chapter 5

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Quicklight's pov

After they land in the middle of the woods

I figured out how to make food out of thin air! This hopefully will make it easier to 'get' food!

"Quicklight, what are you doing?" I heard quick ask while giving neon and I food 

"Eating" I replied, and neon gave me a weird look 

(A/n key

N= neon

K= Kara/quicklight


L= light 

F= fate

""= thinking)

F: you should tell her quicklight

K: "fine" *sigh* neon...

N: yeah?

K: you might not know this, but I have like two ghosts following me at all times and the goddess of fate helping me through all of this.... the two ghosts are the goddesses of heaven and hell or light and quick

N: .......okay then

K: whenever you're ready we should go, just in case the abomination finds us

N: k! give me a few more moments!

K: alright! also do you want to stop at our houses to get stuff we want and or need?

N: that's fine with me. should we tell our parents? I won't tell mine though, they're OBESSSED with catching abominations

K: same here so no, let's not do that

(a/n quicklight can grow in size and she normally does that when she's about to fly with someone on her back)

N: ready!

K: alright, *grows* hop on!

N: K!

after going to kara and neon's house to get somethings they want and need

(Note: quick, light, and fate are now visible to neon)

N: Wow it's so pretty up here!

L: I know!

Q: *eye role*

K: do y'all hear a helicopter?

everyone else: yeah...


K: neon, HOLD ON!

N: okAY- ACK!!!

quicklight started to go really fast and teleported away from the facility helicopter and then slowed down

N: how far are we from them? 

K:  in another au

N: ok cool....WAIT WHAT?!

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