Chapter 3

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Walking into a room that seem to be the office and quietly looking around, opening her mouth to call out yet a scream left her lips when a head popped out from behind a desk. It was like something out of a horror movie thus leaving Star to grip the front of her shirt in fear, "Oops sorry about that hehe, I was helping the office with some computer problems and didn't know anyone had come in." A young fiery red headed girl smiled standing up and quickly fixed her skirt while walking over. "Hi I am Kira Kaito!" She chripped holding her hand out to Star who blinked and slowly walking forward taking the hand in her own for a small hand shake, "I am Star Akira and I'm new here." Star spoke smiling upon pulling her hand back feeling strangely calm at the moment.

"Oh right! They may have said something about that when I was stuck under the desk." Kira mumbled tapping her chin then walking back to the desk she was at before, "This girl....its like nothing fazes her at all." Star thought watching her closely and jumped again when the main door of the office opened showing a blonde middle aged woman walk in. "Hmm who are you and what are you doing here?" She asked as her dark green eyes looked her up and down, it sent an unsettling feeling threw Star, "Oh Miss Yua! This is Star Akira and she is a new student!" Kira spoke up causing the woman named Yua to turn her head quickly and bore a small smile, it seemed unreal in Star's mind as the woman walked to the same desk that Kira was standing by. "Ahhh I see then she will need this won't she?" Yua asked, reaching into a folder pulling out a schedule with Star's name printed across the top, "Kira thank you for your help but I think we are good, now if you wouldn't mind helping Star to her classes today would be helpful." Miss Yua said taking a seat into a near by chair causing her black skirt to shuffle.

"Sure thing! Come on Star!" Kira called out, reaching down grabbing a book bag and jogging out of the office, Star blinked taking one look back at Miss Yua who gave a small wave and fixing the collar of her white button down shirt then jogged out her self. Unaware to both girls of the dark cold glare that quickly appeared once the door closed, "Now lets see....oh looks like we have a few classes together." Kira muttered her bright green eyes scanning the schedule while Star appeared next to her. "Well we can go over them in home room class once there." Kira spoke again, handing the paper to Star and quickly walking, "Holy crap this girl is quick." Star thought blinking and running after the young girl. After spending some time walking and up a few flights of stairs, the girls walked into a crowded classroom, following closely behind Kira as Star felt all eyes on her.

"Good morning Kira and who might you be?" An older male voice called out from the back of the classroom, "Oh good morning Mr. Daichi, sorry I am late but I was helping Star who is a new student to this school." Kira said not evening glancing at the black hair male teacher who gave a small yawn. His cool light blue eyes casted to Star who meekly smiled back, "Well have a seat near Kira and take time to get use to being at this school." He spoke in a deep voice and a small yawn. "Don't mind him, he is always a cool teacher but oddly complains about school starting too early." Kira muttered once Star had sat next to her, "I see." Star mumbled looking down at her schedule and allowing a sigh to slip threw her pink lips, so much happening and it felt like she knew nothing.

The rest of home room class went by with no problem aside from Kira telling Star how to get to her next class since they did not share it, staring at the paper as she walked not watching where she was walking and bumped into something hard. Landed on her butt groaning then holding her now sore nose, "Hey whats the big deal?" A voice sounded out and Star looked up blinking seeing a tall boy with some blonde spikey hair. "I am sorry, I should have been watching where I was goi-" Star started talking as she stood up and reaching for the paper that fallen near the boy's feet, "You know you're kinda cute." The boy said placing his foot on her paper and looking down at her having a smiley smile playing across his lips.

"Oh come on." Star thought grimacing at the thoughts that must be going threw his head, "I think we could be really good friends." He muttered placing a hand on Star's shoulder and earned a heated glare. "Ooohhh I like them feisty." He muttered coldly tightening his grip and quickly pushing Star into the near by lockers, Star growled at her self for letting her self becoming trapped between a wall and this punk standing in front of her. "Why don't you and I go somewhere.....more....quiet and we know..." He muttered in her ear making Star growl even more. Drawing her hand back and harshly smacking his face, "Why you bitch!" He said coldly roughly grabbing the front of her uniform causing her to lift off the ground. "Hey Saburo, put her down and calmly step away." A new male voice called out, drawing both eyes of Star and Saburo to the left, seeing Ryo standing there, "Ryo." Star spoke out feeling relieve to fill her body though that vanished when Saburo picked her up farther and toss her carelessly. Yelping feeling her self falling, once again waiting for pain to flood her body only to never to happen. A pair of strong arms held her close and gently onto her feet, "You okay?" Ryo asked looking down at her with his red eyes.

"Yeah....thanks again for the save." Star muttered smiling weakly feeling like a loser for once again being saved, wasn't she the one supposed to be helping and saving people? Or at least doing something right today? Feeling thoughts run threw head when Ryo looked back at Saburo then slowly moved Star to stand behind him, glancing up seeing Saburo now looked like some kind of evil monster. "Whats going on with him?" Ryo asked lowly while holding a protective arm in front of Star, "The darkness?" Star thought biting her lip since this was the first time she had seen the so-called evil darkness that her grandfather had spoken of.

"Quick lets get out of here!" Star screeched and started pushing Ryo forward hoping the plan in her head would work, at least enough to keep the other students of the school safe. Watching as Ryo started running thus leaving him to think that Star was following right behind him, "Good, now from the frying pan and into the fire." Star muttered grinning facing the black mist covered student who seemed to be taking on the form of some kind of demon, "Hey idiot! You wanted me right? Well come and get me!" She hollered, turning taking off down a different hallway. Feeling the ground shake meaning that whatever it was, had now taken her bait and was quickly gaining ground on her.

Rounding another corner of the hallways, letting a smile grace her lips upon seeing a pair of doors with the sun light bright outside. A loud pricing roar sounded from behind causing the ground to shake, sending Star's footing off, a groan left her lips when her body met the cold hard floor. "He he he coming to....get that pretty....little body of yours..." A deep dark voice loomed over her and Star tried to push her self up sadly something else had a different idea in mind, gasping as something wrapped its self around her throat and slowly squeezing.

"Damn it." She thought choking for air, clawing as best she could at whatever was around her throat and feeling a fear rising in her chest. Would this be the end of her already? She hadn't even found the first elemental hero and now she was going to lose her life! Biting her lip, feeling her vision growing fuzzy, unaware of the second shadow that was quickly closing in from behind both her and the evil darkness that held her life in its cold hearted hands.

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