Chapter 26: End Ceremony

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"Good morning, Elementals! It has been yet another great year at the Academy, and though through all the problems and hardships we've faced, I can still say that it was amazing! Additionally, like we do every year, I would like to address the star Element of each Rank this year:

"For the Prisms: their outstanding work was greatly demonsrated in running the Academy and keeping it in check this year. I thank the Natures for this." Clapping and cheers from all around erupted.

"For the Emeralds: their performance in the Kitchen can be beaten by no other, thanks to the lovely work of their hands. I thank the Earths for this.

"For the Sapphires: their ability to decorate beats no other, giving the Academy a bright new hope. I thank the Ices for this.

"For the Rubies: their bravery and courage was demonstrated when they offered to assist the professors on the quest to find the corruption. I thank the Waters for this.

"For the Amethysts: the dreadful blizzard shrank our limits down, but we had a hardworking team melt the snow down and allow us to roam free again. I thank the Fires for this.

"For the Platinums: they have helped both Bronzes and Silvers in tough times willingly: I thank the Lights for this.

"For the Diamonds: they shone bright in their ability to use what they learned in the previous year to aid new Golds as they began their journey into the outside world. All Elementals have demonstrated this in the Diamond division. Thank you everyone.

"For the Golds: your bravery to journey to the outside will not be forgotten, as you have benefited us with new discoveries and more findings of our needs. Like the Diamonds, all Golds have demonstrated bravery. Many thanks to you.

"For the Silvers: a lot of Elementals were buddying up with Bronzes to guide them through the little things and help them with the big things. Thank you to the Darks for this.

"And of course, as great as the Academy is, even our new Bronzes demonstrate greatness. Though they have just entered the Academy, they have found ways to fight and stand proud for their excellency. Particularly, I would like to thank the Electrics for eliminating the problem of the corruption." After many rounds of clapping, everyone started to exit back to their Zones. I stayed around, unsure of what to do. Professor Elemental caught my eye and walked over to me. "ZappingThunder."

"Yes, Professor?"

"Your... event that happened during the fight with the Corruptions..."


"Do you know what happened to you?"

"Not at all, sir. It still confuses me now."

"This is perfect. Let me explain. You used your will and strength to share the power of the Electric Lord. He guided you through that fight, though you may have seemed to have gone a little crazy?"

"Yes, it was uncontrollable."

"Ah. That is the desire of the Electric Lord. He thirsts to burst out and go insane. If it ever happens again, stay calm. Let your mind take control."

"Okay. Thank you, Professor."

"Thank you, ZappingThunder."

⚡️ Electric Zone ⚡️

"Look at this!" Professor Electric exclaimed. "The Bronze trophy for this year! How delightful! Well done, Bronzes."

Magnet looked at me. "I think we both know why we got this trophy."

"Yeah," I sighed. "We sure do." I went to my bed and laid down.

It has been a wonderful year.

I can't wait for the next.

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