Chapter 12: Breakfast time!

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Hi! I'm back and just realised that my writing has become a little bit better... Anyway, enough talk, as always,

Happy reading!


Dawn's POV

"Mmm... This is so good! You should really try it Dusk!" I suggested in between bites. 

" Um, I'll pass..." Dusk replied putting his hand in front of his face, signaling me that he isn't joking.

'" Suit yourself, but trust me, you're missing out on food heaven!" I said, taunting him with my food. 

You see, Dusk was always a introvert and doesn't really show his emotions or reactions too much, so it's hard to tell if your teasing, mocking or taunting even has an effect on him. However, if you're one of his family members, it's easy to tell when he's keeping his emotions and reactions away from you and when he's genuinely not interested in your words.

"Oh, come on, Dusk! I know you want to try it!" I teased.

" No, I do not want your gross concoction of food on your plate!" He scoffed, turning his head away from me.

" Oh yeah, well your face says otherwise." I countered. Dusk's face was red and his eyes were full of eagerness on trying all the food in the dining hall. However, unlike me, Dusk is a well-mannered boy and refuses to put more than three things on his plate. 

" Alright, fine! I'll have some... Just, don't tell anyone that I put more than  three things on my plate." He replied, his face full of defeat.

I smiled and took some of the foods off my plate that I thought Dusk would like. " I told you~" I teased. He simply rolled his eyes and proceeded to eat his food.

Josh's POV

After the girls finished their argument, we went to go get ready for the day. It was 7.45 and the girls still weren't done yet.

"Come on, hurry up! We've been waiting for half an hour! Get your butts down here right now!" Mike yelled. Soon, the girls came down and Sapph rolled her eyes at him.

" Okay, mom. You don't have to yell..." Sapph complained. As usual, Dan rolled his eyes and mumbled something under his breath. (BTW, if you want to know what he said, just comment down below and I'll message you)

"Alright, you guys done arguing, let's go!" Ryan said, but he said it so fast, most of us were confused.

" Wait, what?" Misty asked. Ryan sighed and opened the door. " I said, let's. Go." He then ran out the door. Everyone simply sweatdropped and walled out the door.

3rd person POV

It was 8 o'clock and Dawn and Dusk were still at the breakfast hall.

"Hey, um, Dawn?" Dusk asked, poking his sister on the shoulder. Dawn looked up from her food to look at him and tilted her head to the side.

" It's 8 now, and they just restocked the food..." Dusk said, immediately regretting his decision to tell her that. Although Dawn's eyes lit up from the thought of more food, she didn't have any other reaction.

Confused by his sister's behaviour, Dusk raised an eyebrow. " Listen, I don't want anymore food for breakfast okay? Now, snap out of your shock and let me finish my  food." Dawn explained, then continued to devour her food.

Meanwhile, our other group, (Josh, Dan, Ryan, Sapph, etc.) had just reached the breakfast hall. Ryan being Ryan, immediately ran to the buffet line to get his food. Of course, everyone else in the group just sweatdropped.

" While he's doing that, I'll find us a table." Dan volunteered. The rest nodded and went to get breakfast.

When they got back, and Dan had just left to get his food, they realised that Ryan hadn't come back yet.

" Um, where's Ryan?" Lyla asked. Nicole shrugged and looked around to try to spot him. Instead, she found someone else.

" Hey guys?" She asked. The group turned to look at her. " Is that Dawn and Dusk?" The girls looked at the direction that Nicole was looking in while the boys had a confused expression on their faces.

" Uh, who's Dusk?"  Mike asked. Lyla then proceeded to lit him on the head. " Do you remember Dawn? The girl you saved?" She asked. The guys Josh and Mike nodded. " Well, Dusk is her younger brother, we decided to bring him here too."

Josh and Mike both mouthed "O" s before proceeding to eat their food.

Not long afterwards, Josh came back with a mountain of food on his plate, similar to Dawn's. However, no one was surprised as it was just Josh being Josh.

" Hey Josh," Josh looked up from his food to look at the person speaking. "Dawn, as well as her brother Dusk, is sitting over there. Do you want to go say hi?" Nicole asked.

Upon hearing this, Josh almost spit out his food. " Woah, woah, woah. Dawn has BROTHER?"  He shouted. Ryan quickly covered Josh's mouth with his hand. She nodded. Then, Dan was back!(yay!)

" Way to get attention big mouth..." Dan said, sarcastically. Lyla suggested that they go and say hi to Dawn and Dusk once they finish eating breakfast.

Le time skip

" Alright! Let's go say hi!" With that, they headed towards Dawn and Dusk's table...
Quick A/N

I'm sorry if the plot doesn't make sense. I had writer's block for so long I can't even think anymore! Anyway, I won't be updating for the next six days because I have a really important exam on those days.The results literally decide what school I'm going to go to next. Anyway, here's your reaction segment!
Reaction segment!!!

Pickle: No cliffhanger today!

Everyone: Yay!

Boys: Yay! We're in this one too!!!

Everyone else: *sweatdrops*

Dusk: Hey boys!

Other boys: *turn to look at Dusk*

Dusk: You guys are stupid and dumb cause you didn't even know I existed! Ha!

Josh: Why you little- *chases Dusk*

Dusk: Not again! *runs*

Ryan: Actually, no. We know each other but the script says otherwise...

Pickle: Wait, how'd you get that?

Ryan: I stole it.

Pickle: *growls* Bye bye Ryan *kills him with author powers*

Others: *gasps* Oh no! Ryan's dead!

Pickle: Don't worry, he'll come back to life in the next chapter.

Dusk: Hello?! A little help here?!

Misty: Should we help him?

Dawn: Nah. Serves him right for being so rude...

Everyone else:*sweatdrops* um, yeah, sure...
P.S. Wish me luck! 😊😊😊🍀

Happy reading!


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