Chapter 1: Flashbacks

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(H/n)= Your Hero Name

(Y/n)= Your Name

(H/c)= Hair Color

(E/c)= Eye Color

(H/l)= Hair Length

(L/n)= Last Name

(F/c)= Favorite Color

Hero costume in the picture above. It was made using, the design is mine but the website used to make it is not and I'm not claiming I own Dolldivine.


I ran around the Hall of Justice stressing out over every little thing. Books out of place, a spot of dust, dirty floors. All of my friends were coming, and even if this wasn't the real Justice League headquarters, they didn't know that and I wasn't going to ruin this for them. It was 'The Day'. they were talking about it for the past month. To be honest, I was getting slightly annoyed by it.

"I advise that you calm yourself (Y/n). You remember the last time your powers emerged because of your emotions do you not?" Red Tornado, or as I called him, RT, asked.

I smirked at the memory. Some kid who didn't understand general respect pulled my hair for no reason. The last I had heard of him, he was going to therapy. Being at the center of an earthquake can be traumatic.

"That kid had it coming!" I claimed, continuing to arrange the books on the shelf. Nothing seemed right. First it was color, then author, then title, now it was series. That had been my favorite out of the four.

"Red Tornado," Batman's voice came over the intercom, "We are arriving."

I cheered gleefully and ran outside, passing several reporters on the way. They continued asking pointless questions that I wasn't going to answer.

I bounded down the stairs using gusts of wind to help her keep my balance. Grace wasn't exactly a power of mine. The last thing I needed was another video of (H/n) falling down the stairs... that had been a very hard day for me.

When I reached the bottom, I used one last gust of wind to jump into Robin's arms, hugging him tightly. He stumbled back slightly, but regained his footing and hugged me back, obviously glad to see his closest friend.

"You changed your costume," he noticed. I pulled back from the hug, glaring at him, though he probably couldn't see because of the lenses in my mask.

"That's what happens when we don't see each other for three months," I noticed I had to look up to see Robin, "You've grown a few inches."

"Rob stop hogging (Y/n)," KF whined, "Give your honorary big brother a hug!"

I rolled my eyes, but hugged him all the same. I had established early on that if he tried to hit on me in any way, shape, or form, he would be at the center of a world breaking natural disaster, so he settled for the big brother role. He was honestly great at it, being the brother I never knew I wanted.

Everyone walked up the steps into the hall in one big group, starting a conversation as they entered.

"I'm a bit overwhelmed," KF breathed out, looking around at the statues of the heroes. It was a miracle he hadn't touched anything - and everything - yet.

"You're overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed, why isn't anyone ever just whelmed?" Robin questioned.

I laughed quietly. Because his first language wasn't English - that's what travelling in the circus does to you - he tended to make up his own words to replace the words English didn't already have.

"Robin, Speedy, Aqualad, Kid Flash," Martian Manhunter listed the four off, "Welcome. You now have full access to the gym, our fully stocked galley, and the library, so make yourselves at home."

Robin and KF literally jumped onto their chairs. Aqualad sat down calmly, as did I, though I had a bit more bounce. Speedy was the only sidekick still standing, crossing his arms with a sour look.

"Quick debrief to discuss the coincidence of four ice villains attacking in the same day," Batman stated, "We shouldn't be long."

"Recognized: Batman 0-2; Aquaman 0-6; Flash 0-4; Green Arrow, 0-8; Martian Manhunter 0-7; Red Tornado, 1-6." The computer announced.

"That's it?" Speedy asked angrily, "You promised us a real look inside not a glorified backstage pass."

"It's a first step," Aquaman pointed out, "You've been granted access very few get."

I lowered my gaze to the ground suddenly finding interest in my boots; he was right. Apparently one of them- besides me -knew it wasn't the real headquarters.

"Oh, really?" Speedy pointed to an observation window that tourists could look through, "It doesn't matter which side of the glass we're on."

"Roy, you just need to be patient," Green Arrow tried to reason.

"What I need is respect," Speedy turned to the others who were sitting down, "Can't you see, they're treating us like kids, worse sidekicks. We deserve better than this. Today was supposed to be the day, step one if becoming full-fledged members of the League."

