color and lava. Storm is a great lead into electricity and a small lead into gravity. It includes moving clouds, creating rain, thunder and lightning.
There's bubbles, which can create force fields and be used as transport. It can lead into basically any air element.
And finally, there's acid. Acid works well into explosives, gas, and color.
Water is the easiest element to dual-wield with, but earth and air tend to be seen as the base elements of life.

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