Chapter 9: Interrogation time!!!

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Hi! I'm back with a new chapter!  I'm sorry if the previous one sucked,I know my writing is horrible. Also, I added a Pokemon picture cause, Wynaut? Moving on, this chapter's plot was given to me by Sirdiamond2418, so please go send her my thanks and go read her books. Anyway, as always,

Happy reading!

Lyla's POV

We had finally found Dawn and are currently on a TPPA jet on the way to headquarters for interrogation. " Hey Dawn?" I asked

"Yeah?" She replied, sitting up.

"Do you know who we are?"

" Um, no." She said. Her face was calm, but her eyes tell me that she's suspicious of us. I wonder if I should tell her that we are part of TPPA. While I was deep in thought, Misty snapped her fingers in front of my face, as if she wanted me to stop spacing out.

" Hello! Earth to Lyla!" Sapph called.

" Huh? What, what's happening?" I asked, snapping back to reality.

" We're here." Nicole said calmly. I nodded and opened the door. Time for interrogation!!!

Dawn's POV

Once I realized that we had landed at TPPA, I looked at Dusk. I knew that he had hacked into TPPA a few months ago, so why didn't he tell me anything? We proceeded to walk to a room and they led me inside.

" Can I go in with my sister?" Dusk asked.

" Sorry Dusk, but only your sister and a few other agents of TPPA can go in." Misty answered.

Dusk then sulked in my arms as I put him down on the ground. The girls told me to close and lock the door once I was ready. After I did that, a voice from the speaker told me to take a seat while I wait for an agent to come in.

3rd person POV

Lance, the leader of TPPA went into the room and took a seat opposite Dawn.

" Alright, so I'm going to ask you some questions and you're going to answer them honestly and truthfully, alright?" Dawn nodded and the interrogation began.

She told him about how the people captured her, how they trapped her in a white room then strapped her to a chair and tortured her. She told him everything. Everything but the fact that she had elemental powers.

Flashback ( 3 months ago)

Dusk's POV

"Alright, listen Dusk. " Dawn began. "I know that you don't believe that I have powers but you need to promise to never tell anyone! Understood?"

I nodded and she walked away. Even if it isn't true, I will never, ever tell anyone.

End of flaskback

Back to 3rd person POV

"Alright, that pretty much sums it up. Thank you Dawn, you are dismissed." Lance said, then he walked out  a different door while Dawn walked out of the one she came in by.

" So? How'd it go?" Dusk asked worriedly.

" It went fine. Don't worry Dusk. " Dawn replied. 

" Then," Dusk started. " Did you tell them about your po-" He was cut off by Dawn covering his mouth with her hand.

" Um... Yes! I did tell them about my... Um... Problems. " Dawn said, smiling. The girls looked at her suspiciously.

" Okay..." Nicole said, raising an eyebrow. Sapph, who brushed it off, told them that since TPPA could not let then off the hook just yet, Dawn and Dusk had to stay overnight at TPPA for ever further interrogation the next day.

" And here are your rooms. " Lyla told them.

"  Um, Is it okay if I stay with Dawn?" Dusk asked, scared. Misty nodded and took them to another room where there were two beds instead of just one.

" Alright, we'll see you two in the morning. Good night!" Nicole said before the girls left them to go to their apartment a few blocks away.

Dusk's POV

After the TPPA agents left, I whipped out my laptop and told Dawn to come and take a look at it.

" Sis, listen." I began." These people have also been searching for the 'Girl with elemental powers' you need to be careful around them." She nodded her head and said, " Also, to answer your previous question, no, I didn't tell them about my powers." She smiled as I breathed a sigh of relief.

" Anyway, can you show what you got on your laptop?" She asked.

" Oh right. Anyway, I found out who the guy was!" Dawn looked at me, confused.

" You know, the one who you saw burn our house down and drop that weird book you picked up?" I confirmed. She then told me to continue.

" He was the same person who kidnapped you. And found out his name. " I smirked.

" W-Who is it?" Dawn asked eagerly.

" Oh now would you look at the time! We better get to bed! I'll tell you tomorrow." I said, closing my laptop.

" DUSK!!!!!" Dawn shouted, then tackled me on the floor. Tomorrow Dawn, you will find out tomorrow...
Quick A/N

Hi! So um, I know that this chapter isn't all that great, but I tried okay?! Although I have to say that my writing has gotten worse and more confusing than when I first started out. Anyway, here's the reaction segment!
Reaction segment!!!

Pickle: Boom! Cliffhanger!

Everyone but Pickle: Again?! Why do you hate us?!

Boy: And we aren't in this chapter again!

Dusk: Too bad! I got a POV twice in this chapter!

Josh: Why you little- *starts to chase Dusk*

Dusk: Uh oh, Bye! *runs*

Everyone else: *sweatdrops anime style*

Dan: *Rolls eyes* Ugh! Now I know how you felt in the last chapter Pickle. I've got a headache now!

Pickle: See?!

Lance: Hi! I'm here for the interrogation?

Everyone else: Wrong room!

Josh: Come back here you little rascal! *still chasing* And take back what you said!

Dusk: NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS!!! *still running*

Everyone else but Dan: *sweatdrops anime style again*

Happy reading!


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