"Uh, sure, but I thought step one was touring headquarters." KF pointed out. If only it was the real headquarters.

"But this is just a false front for tourists and a pit stop for catching zeta beam teleporter tubes to the real thing, an orbiting satellite called the watchtower. Isn't that right (Y/n)?" Everyone looked at me and I shifted awkwardly, not enjoying the attention.

There were my friends who were there for me through anything, and who deserved to know the truth. Then there were the leaguers. The people who rescued and raised me for the past 7 years of my life.

"Well, um, you see..." I trailed off looking at my hands. Speedy threw his hat to the ground and left. Apparently their partnership was held in that hat because Green Arrow looked shocked.

An alarm blared on the computer and Superman appeared on the screen,

"Superman to Justice League. There's been an explosion at Cadmus."

"Hey Uncle Super," I waved glad for the distraction.

I didn't exactly have a Mom or Dad from the League, or in general. I didn't want to be adopted by just one of them, so I became the charge of all of them.

"Zatara to League, the sorcerer Wotan is using the Amulet of Atlan to blot out the sun. Requesting full league response." Zatara said coming on.

"It's a small fire, Cadmus can wait," Superman assured.

Batman ended the transmission then turned to the four of us. He had a look in his eyes, well, his lenses were squinted, that said there was no way we were going with the league on their mission.

"Stay put," he ordered.


"You four aren't trained to be a part of this team. (Y/n), I want you to watch them." Flash ordered. Almost snorting, I stopped myself before I did. They trusted me a bit too much.

I nodded obediently and waved bye. I waited until they were gone then turned back to the guys.

"Okay, Robin hack into the system, it's the same as the Batcave. If anyone asks, you guys kidnapped me," I ordered. The guys looked at me in shock.

"What? I'm not Miss Goody-Goody," I shrugged.

"There's one flaw in your plan. You are more powerful than all of us. The elements are hard to beat." Aqualad pointed out.

"Water beats fire and you're Aqualad. Air isn't exactly the best offense. I don't see any water, or earth sources around so... you got me," I laughed. The others nodded. I had a point.


Our small team of sidekicks arrived at Cadmus after getting its coordinates and additional information from the system.

The local fire department was there putting out the fire with a water hose. I took the chance and used the water provided to lift myself up to the open second-story window where Robin and KF were waiting.

"Thanks for waiting," I hissed, punching Robin's arm.

"There's something in the-"

"Elevators should be shut down," KF stated.

"It's a two story building there shouldn't be an elevator in general," I stated the obvious. Aqualad walked over and forced the doors open. The team looked down cautiously, "Yeah, that's not two stories."

Robin shot a grappling hook around a pole just above the entrance to the elevator shaft. He wrapped his arm around my waist and held onto me tightly, jumping down into the abyss. I clung onto him, flushing.

While I was hesitant to admit it, even to myself, I had a crush on the Boy Wonder. Calling it a crush made me feel childish, but there was no other word for it. I thought it was something that would pass over soon enough, Robin was my only male friend her age after all. But this crush had lasted two years, so I didn't really know what to say about it anymore.

They continued down until they reached a door labeled SL26. That meant there were 26 levels to the building. Robin swung forwards and jumped off the rope, pulling me with him. His foot caught on the side of the partially opened door and he stumbled backwards, crashing to the floor with me on top of him due to his grip on me.

"I would advise, that you focus on the mission at hand," Aqualad stepped past the two as he entered the floor as well.

I jumped off of Robin, clearing my throat awkwardly as my cheeks heated up. KF jumped onto the floor last and looked at the three of us. It must have been a sight. Robin and I were beet red while Aqualad was smirking.

"What did I miss?" He asked.

I was coming up with a lie when I heard a loud stomping noise. I turned around and looked up to see creatures I could only compare to alien elephants crossing the hall.

"Nothing strange going on here at all," I stated sarcastically.

Robin and I ran down the hall to a large set of doors that led to presumably, a main lab. Robin hooked up his wrist computer to the system, easily hacking it and making the light on the door go from yellow to green.

As soon as we entered the room, everyone seemed to freeze. Lining the walls were rows upon rows of of strange animal like things. Waves of electricity rolled off of their bodies.

