Chapter 19: This is Halloween

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I walked into the cave straightening out my skirt. I sent Robin a picture of my devil costume. I was originally going to be a pirate, but a devil seemed to fit better now. It was too bad that Robin and Aqualad had something to do tonight. Same with Red Arrow. Megan and Superboy invited us to their school's Halloween dance.

I had healed a lot since the whole 'choose between life and death' situation. It hadn't really left my mind. I saw my mom again, but I couldn't ask her anything, and I couldn't let go of her and dad like she asked, I just couldn't, not yet.

"Recognized: Artemis BO8, Zatanna AO3."

Both of them walked in then quickly exited together. I rolled my eyes.

"You guys ready to go?" Megan asked.

"Almost." I smiled and turned my eyes black.

Maybe I was getting too good at the whole 'bringing out the demon' thing. B.E.M leaned against the cave wall nodding at my costume in approval.

"Is that really a good idea? I can think of two reasons as to why you shouldn't do that," Conner stated.

"One, what will people think about black eyes? Two is it wise to let that... half of you out like this?" Wally finished.

"They worry too much." B.E.M groaned.

"I'll tell people it's contacts. You need to stop worrying so much. Now, let's go." I walked through the zeta tube. Allowing the familiar tingling feeling to overcome me before I arrived at the destination.

We arrived at the gym and I rolled my eyes when I saw several superhero costumes. None of me, which kind of made me very thankful. I didn't want anyone to ruin my own costume for me.

"You look amazing!" A group of people crowded around us.

"Wally, (Y/n), this is Wendy, Karen, Mal, and..."

"Ignore Marvin," Wendy laughed, "He thinks we're being invaded by Martians."

"I never said that. It's just reports are all over the interwebs, and I'm not the only one getting them."

Everyone's phones started to go off. A few gasps were heard throughout the room.

"Martians aren't evil," I chuckled, "look a Unc- Martian Manhunter."

"I love your costume! And the eyes!" Karen grabbed my shoulders shaking me slightly, "How did you do it and where did you get it?"

"I had the dress specially made, and the eyes are contacts."

"But they look so real."

"So (Y/n), I haven't seen you around. What school do you go to?" Wendy asked.

"Gotham Academy, I know Megan and Conner, because our parents know each other. I moved away last year, but my parents are here on a business trip so I came with them." I lied. I was getting really good at lying, like scary good.

Robin's P.O.V

"Do we still believe there is a mole?" Batman asked. I felt a buzzing in my pocket and sneakily pulled out my phone. (Y/n) had sent me a picture of her in her costume, and she looked beautiful, I wished I was there with her.

"I believe there is not. When Sportsmaster claimed he had an inside source he was merely sowing dissent." Aqualad commented.

"His intel could have easily come from comparing notes with the other villains under the 'Injustice League'." I added putting my phone away, "And think about it, if someone on the team was working with those creepoids-"

"He or she would have betrayed us during our fight against them." Aqualad finished.

"I'm not convinced. Sure you two, (H/n), and Kid Flash are above suspicion. But Artemis can't shoot straight. She's not Green Arrow's niece." Red Arrow frowned.

"Well yeah, in fact she's related to-" I was cut off by Batman.

"Enough. Artemis's relationship indeed makes her suspect, but she is still entitled to a secret identity. I'm more concerned about Superboy. We still know very little about what Cadmus programmed into him. He could be the mole and not know it."

"What about Miss.Martian? Manhunter has hundreds of nieces and nephews. The first time he met M'gann was five months ago, when she stowed away on his last trip from Mars to Earth." Red Arrow suggested.

"While I do not wish to say it (Y/n) can now be considered," Red Tornado claimed, "With her being half demon."

"She's half demon?" Red Arrow wondered.

"Maybe if you talked to her more you would know that." I snapped. I didn't like how close he and (Y/n) were. He was one of the first ones to see her after she was stabbed by the Joker. That was a few weeks ago so I suppose they hadn't talked since then. She was weak and hyped up on morphine then.

"I'll invite her to lunch and we can catch up." He shot back.

"Enough. You have been keeping an eye on (Y/n) correct?" Batman asked.

Both Aqualad and I nodded, we had been watching her closer lately, secretly of course.

"Her attitude is more rebellious." Aqualad reported.

"Her clothes have changed too," I added, "Darker colors, more skirts and crop tops."

"We can only hope that she will make the right choice."

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

The lights and music stopped. Then the emergency light activated, covering everything with an eerie red glow.

"Attention, homeland security advises everyone to stay inside the gym. This is not meant as confirmation of any alien invasion." The speaker announced.

"We should call the cave" Megan suggested.

"Wait" Conner looked around the gym and shook his head.


I bent up a mist and hid behind a tree watching the scene before me unfold. Megan shapeshifted into a 'martian' and 'killed' Conner and Wally. Once Marvin ran inside screaming Megan shifted back.

"Now that's a Halloween." B.E.M said appearing, dust as always coming together to form her.

"I know right." I laughed quietly not wanting the others to know I was talking to her. That was until Conner looked at me with a knowingly look. My eyes widened. I forgot he had super hearing! He would hear me talking to her. I could only hope he wouldn't say anything to the others about it.

We walked back into the gym after Marvin. He was freaking out about 'Martians invading' while admitting the prank in the process.

Definitely a good Halloween.


I Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! As always thank you for all the support on this story and everything else that I do! See you next time! Byyee!


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