Chapter 5: Secrets

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Hello! It's Pickletoad here! And I'm back with another chapter, Yay! The concept of this chapter was generously contributed by my friend, Sirdiamond2418. Happy reading!


Dusk's POV

When I came back from the market at a nearby village, I decided to go to the backyard and check on Dawn.

When I got there, I saw Dawn doing random things.( Me: Use your imagination on what random things she did ) Then, she suddenly collapsed!

"Dawn! Wake up! WAKE UP!!!" I shook her a lot before she woke up and came to her senses.

" Huh? Dusk? What happened?" She asked.

" Well, I came back from the market and came here to check on you. When I got here, you were doing some really random things."

" Oh, right. That happened..." She replied. Dawn tried to get up, but she failed and ended up falling back down again. I was trying really hard to keep a straight face and not burst out laughing at her. My sister was never the careful type, a klutz is the nicest way I can put it.

" So, um... Dawn, what happened when I was gone?" I asked. Something big must've happen when I was gone for her to suddenly collapse.

" Oh, um, nothing new. Um... I was just trying to activate my powers again, I guess I just tired myself out. You know, the usual." She replied. Then she just awkwardly laughed and tried to get up again, but of course, she fell down again.

Shaking my head at my klutzy sister, I took her hand and helped her up.

" Next time, just ask. I don't need you falling down on your butt again. Hehe." I teased.

" You know, for a 6-year-old, you're pretty rude." She pouted, then walked away. Hmm, something's up, and I'm  gonna find our what it is...

Dawn's POV

Phew! That was close. If Dusk ever finds out about this, he'll be mad. Rude 6-year-old...

Alright! Time to practice again. I quickly meditated to clear my head of all of these thoughts in my head.

"Dawn! Dawnnn!" Ugh! I would recognize that voice anywhere.

" What is it Dusk?" I asked, irritated.

" One question. Why were you doing random things in the backyard? If you  were training, what was that?!" Oh no! He's suspicious, and he's got me stumped. Why must you be so smart?!

"Uh... um... I-I... Oh! Now would you look at the time! I gotta go! Bye!" I ran off at top speed, away from the house, away from Dusk and his smarts.

Do I know where I'm going? Of course not! Do I have a plan? Nope! Just gotta keep running. Who cares where I go? As long as I'm careful, I should be fine.

Suddenly, I had this weird feeling in my stomach. You know that feeling when you know that something's gonna go wrong? Yup, that's it!

I felt dizzy and my vision went all fuzzy. My legs were like jelly and I was feeling really funny.(Me: Hey! These rhyme!) My eyelids were getting heavy, then, I blacked out.

When I woke up, I found myself in a weird white room. Wait, this isn't where I blacked out, where am I?

Other??? POV

" Sir, we got her, the girl."

" Perfect! Start the tests when she wakes up." The guy nodded and left the room.  The first part of my plan will be executed soon... MWAHAHAHAHA...
Reaction segment!

Dawn: Again!

Dusk: Why do you hate us?

Pickle: Haha! Cliffhanger!

Dawn and Dusk: UGH! *groan*

Pickle: Hey! Writing cliffhangers is fun! Maybe you should try it some time.

Dusk: We can't, remember? We're just made up characters for your story you dummy!

Pickle: Hey! Without me, you wouldn't even exist!

Dawn: Wait, we're made up?!

Dusk: um, ye-no, nevermind.

Dawn: *pouts*

Pickle: Whatever.😒Have fun not knowing what would happen next!

Dusk: Why do you always end with a "??? POV"?

Pickle: (whispers)"Rude 6-year-old..." That's none of your business!

Dusk: What was that?*confused*

Pickle: Nothing!

Happy reading!


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