"I'm officially whelmed," Robin claimed.

"This is how they hid this massive underground facility from the world. These things must be what's powering it. They stayed off the grid," KF explained.

"They call them Genomorphs. Woah! Check out the stats on these things! Super strength, telepathy, razor claws. These things are living weapons," Robin looked over the data files he had hacked into.

"But who are these weapons made for?" I asked, not getting an answer, "The league obviously doesn't know about this."

"Don't move!" Someone yelled, "Wait, Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, (Y/n)?"

"Uncle Guardian!" I ran up to the hero, giving him a quick hug, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm chief of security. And you're trespassing. But we can call the Justice League and figure this all out," the G-Nome on his shoulder began to glow. I stepped back, worried, "Take 'em down! No Mercy!"

The G-Nomes ran for the group and I threw fire at them. The stupid things didn't even flinch. I ran after Robin as he unlocked the elevator. We stumbled inside and stood there catching our breaths. When the doors opened, we ran out and looked over the two paths we had. Neither one looked better than the other. A man came out of hallway one and threw things at us.

"Hallway two!" I announced pushing the guys in front of me.

We continued to dodge whatever the mystery man threw at us. As we entered the hallway, I threw my hand down, causing all the rocks behind us to fall and block the hallway.

We ran into the Project Kr room and Aqualad forced the door shut. I looked around the dark room, I could see faint outlines of equipment.

"Uh, guys, you need to see this." KF turned a light on. It shone on a glass containment unit. I stumbled back into Robin. I turned to look at him and he gave me a knowing look.

My breathing grew rapidly faster. Flashbacks were coming at me like slaps to the face. My throat tightened. I couldn't breathe. My vision blurred. I heard muffled voices. I blinked rapidly trying to clear my vision. Robin grabbed my hand trying to calm me down, it didn't work very well.

"Big K little r, the atomic symbol for Krypton." KF said, I sunk to my knees and tried to calm down.

"(H/n), are you okay?" Aqualad asked. I didn't answer, I just continued to hyperventilate.

I refused to pass out though. If I did, then I knew I would dream about that place. Despite my effort, it seemed I wasn't going to get her way.

I pounded against the glass of my containment chamber trying to get out. Weeks, months, years, time didn't matter here. It never did, because it was always the same. Hour of sleep, a cup of water - I didn't know or care if they drugged it- small amounts of food, then torture.

I most likely looked like a ghost. The torture caused pain, so much pain. I refused to cry.

"Remember, you are (Y/n) (L/n), a very special girl. No matter what they say, what they do, you need to fight through it." my mother's words circled throughout my head. They were the only things I remembered about my parents, but I was going to do what my mom said.

"Prepare the electroshock. Level 10." The Brain ordered.

I stopped pounding on the glass and lifted my chin up. It started out as a little shock, then became an unbearable pain. Waves of the electricity surrounded me. A small whimper left my throat as I tried not to scream.

The pain eventually subsided, and I sunk to the floor of her cell shaking.

"(H/n), (H/n)... (Y/n)!" Robin yelled, trying to bring me back to reality.

"I can't go back there! I won't, I won't," I sobbed gripping onto his uniform. I needed to know he was real, he wasn't a figment of my imagination. I needed to know I wasn't alone.

"What's happening?" KF asked panicking. He was like a big brother but he didn't know so much about me, not my past, and not my real name. Not yet, at least.

"It's a panic attack." Aqualad realized.

"Look at me, look at me. You're safe. You will never go back there as long as I can help it." Robin assured hugging me tightly. I hugged him back, slowly calming down. my breathing became even. Robin stopped hugging me, standing up, helping me up with him.

"Robin, hack." Aqualad ordered. Robin nodded and got right to it. KF speeded over to hug her. I giggled and pat him on the shoulder.

"What happened to you?" He whispered.

"I don't really want to talk about it. Only the League and Robin know what happened to her, and I'd like to keep it that way," I said quietly, "Maybe someday KF."

"This is a clone of Superman." Robin gasped. I looked up at the person in the tube. He looked like Superman when he was in his early teens.

"So he's Superman's... son."

The chamber opened.

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